bin laden denies sept 11 attack
bh | 12.11.2001 01:17
apparently resonding to the interpretation placed on his remarks by a uk paper and perhaps postings all over indy, bin laden gives an interview denying personal responsibility

The following story was posted on the chicago indy site
by by MSNBC - TEHELKA 9:14am Sun Nov 11 '01
Hamid Mir told NBC News that bin Laden specifically denied
personal responsibility for the attacks, which are believed to have
killed more than 4,000 people at the World Trade Center and the
by MSNBC - TEHELKA - etc. 8:41am Sun Nov 11 '01
Hamid Mir told NBC News that bin Laden specifically denied personal responsibility
for the attacks, which are believed to have killed more than 4,000 people at the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


Bin Laden says he has nuclear arms
By Alex Johnson and Jonathan Dube - MSNBC - Nov. 10 (...)
In the interview with Dawn and Ausaf, a full transcript of which was read by, bin Laden said the Sept. 11 attacks were justified.
“America and its allies are massacring us in Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir and
Iraq,” he said. “The Muslims have the right to attack America in reprisal. The
Islamic Sharia [holy law] says Muslims should not live in the land of the infidel for
long. The September 11 attacks were not targeted at women and children. The real
targets were America’s icons of military and economic power.”
But Mir told NBC News that bin Laden specifically denied personal responsibility for
the attacks, which are believed to have killed more than 4,000 people at the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Bin Laden, who has issued at least one fatwah, or religious edict, proclaiming that
Muslims are obligated to kill all Americans, appeared to pull back slightly from that
position in the newspapers.
The transcript shows bin Laden exclaiming “Yes!” when asked if it “could be said
that you are against the American government, not the American people?”
“We are only defending ourselves. This is defensive jihad,” bin Laden said. “... This
is a simple formula that even an American child can understand. This is the formula
of live and let live.”
According to the transcript, Mir did not ask bin Laden about the apparent
adjustment in his proclamation.

Interview with Hamid Mir -
Osama bin Laden: "This is Defensive Jihad"
Some from the interview:
Question: Some people say that war is no solution to any issue. Do you think that
some political formula could be found to stop the present war?
Osama bin Laden: You should put this question to those who have started this war.
We are only defending ourselves.
INTERVIEW - Hamid Mir Speaks to Osama bin Laden:

last month when bin laden supposedly confessed what he actually said was
"those muslims' and 'God' did it
all he has to do is approve of what 'those muslims' did and this place gets spammed
now assuming that 'bin laden did it' that does not justify blowing up buildings and bombing civilians you know
to prove that blowing up buildings and bombing civilians is wrong
remember when timothy mc veigh used a 'daisy cutter' ammonia nitrate bomb
that was wrong, right
Anybody heard of 'world court' or 'evidence' or 'trial by jury'
here are some previous postings on bin laden statements
While there is much spin doctoring going on in the press that 'Bin Laden confessed' Reuters gives a more unbiased interpretation of
the speech. Bin Laden appears to think that Palestinians did it, but then he doesn't know anymore than anyone else apparently. He
says that 'those muslims' and 'God' did it. (See the link below for his previous interview on the subject).

Reuters report on Bin Laden speech - "DUBAI (Reuters) - The world's most
wanted man, Osama bin Laden, issued a
dramatic videotaped statement on Sunday
praising the September 11
suicide-hijackers and said America would
not live in peace until Palestinians could do
the same.
Bin Laden, calling President Bush the "head
of the infidels," expressed support for the attack on targets in
New York and Washington that killed about 6,000 people.
"America has been filled with horror from north to south and
east to west, and thanks be to God what America is tasting
now is only a copy of what we have tasted," bin Laden said in
his first verified statement since the attacks.
"Our Islamic nation has been tasting the same for more 80
years," he said in a statement transmitted just two hours
after the United States and Britain began bombing

Pakistani newspaper prints interview with bin Laden - "The Al-Qa'idah group had nothing to do with the 11 September attacks on
USA, according to Usamah Bin-Ladin in an interview with the Pakistani paper
Ummat. Usamah Bin-Ladin went on to suggest that Jews or US secret services
were behind the attacks, and to express gratitude and support for Pakistan,
urging Pakistan's people to jihad against the West. The following is the
text of an interview conducted by a "special correspondent", published
Pakistani newspaper Ummat on 28 September, place and date of interview not
given. The first paragraph is Ummat's introduction." In regards to his statement on the 7th of October which reporters are calling 'a
confession' what I heard him say is that 'those muslims' and 'God' did it...
His statement to Qatar's al-Jazeera television, filmed against
a rocky background with an assault rifle at his side, did not
claim responsibility for the September 11 attacks.
He has previously issued statements through associates
denying he was behind them. "