Call for an autonomous anti-capitalist bloc at Stop the War demo
Top Cat | 03.11.2001 13:33
A proposal has emerged from a "No war but the class war" open meeting to form an autonomous anti-capitalist bloc at the next anti war demonstration in London on November 18. Spread the word, come to the next planning meeting on Thursday 8 November, 6.30pm at the White Swan pub at Highbury Corner, London N1.
March against the Massacres
Stop the War demonstration Sunday, 18 November 2001
Meet at 12 pm sharp at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park; Tube: Marble Arch
With the civilian death toll mounting in Afghanistan we are now at a point when we have to step up opposition and take the anti-war message to the streets.
Why anti-Capitalist?
Since 18 June 1999, we have witnessed the growth of
an international movement directed against the capitalist system - the cause of war, famine and environmental destruction. We are calling for an anti-capitalist bloc to enable a broad alliance of non-hierarchical groups and individuals to participate in a mass action in solidarity
with the victims.
The aim of the action will emerge from its organisational form. The drumming will act as a focus for mobilising, but responsibility for decision making rests with the whole bloc via the direct democracy of a public assembly.
War lays bare the horrors of capitalism, so the campaign for peace is identical with the campaign to end capitalist oppression.
Bring your mates, your costumes, flags, banners, props and refreshments.
Contact us:
Stop the War demonstration Sunday, 18 November 2001
Meet at 12 pm sharp at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park; Tube: Marble Arch
With the civilian death toll mounting in Afghanistan we are now at a point when we have to step up opposition and take the anti-war message to the streets.
Why anti-Capitalist?
Since 18 June 1999, we have witnessed the growth of
an international movement directed against the capitalist system - the cause of war, famine and environmental destruction. We are calling for an anti-capitalist bloc to enable a broad alliance of non-hierarchical groups and individuals to participate in a mass action in solidarity
with the victims.
The aim of the action will emerge from its organisational form. The drumming will act as a focus for mobilising, but responsibility for decision making rests with the whole bloc via the direct democracy of a public assembly.
War lays bare the horrors of capitalism, so the campaign for peace is identical with the campaign to end capitalist oppression.
Bring your mates, your costumes, flags, banners, props and refreshments.
Contact us:
Top Cat
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which class is on the war path ?
03.11.2001 14:39
it's bloody dangerous to go out in an area you don't know,
as any group of demonstraters/anarchists that walks into the wrong pub at the wrong time.
Most of the people behind theprotest movement are radical chic types from middle class back grounds who also mix in ab it with the alternative working class types, those who are not rampant football hooligans or same pub for life merchants. As soon as any kind of group or movement gets going the middle class opportunists are going to 'elect' themselves and run it. So the class war will be a minute %
of the working class against the rest. Who shall we wipe out first the SWP or the NF, judging by popular opinion 'we' hate the SWP more than we hate the NF... and the romans..
before we can have a class war we need to get the workers on our side.. I guess it's a big problem, hope you can get it sorted soon, anyway it's not my intention to criticise
just a bit perplexed about taking on everyone ..
still there are two of us ... let's get stuck in !!!
odd job
a language that dont appeal
03.11.2001 23:55
Let's start pushing the real buttons of peoples'rightful loss of faith in their leaders' actions, and keep tapping the basic goodwill and hope for the future that our criminal political, economic and industrial masters seek to rapidly destroy through their traumatic events.
There's only 2 classes - those that seek to baffle and rule, and those who are baffled and exploited.
dwight heet
nowt queer as a folk,sustainable folk that is
04.11.2001 14:41
If it’s a fight for the right to live in a sustainable life style with out fucking up the planet
that’s 4 me. I would like to cut myself off from the whole corporate system, starting with the Electric , gas and water, I won’t be producing any refuse so i won’t pay rates, or communtiy charge or what ever. I would like to live in a village or rural area that does not use or allow the use of plastix. when I was a kid every town had it’s own brick works, brewery and local industries, different area’s specialised in certain harvests. We used to go along the sides of the roads and pick up glass bottles and then cash them in for 3d, four or five bottles was the busfare into town and a bag of chips, we’d bunk it home on the evening bus which was so packed the conductor couldn’t get down to check the fares.
Everyone had a few chooks in the back yard and people still made jam and ate seasonal food, a lot of it from their own gardens and allotments.
Then came supermarkets and dutch tomatoes and food in the UK is now total shite ..
If we are talking about a war for the right to have chemical free towns, no (fossil fueled) cars and no pollution, with alternative energy, Lelystad in Holland and other demo projects have proved that it can work. I guess the wind generators are not exactly pretty, but then neither are the miles of pylons that buzz up and down the country.
There are also big incentives for people who produce renewable energies the price in Italy is four times the going rate, the people who make most out of it are the Eco Mafia as burning refuse also counts as renewables. (euro directive also applies inUK)
Obviously these ideas are better suited to rural communities, but they could work if whole housing estates could be convinced to get involved, and of course if public funds were made available. the same funds that should be made available for an integrated transport system that , basically free.
So if we are talking about something on the same lines of the Levellers or diggers, the sustainable society , based on permaculture and without chemicals and intensive and all the other bullshit I’m down with it. Once these projects got started and people could see the benefits of living in a non stressed out environment were people got back to learning skills and handy crafts, with everything based on a small community with small local producers no lorries and no corporate masters,
to me that is what anarchism is all about doing your thing building your own house garden and everything and surviving off the land.
It’s amazing how working on the land relieves stress and you sleep well cos your too shagged to do anything else ..
anyway must fly .. olive picking time ...
Luther Blissett
04.11.2001 14:46
Imagine 10,000 people occupying whitehall in a sit down protest...
...making their views known in one heck of a spectacular action that stuns commentators, empowers participants, and inspires supporters.
A dream? Maybe.
But something like it could happen.
What would be the risks? Well such an action could easily and very quickly turn into a fight with the police with loads of arrests. At the last big peace protest the police had approx over 60 van loads of riot police down whitehall. It was obvious they would resist any move by the crowd to move down whitehall - so pretty much one could say whitehall would be off limits, though that's not to say people couldn't sit down when they get as far as they can - the sight of thousands of people sit-down blockading the trafalger square end of whitehall would still be inspiring.
From my point of view I'd happily take part in such a mass civil disobediance sit down protest, but would'nt be up for fighting police at a PEACE demo. I imagine a lot of people would feel the same.
at last
10.11.2001 23:33