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Manchester WTO action

? | 09.11.2001 11:27

Manchester activists get up early to fight the WTO and evil corporate lawyers firm

In Manchester a small group of people dragged ourselves out of bed to disrupt the nasty scummy lawyers firm Addleshaw Booth and Co.
They are heavily invovled in PFI and privatisation of Hackkney education and were not prepared for us paying them a visit as their offices opened.
Only two of us bothered with the smart officy look, the rest being the scruffy distraction at reception.
As it turned out even the scruffy ones amongst us just walked straight past the unobservant receptionist right into their offices on the 8th floor. We rearranged their filing a bit, explaining to staff that were there because of their company's invovlement in PFI and all things scummy. After about 10 minutes we left when they called in extra security and started trying to push some of us around as we didnt really have the numbers to stay there all morning.



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PFI activism - Jarvis PLC next then???

14.11.2001 00:47

Nice one Addleshaw gremlins

How about Jarvis PLC (as in Purchasing Local Communities)? Fingers well and truly in the public purse, "including PFI, Public-Private Partnerships and other forms of alliance contracts." e.g.

Schools in Liverpool, Kirklees & Wirral, not to mention health services like Ninewells Medi-Park near Dundee, several County councils, road projects, rail.....>>>

Watch out for them lobbying in your area .....

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