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anyone hear about a B52 supposedly crashed in Pakistan

Luther blissett | 08.11.2001 18:02

I found an article on the repubblica's ( italian newspaper)
site, it says that Kabul is talking about a B52 that was shot down and crashed in pakistan. It also says that 15 american spies were caputured and that 26 marines were killed
nr Kandahar, their bodies were supposedly handed over to Pakistan. I can't find anything in english, not even a mention,which is hardly surprising I suppose. Anyone heard anything ???? The yankees are denying everything, it shows how the censors are working , the full article is in Italian.

Kabul parla anche di un B-52 abbattuto e di 15 spie
catturate. Ma il Pentagono ha sempre smentito tutto

Taliban, guerra di numeri "Uccisi 26 soldati Usa"
I corpi dei "marine" caduti a Kandahar sarebbero stati consegnati al Pakistan

ISLAMABAD - Prosegue il balletto delle cifre sui presunti
successi militari dei Taliban. L'ultima contabilità parlerebbe
di 26 militari delle forze speciali Usa uccisi a Kandahar, 15 spie
statunitensi catturate e un aereo B-52 tirato giù dalla contraerea.
Notizie di questo tenore, nei giorni precedenti, sono state
puntualmente smentite dal Pentagono.

La notizia del trasferimento nella base pakistana di
Jacobabad, nel Balucistan, dei corpi dei 26 militari delle forze
speciali statunitensi (che tre giorni fa avrebbero condotto
l'assalto a un centro dei terroristi di al Qaeda nel sud
dell'Afghanistan), è apparsa oggi sulla stampa pakistana. Unità
speciali americane avrebbero attaccato lunedì notte uno dei
nascondigli della rete terroristica dove si sospettava si trovasse
Osama Bin Laden, stando a ufficiali pakistani, citati dal quotidiano
"Frontier Post". Ma la squadra Usa avrebbe incontrato il fuoco dei
Taliban e avrebbe subito forti perdite.

Sul versante prigionieri, invece, l'agenzia di stampa 'Aip', vicina al
regime di Kabul, ha annunciato oggi che quattro persone - tra cui un
colonnello dell'esercito - sono state giudicate colpevoli di spionaggio
in favore degli Stati Uniti, e che altre undici sono attualmente detenute
con la stessa accusa. La punizione sarà decisa da una riunione di
ulema (saggi), ma la decisione finale sarà presa "dalle più alte
autorità" afgane, ha spiegato il portavoce, aggiungendo che i Taliban
"sorvegliano strettamente le spie americane e questi traditori non la
faranno franca".

Infine un bombardiere americano B-52 si sarebbe schiantato al suolo
in Pakistan al ritorno da una missione in Afghanistan, sostiene il
corrispondente a Kabul dell'emittente tv qatariota Al Jazeera, citando
fonti dei Taleban. Elicotteri americani, secondo le stesse fonti, si sono
già recati sul posto dove l'aereo si è schiantato, per recuperare vittime
ed eventuali sopravvissuti, mentre forze pakistane hanno "sigillato" la
zona, negandone l'accesso ai giornalisti.

(8 novembre 2001)

Luther blissett
- Homepage:


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Pakistan newspaper has details in english ed.

08.11.2001 19:37

Someone mailed me about this same topic.....the link is to an article in todays Frontier Post, an english language newspaper of Pakistan.

I guess they probably carry quite a different picture from the western papers.

26 more body bags in Jacobabad
Casualties suffered in storming of bin Laden hideout

Naveed Miraj

ISLAMABAD: Twenty six more bodies of United Special Forces members have reached Jacobabad air base for onward transportation to the United States, The Frontier Post learnt on Wednesday.

These commandos were killed in an operation involving storming of a suspected hideout of alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, well placed sources said.

Their bodies were flown to Jacobabad Tuesday evening after US Special Forces were able to airlift them out of Afghanistan.

The sources said that US Special Forces unit raided a suspected bin Laden hideout near Kandahar Monday night.

The unit met some resistance from the guards, but were successful in going inside the hideout and undertaking intelligence tasks.

However, they did not find bin Laden or anyone of his close associates there.

But the real trouble arrived when the Special Forces were being picked up by US helicopters.

The unit and the helicopters cam under intense fire from Taliban forces, and received started receiving casualties.

A US bomber, claimed to be B-52 by the Taliban, is believed to be covering the helicopters at the time of the skirmish.

Taliban hit low-flying bomber, and it crashed near Dalbandin.

The Frontier Post has learnt from other sources that 45 US commandos were killed in this operation.

The number of causalities on Taliban side could not be confirmed, but it is certain that death toll on their side was also high.

The general impression is that no commando operations have been launched since October 20, but Pakistani sources confirm that several such operations have been undertaken by the US forces.

Observers say the Pentagon has kept mum about these operations to avoid questions about causalities.

another reader
- Homepage:

Don't you mean 45

08.11.2001 20:08

According to Italian newspaper L'Unita' the deaths are 45 . 25 refers to the body bags in Pakistan.


no, it says 26

08.11.2001 20:54

No "La Repubblica" definately says 26 dead (uccisi) and the 26 bodies were consigned to Pakistan.
Anyway I have read one or two articles about this fire fight
the U.S generals say didn't take place they claim that their guys were injured parachuting into afghan territory and that the weather is to blame, absolutely not the taliban .

Taliban, guerra di numeri "Uccisi 26 soldati Usa" I corpi dei "marine" caduti a Kandahar sarebbero stati consegnati al Pakistan

ISLAMABAD - Prosegue il balletto delle cifre sui presunti
successi militari dei Taliban. L'ultima contabilità parlerebbe di 26 militari delle forze speciali Usa uccisi a Kandahar,
La notizia del trasferimento nella base pakistana di Jacobabad, nel Balucistan, dei corpi dei 26 militari delle forze speciali statunitensi (che tre giorni fa avrebbero condotto l'assalto a un centro dei terroristi di al Qaeda nel sud dell'Afghanistan),


45 Amerikan Soldiers killed.

08.11.2001 21:25
Check it if you don't believe it.



08.11.2001 23:53

Numbers of homecoming body bags like anything else in this nightmare is subject to news suppression. The problem facing us is how to out this whole scenario. How to alert people to what is happening and why. The blowback theory surfaced in a letter to the Guardian today. Not much further to expose these NWO bastards for what they are.

dwight heet

Who cares about the Americans?

09.11.2001 16:32

Who cares how many American soldiers have died? The important thing is, how how civilians have been killed, maimed and lost their homes as a result of this war? How many will die of starvation? The ignorant Americans and fascist British don't care about this aspect of the war.

Daniel Brett
mail e-mail:

I do

09.11.2001 17:45

I'm aware this may offend Dan's bloodthirsty sensibilities, but I don't like seeing people killed even if they're soldiers. Bear in mind that US (and UK) armed forces, though voluntary, do draw most of their front line troops from their own poorest, most marginalised communities.



09.11.2001 17:59

On second thoughts I apologise for calling Dan bloodthirsty, that's not fair. Otherwise the point stands.
