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Flower Power During Wartime: Prince Charles Gets an anti-war slap in Latviahe

Maxim Kraynev | 08.11.2001 17:45

Russian TV channel NTV has just reported that a brave woman named Alina has slapped Prince Charles in the face with a bouqet of flowers on the streets of Riga, Latvia, protesting against Latvia joining NATO and the UK bombing Afghanistan.

Flower Power During Wartime: Prince Charles Gets an anti-war slap in Latviahe
Flower Power During Wartime: Prince Charles Gets an anti-war slap in Latviahe

A young red-headed woman is reported to have made her way to the front rows of Latvians greeting Prince Charles of Wales on the streets of Riga and slapped him in the face with a bouqet of flowers. Charles is visiting Latvia marking the 10th anniversary of restoration of diplomatic relations between Latvia and the UK.

The woman was arrested by the police. She gave her first name Alina and said that her [symbolic, but still pretty direct] action was a protest against Britain participating in bombings of Afghanistan and Latvia joining NATO. She is reported to have told that she is "opposed to Latvia joining NATO, opposed to the war in Afghanistan, Britain is the enemy of my country".

Russian-language reports and photo shots of the accident can be found at:

Maxim Kraynev


Hide the following 9 comments

A slap in the face

08.11.2001 18:49

This girl is clearly a terrorist, an evil-doer who won't support the democratic war effort, could this flower have been laced with anthrax spores? Here's hoping!

Here's Hoping

This post has been hidden please see editorial guidelines

08.11.2001 20:45

This post was hidden because it contained language which promotes sexism.


No comparison

08.11.2001 22:21

The Brits drop daisycutters on innocents and that's tolerated, a girl hits the Prince with a daisy and it's described as "an attack."


Flower Power During Wartime

08.11.2001 23:42

The girl has been described as insane. Prince Charles may have been an unfortunate target, but the thought was there.. She deserves a medal. We must look out for her.

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09.11.2001 14:24

Tragically this cool lass now faces up to 15 years in prison, and is just getting over a night of Latvian police interrogation.
For a price like that, it's a shame she didn't shoot the fucker.


remarking on "titchmarsh's" remark

09.11.2001 14:49

yes indeed; likewise, israel goes on the rampage in palestine and its an 'incursion'. a few landless blacks take over a farm in zimbabwe and its an 'invasion'

bill bore

more thoughts

09.11.2001 14:56

the mystery is: just why such a harsh sentence ? perhaps its an echo of the authoritarian indeed quisling recent history of these states. or perhaps its they are so keen to prove themselves regalists that they impose the sort of punishment they think henry VIII would have carried out, and perhaps they think he still runs the place...

bill bore (really!)

Sexism my arse you cunt!

09.11.2001 19:29

How can you call it sexism when I slag off Prince Charles the prick he is, this version of Indymedia sucks big time go screw you shit editor!!!!!!!!1


what a charmer

14.11.2001 15:39

So far 'Anti-Nwo' has graced us with comments consisting mostly of vicious homophobia and gross sexism. Anyone else smell a troll?
