Germ Warfare
Dr. Kildare | 06.11.2001 11:04
As result of an unprecedented international WHO campaign of 'seek and contain' by vaccination, the last natural case of smallpox was diagnosed in 1977. Despite intensive searching, no other cases have been detected in 17 years. In 1994, smallpox virus remains only in laboratory deepfreezers in Moscow and Atlanta, USA, awaiting a politico-scientific decision for final extinction. It's genetic sequence information is stored in computer memory banks.
Anyone asked to define `conscientious objector' would undoubtedly describe someone refusing military service on religious or moral grounds. However the term entered English Law in 1898 to describe those who risked fines and imprisonment for refusing vaccination for their children. The surviving stocks of the smallpox virus, scheduled for destruction, have been preserved, (for bio-terror.)
London doctors want to exhume the corpses in lead-lined caskets, from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic which killed at least 20,000,000 wordwide. They want to examine the genetic make-up of the virus! But they have admitted this act of 'grave-robbing' itself, could unleash it...
But some things never change, during the ‘Black Death’ in the 14thC., the only newspaper reporter at the time observed; “I did not see this plague take away any in a position of authority or command.” The Lord Mayor protected himself in an elaborate glass cage. The poor were most blighted with whole families wiped out. In London alone a total of 70,000 died, in a matter of months, with husbands taking their wives and children to the grave.
The trouble with a ‘flea of a rat’s back’ theory is, that the rat has to die first for the plague carrying parasitic flea to look for a human host, and there weren’t 50,000,000 dead rats in Europe, although there soon could be...But look on the bright side, the Great Fire of London destroyed the City and eradicated the germs.
Now in the 21st Century we find the spectre of germ warfare haunting us again. If smallpox makes a comeback, it can only have come from two sources, Russia or America. It will be used to create panic and make vaccination compulsory and refusal, a crime. A meningitis outbreak in a small Welsh village created a scare and parents were advised to vaccinate their families. There was an alleged shortage of the vaccine, (they always say this) so mothers protested with placards, demanding it!
Very soon after there was a Nationwide meningitis vaccination programme and every child of school age (except mine) received it. So they went from having insufficient supplies to immunise a small village, to having enough to do the whole population. Many children suffered adverse side-effects from the jabs. All vaccines weaken the immune system and cause M.B.D, (minimum brain damage) A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) autism, epilepsy, migraine, allergies, M.E. and in later life, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s etc., it is also implicated in juvenile delinquency.
Of course the real danger of immunisation is that rather than being used to eliminate disease, it could be used (again) to introduce a more deadly strain of AIDS or surreptitiously microchip the citizens of the World, to become robotic mind-control slaves.
Anyone asked to define `conscientious objector' would undoubtedly describe someone refusing military service on religious or moral grounds. However the term entered English Law in 1898 to describe those who risked fines and imprisonment for refusing vaccination for their children. The surviving stocks of the smallpox virus, scheduled for destruction, have been preserved, (for bio-terror.)
London doctors want to exhume the corpses in lead-lined caskets, from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic which killed at least 20,000,000 wordwide. They want to examine the genetic make-up of the virus! But they have admitted this act of 'grave-robbing' itself, could unleash it...
But some things never change, during the ‘Black Death’ in the 14thC., the only newspaper reporter at the time observed; “I did not see this plague take away any in a position of authority or command.” The Lord Mayor protected himself in an elaborate glass cage. The poor were most blighted with whole families wiped out. In London alone a total of 70,000 died, in a matter of months, with husbands taking their wives and children to the grave.
The trouble with a ‘flea of a rat’s back’ theory is, that the rat has to die first for the plague carrying parasitic flea to look for a human host, and there weren’t 50,000,000 dead rats in Europe, although there soon could be...But look on the bright side, the Great Fire of London destroyed the City and eradicated the germs.
Now in the 21st Century we find the spectre of germ warfare haunting us again. If smallpox makes a comeback, it can only have come from two sources, Russia or America. It will be used to create panic and make vaccination compulsory and refusal, a crime. A meningitis outbreak in a small Welsh village created a scare and parents were advised to vaccinate their families. There was an alleged shortage of the vaccine, (they always say this) so mothers protested with placards, demanding it!
Very soon after there was a Nationwide meningitis vaccination programme and every child of school age (except mine) received it. So they went from having insufficient supplies to immunise a small village, to having enough to do the whole population. Many children suffered adverse side-effects from the jabs. All vaccines weaken the immune system and cause M.B.D, (minimum brain damage) A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) autism, epilepsy, migraine, allergies, M.E. and in later life, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s etc., it is also implicated in juvenile delinquency.
Of course the real danger of immunisation is that rather than being used to eliminate disease, it could be used (again) to introduce a more deadly strain of AIDS or surreptitiously microchip the citizens of the World, to become robotic mind-control slaves.
Dr. Kildare
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Which way forward?
06.11.2001 11:26
A germ warfare attack can happen to any country at any time. There is only one proven solution:
Dear Dr K
06.11.2001 12:39
5 an 10 years, neither have been vaccinated against anything,
missus is more against it than me. But recent revelations about mercury and dodgy monkey livers ect, have made me realise that she is probably right.
Still it's a dubiuos issue, my kids have never had antiboitix and are very healthy. If you have any good links or other info I''d be very interested. It stated in your article that no one of high office died from Plague, as far as I know
no one higher of higher rank the Captains of the aurcraft used in the 9.11 attack was killed. I did read of a retired army colonel, perhaps as he had retired he was not informed ?
Daddy Cool
06.11.2001 13:43
Dr. Spock
mass vaccination on the agenda
06.11.2001 22:48
It is important to get the fact that this is an almighty rushed and malicious agenda across to the public mind. How?
dwight heet