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Which way now??

Fairfiled Ledger | 03.11.2001 10:32

A quantum leap

Fairfield Ledger,
Guest Column
"Vedic Science is the answer"
By Einer Olsen

The Sept. 11 tragedy is more than unfortunate, and our hearts go out to those most affected by it, but we will not honor them with violence. Violence is not honorable. Retaliation with force is most unwise and
unfortunate, for the following three reasons:

1. 'Violence begets violence.' Any use of violence by the U.S. will certainly return to the U.S. sooner or later. "As you sow, so shall you reap" is a well-known and accepted universal law. "For every action there is an opposite reaction" is the equivalent from modern physics. This law is incontrovertible. Although it is natural and
understandable to be outraged and want to strike out, that response does not show mature wisdom, nor even patriotism, because it not only invites, but ensures the return of an equal amount of violence onto the United States at some future date, maybe later, maybe sooner.

2.' Violence cannot stop terrorism.' Analysts say that even if we spend trillions of dollars on offense and defense against terrorism, including armed guards on every plane flight and deep spying on American citizens,
it will only stop 90% of potential terrorists acts. What about the other 10%? That 10% will be, over time, enough to cripple our country.
Violence against terrorism is just like stirring up a bees' nest, it just makes them madder and madder, more determined than ever to seek revenge through suicidal acts. If you get bin Laden, others will take his place.

3.'There is a proven peaceful alternative.' Fifty scientific research studies published in the most reputable peer-reviewed scientific journals in the world have shown that the Vedic Science of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dramatically reduces violence as well as other social
problems, and also powerfully stimulates economic growth and social harmony. In one 1983 study of the Lebanon war, war deaths were reduced 76% through this technology. The probability that this result was due to
chance were one in 10 to the 19th, and that was only one study. Therefore, some social scientists have stated that the Maharishi Effect, as this effect is called, is the most firmly established principle in all of social science.

The reason the Maharishi Effect works so well is that it operates on the level of the Unified Field, which is one million, million, million times deeper and more powerful than the nuclear level. The Unified Field pervades and gives rise to all of creation, and thus provides a basis
for what physicists call "action at a distance." We don't see a physical connection between the earth and the moon, but gravity is there. We may
not see the connection between people practicing this technology and the cessation of terrorism, but the effect is there. Maharishi's Vedic
Science is unique and does not involve prayer, positive thinking, or affirmations, nor does it involve negotiation or diplomacy, which are proven failures (since 1000 B.C. the average treaty has lasted 9 years).
It is easy to implement and relatively inexpensive: just $1 billion would establish a coherence-creating group for the world for all time,
less than the price of one bomber.

I acknowledge that this solution may seem unusual at first. But it is
the best solution. It is peaceful, it is completely effective, and it
is relatively inexpensive. I invite and urge you to examine this proven
technology, and stop ensuring destruction of the U.S. by destroying
others. The road of mutual destructive retaliation currently taking
place will get us nowhere.

In contrast, Maharishi's Vedic Science will not only stop all violence
and make our nation (and every nation) invincible, it will also create
Heaven on Earth generation after generation, by means of dealing with the
most basic level of Nature's functioning. We have a choice of heaven or
its opposite. I invite and urge you to look into this peaceful,
powerful, proven, effective technology.


American Public TV broadcast on terrorism:

"How to effectively eliminate the root cause of terrorism and war", a new video featuring Major General Singh, a 35-year career army veteran, and John Hagelin PhD, award-winning quantum physicist, speaking recently on APTV throughout the USA:
[Streaming video - requires media player such as RealPlayer]

See also:
[Includes peer reviewed research published in respected publications such as Journal of Conflict Resolution]

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


Fairfiled Ledger


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04.11.2001 13:30

bell's theorem. the quantum inseperability principle. the one and the nothing. the candle in the void. synchronicity. perfected causality. multiple causality. the dreamtime. cross-temporal engineering.

non-locality is temporal, as well as spatial.

zen in the art of worldbuilding.

schrodinger's cat is on his way.
schrodinger's cat is not on his way.
schrodinger's cat might be on his way.

hesse: "if the war continues..."

wind in the trees