Thousands demonstrate against WTO - trade union demos
TU | 09.11.2001 18:10
Thousands demonstrate across the world - list of scheduled protests below including those reports that have come in - from (check the site out!)

Bangladesh Bangladesh Mukto Sramik Federation (BMSF) - Dhaka Meeting & demonstration on 09.11.2001.
Friday, November 09, 2001 - Sunday, November 11, 2001
On 10 & 11 November, 2001 demonstrations will be organised in Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet.
Barbados Barbados Workers Union - Solidarity Rally on the theme "Making Globalisation work for all Peoples"
various speakers from academia and the ngo community, as well as performing artists, will join the B.W.U. Solidarity Rally in the Sir Hugh Springer Auditorium. Information flyers will be distributed at the rally and demands will be voiced.
Brazil Forca Sindical - Conference: "La globalización y sus impactos en la sociedad" (Globalisation and its impact on society)
In Sao Paulo with national and international speakers discussing the harmful effects of economic integration and the policies of the IFIs. URL for more info...
Burkina Faso ITF-Bureau Afrique Francophone - Public press Conference
Many Trade Unions in Burkina Faso have banded together to hold a public press conference to mark the Global Unions Day of Action on the WTO.
What happened... "A l`occasion de la journee mondiale d`action de Global Unions, les responsables de syndicats suivants ont donne une conference de presse au Centre d`Education Ouvriere de Ouaga de 10h00 a 11h00. Dans la declaration liminaire, ils ont explique que les syndicats se battent pour une mondialisation qui profite a tous. Dans les questions reponses, ils ont demontre avec des exemples locaux que la mondialisation n`est pas un phenomene lointain, mais quelque chose que les differents travailleurs et les populations Burkinabe vivent quotidiennement. Ils ont donne rendez vous aux militants et a la presse pour l`analyse des resultats de la conference de Doha (Qatar) et la suite de la campagne en unite d`action avec les autres centrales et au moins 200 militants de base qui ont assiste a la conference." Nazi KABORE Ougadougou
Cameroon Mariners and Seafarers Association of Cameroon (AMGMC) - Distributing flyers and public education activity
Workers will distribute flyers in workplaces and to the public, there is a specific education activity targetted at workers, administrators and port authority officials, and a public semniar will be held on industrial relations, with the theme of "Mutual Respect"
Colombia Escuela Nacinal Sindical - Panel debate: "Can a just globalisation be achieved?"
In Medellin at the Camara de Comercio de Medellin
Colombia CUT Colombia - Workplace actions
flyers vocing Global Unions demands have been posted in workplaces, and meetings are planned for 9 November, where workers will voice their demands
Congo, Democratic Rep. of Confédération Démocratique du Travail CDT - Conference on globalisation
In Kinshasa. For trade union delegates
Czech Republic CMKOS - Mass media campaign to inform how trade unions perceive the current process of globalisation, the role of the WTO and other international institutions in this process. URL for more info...
Denmark LO Denmark - Launch of publication on the impact of Globalisation
Launch will be accompanied by media awareness-raising (eg. newspaper advertisements) URL for more info...
Dominican Republic CNTD - Press conference and demonstration
Press conference to be followed by workers' demonstration. Flyers will be distributed during the demonstration.
Ecuador CEOSL - Press conference, march, and leafletting
Holding a press conference. Have distibuted flyers across the city, and will march from the union headquarters, past government ministries, to the United Nations building.
European Union Party of European Socialists - Statement of support for Day of Action issued by Party of European Socialists (PES).
The PES brings together the 19 Socialist, Social Democratic and Labour Parties of the European Union (EU) URL for more info...
Finland Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö (SAK) - Various activities
Events include a press conference on the issue of the WTO; a 3-day seminar on "Globalisation and Development" at Kiljava Trade Union College, and a seminar on "Workers and the Global Labor Market" organised by the trade unions and Attac; articles will be placed in local media. URL for more info...
France Force Ouvrière - Meeting and awareness-raising activities
Meeting with all national federations on the WTO issue; awareness-raising campaign with posters on union boards in workplaces and in local union branches
France CGT, CFDT, CGC, CFTC, UNSA - Awareness-raising day in workplaces
Germany Citi-Critic e.V. - Verein zur Förderung von Demokratie in Arbeitswelt - Collective Bargaining Action Day
In Duisburg a call will be made for: 'Ending violations of fundamental rights at work and contributing to real social and economic development', supported by leaflets and overheads 'for world-wide social standards through collective agreements!'. People in Duisburg will be leafletted.
Hong Kong HKCTU - "Coalition on Anti-Globalization of Poverty": Making globalization work for people
Friday, November 09, 2001 - Sunday, November 11, 2001
Leafletting in the workplace on November 9, followed by open march and petition to the Central government Office. The main demands will be on job security and workers rights. URL for more info...
India HMS, INTUC, AITUC, BMS, CITU, AICCTU, UTUC, UTUC(LS), TUCC - Calls for" massive demonstrations, rallies, public meetings, petitions focusing on the Day of Action demands"
A broad coalition of Indian trade union centres are launching a unanimous appeal that the Day of Action demands be raised by "holding demonstration rallies, dharna etc so that the largest mobilisation of workers is achieved on this day"
What happened... "Over 20,000 workers from various industries under the banner of Hind Mazdoor Sabha marched through the city of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India raising slogans against indiscriminate globalisation and demanding a fair share to labour. Later the rally culminated into a public meeting which was addressed by Umraomal Purohit, General Secretary, HMS. Purohit explained the need and relevance of the Action Day which he said was being observed simultaneously by workers all over the world to focus on the ill effects of globalisation and policies unleashed by the organisations like the World Bank, IMF and WTO. He also highlighted the role of the ITSs which had joined hands with the ICFTU in forming the Gobal Unions group and organising this protest day. Others who spoke on the occasion included Shiv Gopal Mishra, President, HMS, Uttar Pradesh and leaders of other prominent trade unions. Elsewhere, thousands of workers belonging to HMS Unions participated in rallies and demonstrations organised under the banner of the central trade unions in all the capital cities, ports and industrial centres. In the national capital New Delhi, a massive workers rally was organised near the Parliament. It was addresed J.P Chaubey, General Secretary, All India Railwaymen's Federation, Harbahjan Singh, General Secretary, Delhi State HMS and other prominent national trade union leaders." ITF India
Iran - Workers' assemblies and information meetings
Organised under the auspices of the Workers' House of Iran
Italy Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL) - "Glocal" Conference
In Naples. Conference on globalisation focusing on the linkages between local action and global issues. URL for more info...
Japan JTUC-RENGO - Tokyo street campaign
Venue: Shinjuku station in Tokyo Participants from RENGO’s affiliateswil organize a street campaign in front of the Shinjuku station to protest against poverty, oppression of human rights, inequality, child labor, terrorism, discrimination etc which have been caused by the rapid pace of globalization and to enlighten society to work toward the establishment of society where people can live with a sense of security, safety and stability. URL for more info...
Malaysia Malaysian Trade Union Congress - Awareness-raising campaign
10,000 pamplets will be circulated at workplaces on November 9. A number of our affiliates will have a 20 to 30 minutes briefing at workplaces to highlight our concerns about globalisation. URL for more info...
Mauritius Mauritius Labour Congress - Forum on the Negative Effects of Globalisation on Workers
Mass meeting at the Centre Marie Reine de la Paix - to be followed by a Protest March in the streets of Port-Louis. It is also proposed to organise joint Press Conferences on this event
Mexico CMT- Mexico - Press activities and Workers' Demonstration
A press conference and press release will be accompanied by a demonstaration, the location and route of which is to be confirmed.
Mexico Solidaity Center/AFL-CIO - Working Women's Conference Against Violence Against Women in Ciudad Juarez
Friday, November 09, 2001 - Sunday, November 11, 2001
The conference will be focused on women working in EPZs and the violence they experience in the workplace and in their communities.
Mongolia CONFEDERATION OF MONGOLIAN TRADE UNIONS - "Making Globalisation work for people" - nation-wide awareness-raising activities and conference
4.00 p.m in CMTU cultural palace. About 300 people are expected to come to this gathering. CMTU has sent a letter to the prime Minister of Mongolia, Ministries of Trade and Industry, Foreign affairs and Social welfare and Health urging among others to support ICFTU statement for the 4th WTO Ministerial meeting. CMTU has prepared a special issue of its central newsletter ''Labour'' for the Day of action that will be distributed to the participants of the above mentioned gathering. CMTU is conducting awareness-raising on the Trade unions' campaign through news coverage and national &local TV and radio throughout these days. Most of our affiliated industrial unions are organising their own specific activities which are linked up to their ITS's activities. Some unions have reported to us that they will hold short briefings for the workers on the day of Action at workplaces on the 9th of November.
What happened... Mongolian Enlightenment Federation of Trade unions have conducted 6 training workshops which included a session on Globalisation, WTO and Trade unions in series since the 25th of September. About 200 people have been involved in these training so far. It will be continued. Federation of Mongolian Public Employees' Unions is demanding and advocating the lawmakers to make a law on Management and Finance of Public sector be fully in compliance with ILS of which draft is under consideration. Mongolian Railway workers' Union will hold a radio broadcasting meeting for the Day for their members throughout the country at 1 p.m on the 9th of November.
New Zealand Wellington LAC - Global Unions Day of Action Rally
12 noon. Midland Park, Wellington. Speakers include Ross Wilson. URL for more info...
What happened... The ITF Affiliated Seafarers Union and the Rail and Maritime Transport Workers Union joined other Unions, Community Groups and Activists protesting at the excesses of the globalisation model as promoted by the WTO and IMF. There was strong support at the Nov. 9 rally in Midland Park, Wellington, New Zealand for the call of Council of Trade Unions President, Ross Wilson for Fairer Trade to help workers achieve their goals. He highlighted the need for rules and laws to allow unionisation and bargaining and the proper conduct of employers under International Labour Standards. He also condemned slave labour and child labour regimes still supported by a number of countries. His call on behalf of all workers was to make globalisation work for all people. In Christchurch Unions, Activists and Community Groups met in a shopping Mall and marched to the local premises of four multinational companies; Starbucks, Nike, Telecom and Westpac Trust Bank. Outside each a speaker explained the exploitive practises of each. This action preceded the opening of the World Trade Organisation in Doha, Qatar. NZCTU Secretary Paul Goulter was in Doha to join other unionists to challenge the failure of WTO policies to deliver to workers. Policies of the WTO must include workers issues and decisions should be made in consultation with workers. The Union movement is determined to stop destructive globalisation where comparative advantage is sought and gained through the violation of fundamental workers’ rights." News from Eddie Dickson, RMTU Industrial
New Zealand ASTE - Organising and campaigning workshop on GATS and education
Open to all education union members and others interested in defending our public education system. 2pm
Trades Hall supper room 147 Great North Road, Auckland. (Trade union bar is open afterwards for a Working Women’s Resource Centre fundraiser) URL for more info...
Nigeria NLC - Protests, rallies and industrial action related to WTO
Norway Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees - Demonstration
In Oslo, arranged by a coalition of more than 30 organisations, including trade unions, the environmental movement, development organisations, peasants' association, ATTAC Norway, political parties, youth organisations and others. Speakers will be the Vice President of the Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees, the President of ATTAC Norway and the previous President of Friends of the Earth, Norway, currently MP for the Socialist Left Party. URL for more info...
Panama Convergencia Sindical - Panama - PublicDemonstration and press activities
Workers are holding a Demonstration in front of the Trade Ministry, with the participation of students and the rural sector. There will also be a press conference and a press release
Qatar ICFTU - International trade union and NGOs demonstrate in Qatar
Just before WTO conference begins, in front of conference centre. URL for more info...
What happened... An unexpected but peaceful demonstration led by unions and NGOs took place at the entrance to the Conference Centre where the opening ceremony of the 4th Ministerial WTO Conference was set to start at 17.30 local time (14.30 GMT). For half an hour, demonstrators stood carrying signs which read "NO Voice in the WTO", attracting attention from both media and delegates. Many of the demonstrators had taped up their mouths as a symbolic protest at working peoples' absence from the negotiating rooms of the WTO. Led by NGO leaders and ICFTU General Secretary Bill Jordan, the demonstration attracted over 100 participants. Due to the heavy security precautions in place, it could not be announced in advance. At a given signal, protesters took out placards reading "NO voice in the WTO". The Qatari authorities looked on in amazement, but did not react. "We want to give a clear message here in Qatar, just as thousands are doing around the world as part of the Global Unions Day of Action, that globalisation needs to work for people, and that the WTO must become more open and democratic", said Bill Jordan.
Russian Federation VKT - Conference on Globalisation
Moscow URL for more info...
What happened... "The ICFTU affiliates All-Russian Confederation of Labour (VKT) and All-Russian Confederation of Labour together with ATTAK-Russia and Institute of Country's Problems have organised a Conference 'Globalisation and Antiglobalism'. Representatives of the federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia took part in it. Vadim Borisov, Director of ICFTU Moscow Office, took part in the Conference as a key-speaker to inform participants about ICFTU position on globalisation and WTO." ICFTU Moscow Office
Singapore National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Singapore - Media and education activities
Global Unions demands will be voiced in the media, trade union meetings will be held on the theme "a new globalisation that does not undermine the values, working and living conditions of workers", and globalisation issues will be integrated into workers' education programmes.
South Africa Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) - Protests
Protests in KwaZulu/Natal, Mpumalanga and Witwatersrand on the theme of privatisation, government austerity measures, jobs and the WTO. URL for more info...
Spain CC.OO. - Conference
In Sagunto -Valencia, where the Day of Action will be highlighted in a conference related to an travelling exposition on Globalization and Trade Union Rights, prepared by the Fundación Paz y Solidaridad. URL for more info...
Spain Euskal Sindikatua (ELA) - Public gathering: "Globalise justice, not exploitation"
500 representatives of ELA will converge on the "plaza circular" of Bilbao at 11h30. Addresses by top union officials and representatives from "Hemen eta munduan", a local organisation of social activists. Union members and the general public will be leafletted.
Spain CC.OO. & UGT - Launch of Barcelona Social Forum URL for more info...
Spain CCOO Pais Valenciano - Public meetings on Globalisation
Trade union leaders from the Valencia region will hold two public meetings on globalisation, in Requena at 12:00 and in Novelda at 17:00.
Switzerland ILO Workers' Group - ILO Workers' Group adopts Day of Action resolution
The resolution will be sent to Mr Mike Moore, the President of the Ministerial Conference in Doha, Mr Juan Somavia, Director-General of the ILO, and Kofin Annan, the Secretary General of the UN. URL for more info...
What happened... "The Workers' group of the Governing Body of the UN's International Labour Organization (ILO) says in a statement adopted today (November 9) in Geneva that "the Doha Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation can enhance sustainable and equitable economic and social development, social dialogue and decent work, by ensuring that the WTO plays its full part in promoting, for all workers in all countries, their fundamental rights". The Declaration refers to ILO Conventions on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, on freedom from discrimination in occupation and employment, on freedom from all forms of forced labour and on freedom from child labour. In its Declaration, which was sent to WTO Director General Mike Moore, the ILO Workers' group stresses that labour is not a commodity and that the Doha meeting should instruct the WTO to engage in constructive dialogue with the ILO to give meaning to the commitments of the 1996 Singapore WTO Ministerial regarding core labour standards. The ILO Workers' group also expressed support for the proposals made by the international trade union movement at the current conference in Doha. The international trade union movement is holding a global day of action to coincide with the opening of the Doha meeting. The ILO Governing Body which is presently meeting in Geneva will discuss, next week, a proposal by the ILO Director-General, Juan Somavia, to set up a world commission of eminent personalities which would provide a forum for all the institutions concerned to discuss the social dimensions of globalization. The Governing Body is the ILO executive body. It is composed of 56 titular members (28 Governments, 14 Employers and 14 Workers). It meets three times a year, in March, June and November." Luc Demaret (ACTRAV)
Tunisia UGTT - Hundreds of Teach-ins and special issue of journal
Workplace teach-ins (briefings and discussions) in over 500 workplaces in the country on globalisation / special Day of Action issue of trade union journal "Echaab" released URL for more info...
Turkey TÜRK-IS, HAK-IS, DISK and KESK - Labour Platform meeting
In addition to the 4 ICFTU affiliates, eleven other organisations will participate: civil servants confederations, associations of architects, engineers, doctors, retired and elderly.
What happened... "The KESK and DISK marchers came to Ankara to join meeting organized by 4 ICFTU affiliates, TURK-IS, HAK-IS, DISK, KESK. The meeting in Ankara was in Sihhiye Square, 100 metres from the main (Kizilay) square. Traffic stopped for more than 4 hours. 5000 policeman were on duty. More than 20,000 workers and civil servants joined this meeting. The leaders made speeches, criticising government policies in the line of IMF orders. They demanded to lift up IMF policies that only increases unemployment and poverty, and to implement socio-economic policies which will improve living and working quality of working people and the poor. In the speeches, information about WTO and Global Action Day was given. The demonstrators opposed all policies against labor rights, demanded stop to war and called for general strike. The leaders confirmed that if the government does not listen these demands, it will mean an invitation to a general strike in the coming days." DISK Turkey
USA Jobs with Justice - North Texas Chapter - North Texans protest the World Trade Organization
at Dealey Plaza at 4:30 PM on the International Day of Action, November 9. For more information contact the North Texas Chapter of Jobs with Justice, (214) 942-4236 URL for more info...
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