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Green Party USA elected Coordinator targeted as "terrorist" -denied rights

The Greens/Green Party USA-Mitchell Cohen | 03.11.2001 07:30

Nancy Oden,an elected Green Party USA coordinator,has been denied flying privileges and her constitutional rights, because of Green Party USA opposition to the bombing in Afghanistan.
The new "terrorism" laws have just removed all our rights and have created new "enemies lists"-WHO WILL BE NEXT??

"I was targeted because the Green Party USA opposes the bombing of innocent
civilians in Afghanistan."
--Nancy Oden

(The Green Party USA statement on the war against Afghanistan is at
They are the original Green Party in the U.S. since 1986)


The Greens / Green Party USA
226 South Wabash, 6th floor
PO Box 1406,
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Toll-free Phone: 1-866-GREENS-2

November 2, 2001


GREEN PARTY USA will hold press conference in CHICAGO
10 a.m.
at the J. Ira and Nicki Family Hostel
24 East Congress Parkway (at Wabash), 2nd floor


Armed government agents grabbed Nancy Oden, Green Party USA coordinating
committee member, Thursday at Bangor International Airport in Bangor Maine,
as she attempted to board an American Airlines flight to Chicago.

"An official told me that my name had been flagged in the computer," a
shaken Oden said. "I was targeted because the Green Party USA opposes the
bombing of innocent civilians in Afghanistan."

Oden, a long-time organic farmer and peace activist in northern Maine, was
ordered away from the plane. Military personnel with automatic weapons
surrounded Oden and instructed all airlines to deny her passage on ANY
flight. "I was told that the airport was closed to me until further notice
and that my ticket would not be refunded," Oden said.

Oden is scheduled to speak in Chicago Friday night on a panel concerning
pesticides as weapons of war. She had helped to coordinate the Green Party
USA's antiwar efforts these past few months, and was to report on these to
The Greens national committee. "Not only did they stop me at the airport
but some mysterious party had called the hotel and cancelled my
reservation," Oden said.

The Greens National Committee -- the governing body of the Green Party USA
-- is meeting in Chicago Nov. 2-4 to hammer out the details of national
campaigns against bio-chemical warfare, the spraying of toxic pesticides,
genetic engineering, and the Party's involvement in the burgeoning peace

"I am shocked that US military prevented one of our prominent Green Party
members from attending the meeting in Chicago," said Elizabeth Fattah, a
GPUSA representative from Pennsylvania who drove to Chicago. "I am outraged
at the way the Bill of Rights is being trampled upon."

Chicago Green activist Lionel Trepanier concluded, "The attack on the right
of association of an opposition political party is chilling. The harassment
of peace activists is reprehensible."

For further information, please call 1-866-GREENS-2 (toll-free)


The Greens/Green Party USA-Mitchell Cohen
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 5 comments

CIA and 9.11

03.11.2001 10:19

Personally I reckon Bill douglas's posting about 9.11 (still on the front page) is correct and the CIA were involved in the attack and that means we are in deep shit.

The CIA has a long history of murder and conspiracy, they work in tandem with organized crime and other crooks like Mossad, for example .
So there is hardly going to be a trail leading to the CIA.
Not that anyone is likely to on that trail.
They have been involved in drug running for years, they trained. cubans and other,pilots to fly in shipments of coke and the SOA trains all sorts of nasties, they have done everything from manipulating governments and economies, organized coups on a grand scale and installed dozens of despot dictators,if it's dodgy/inhuman they are past masters.
The permanent drugs operations means that there is always plenty of spare cash, in the form of suitcases of used notes.
Just incase they need an extra few bob for a special ....
it makes me laugh when Bush says they are having trouble tracing Bin ladens funds, they are probably in his piggy bank, the worlds banks and economic markets are awash with illegal funds from all sorts of scams. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, on a farm managed by the CIA/ Corporate america.

Even if some plod somewhere out there on the beat were to find a secret dossier that implicated the CIA, don't think for one minute that there would be any kind of inquiry or exposure.
Once into a poker game of this dimension there is no turning back, anyone who gets in the way will be dealt with.
They have to stay in the stakes are too high and each round they get higher. If Bush and blair lose this one they are both finished, there is no draw on the coupon,they can't lose and they have to go on.

Organizing an operation which involved murdering 4000 of the very people they were supposed to represent must have been an enourmous task, perhaps even bigger than fixing the U:S election, which surely can't be laid at Bin Liners (cave) door. The public has not been offered a shred of credible evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks but a dossier of
evidence linking the CIA/american government is available,
on internet. It might not be the absloute prove but if there is the slightest doubt there should be an inquiry. I bet that no one qualified will ever investigate the CIA angle while G.W is still in charge ., and the spectaclar gains made by the NWO since 9.11 make it a worthwhile scam after all certain people made vast fourtunes from WW2 Bush's grandfather was one of them, I believe. being experienced investers WW3 should be even more profitable, I hear the yankee propaganda machine talking about a 50 year jobbie
probably be looking to clone John Wayne for starring role
so Hollywood can get it's %.. we will have dividend forecasts, invest in the war you know it makes sense....
visions of milo mindbender bombing his own squadrons base, after all the more you destroy in war the more room there is to speculate on the rebuilding programme, if they were to nuke L.A and the lefty parts of california,it would be a massive boost to the construction industry in that region.

I wonder how long we will be allowed to continue exchanging our 'extermist' views over the internet ??
Judging by this article, not for much longer !!!

The only way we'll get to the bottom of this it will only be possible if Bushyban and Blair liar are overthrown, so it's " beam me up scotty" time


Luther Blissett

CIA spreading anthrax?

03.11.2001 12:09

The CIA and the federal government were exposed in the Iran-Contra affair (see trial of Oliver North and Senate Committee Report on Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy) as using drug trafficking and the sale of arms to Iran to fund the Contra armies loyal to the former Nicaraguan dictator, Tachito Somoza. The CIA had to look for alternative sources of funds for the Contras after Congress cut off aid to the counter-revolutionary organisation.

This is not an isolated case. US intelligence and the military has been involved in a number of similar operations in El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, etc, funding and equipping informal neo-fascist death squad groups and paramilitary units to kill opponents whether they are insurgents, trade unionists or even Catholic priests. There is no doubt that the US government has a long history of war crimes and that it regards human life as having little or no value.

However, atrocities are also apparent within the country's borders, where the government has more control over information and security. The McCarthyite era, where suspected communists were put on trial for anti-American activities, is a misnomer. There has been a concern for the ideological control of the US population ever since an anarchist assassinated President McKinley at the beginning of the 20th century and legislation was subsequently passed to bolster the role of the secret services.

While it might seem like conspiracy theory hyperbole to suggest that the CIA is behind the anthrax attacks, the organisation's track record shows that anthrax attacks (which have not led to a significant number of deaths, but have created a seige mentality conducive to the government's political ends) could be part of the organisation's arsenal in the war at home. Recent evidence on the chemicals found with the anthrax spores and the anthrax strain suggest government involvement. I doubt that George W Bush even knows about it - or has the intelligence to find out! Yet, his father is a former CIA director, so Bush's involvement in such a strategy is not beyond imagination. However, just because the CIA has acted as a terrorist organisation in the past does not necessary imply it is involved in the anthrax attacks - but let's look at some recent evidence.

The recent article in the New Scientist ( raises some important questions. The size of the anthrax particles suggests that the anthrax was produced in advanced laboratories by well-trained scientists. Somehow it's doubtful that Afghanistan or Sudan would have these facilities or the technical know-how. So attention is on what kind of countries would be able to produce such material. Evidence shows that the anthrax strain (known as 'Ames')is likely to be of US military origin, although apartheid South Africa is believed to have held samples of the Ames strain.

There is also the question of how the particles were separated. As the anthrax powder did not contain bentonite (a fluidising agent designed to separate particles), this rules out the idea that this might have been of Soviet origin which might have found its way to Afghanistan from the former Soviet states of Central Asia. There is a likelihood that the anthrax was stolen from US labs before the US claimed to have abandoned its bioweapons programme in 1969. However, anthrax evolves quickly and would have transmuted into another strain if kept in storage for over three decades. The New Statesman states that: 'If ... the bacteria have gone through many cell divisions since the most closely related strain was frozen, they might have been produced more recently. That would mean someone has obtained not only a virulent strain of anthrax, but the know-how to turn it into what was probably the most sophisticated anthrax weapon ever produced.' (

However, I still have some doubts in my mind over the involvement of the CIA or the US military:

1. Why would it be necessary to instill further fear into the hearts of ordinary Americans to gain support for the war? Surely the terrorist attacks of 11 September would be enough to mobilise public support?

2. In my mind, the anthrax attacks must have been planned before 11 September for there must be a store of anthrax cultures ready to put through the post.

3. There is the argument that the way in which the spores are being distributed (via the post) is crude and implies that the attackers do not have access to vast amounts of material - although they may want to do this to prove terrorist involvement!

4. Wouldn't the government's programme of mind control be conducted with a propaganda campaign and the gagging of opponents (like the Green Party)?

Daniel Brett
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Attacks the work of the federal government?

03.11.2001 12:20

US intelligence and the military has been shown to be involved in a number of dubious covert operations in Angola, Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaragua (exposed in the Iran-Contra affair), Guatemala, Panama, Colombia and even Italy. The US has funded and equipped informal neo-fascist death squad groups and paramilitary units to kill opponents whether they are insurgents, trade unionists or even Catholic priests. There is no doubt that the US government has a long history of war crimes and that it regards human life as having little or no value.

However, atrocities are also apparent within the country's borders, where the government has more control over information and security. The McCarthyite era, where suspected communists were put on trial for anti-American activities, is a misnomer. There has been a concern for the ideological control of the US population ever since an anarchist assassinated President McKinley and legislation was subsequently passed to bolster the role of the secret services.

While it might seem like conspiracy theory hyperbole to suggest that the security services is behind the anthrax attacks, the organisation's track record shows that anthrax attacks (which have not led to a significant number of deaths, but have created a seige mentality conducive to the government's political ends) could be part of the organisation's arsenal in the war at home. Recent evidence on the chemicals found with the anthrax spores and the anthrax strain suggest government involvement. I doubt that George W Bush even knows about it - or has the intelligence to find out! Yet, his father is a former CIA director, so Bush's involvement in such a strategy is not beyond imagination. However, just because the CIA has acted as a terrorist organisation in the past does not necessary imply it is involved in the anthrax attacks - but let's look at some recent evidence.

The recent article in the New Scientist ( raises some important questions. The size of the anthrax particles suggests that the anthrax was produced in advanced laboratories by well-trained scientists. Somehow it's doubtful that Afghanistan or Sudan would have these facilities or the technical know-how. So attention is on what kind of countries would be able to produce such material. Evidence shows that the anthrax strain (known as 'Ames')is likely to be of US military origin, although apartheid South Africa is believed to have held samples of the Ames strain.

There is also the question of how the particles were separated. As the anthrax powder did not contain bentonite (a fluidising agent designed to separate particles), this rules out the idea that this might have been of Soviet origin which might have found its way to Afghanistan from the former Soviet states of Central Asia. There is a likelihood that the anthrax was stolen from US labs before the US claimed to have abandoned its bioweapons programme in 1969. However, anthrax evolves quickly and would have transmuted into another strain if kept in storage for over three decades. The New Statesman states that: 'If ... the bacteria have gone through many cell divisions since the most closely related strain was frozen, they might have been produced more recently. That would mean someone has obtained not only a virulent strain of anthrax, but the know-how to turn it into what was probably the most sophisticated anthrax weapon ever produced.' (

However, I still have some doubts in my mind over the involvement of the secret services or the US military in the anthrax attacks:

1. Why would it be necessary to instill further fear into the hearts of ordinary Americans to gain support for the war? Surely the terrorist attacks of 11 September would be enough to mobilise public support?

2. In my mind, the anthrax attacks must have been planned before 11 September. How else would there be a supply of readily-available material?

3. Would conventional means of mind control - propaganda, gagging and intimidation - be more effective and politically safer than a risky campaign of terror using anthrax spores that could be detected as having a US military origin?

4. Wouldn't the government use secret services as a last resort after support looked like it was dwindling? Of course, the anthrax attacks could be more to do with winning foreign support than the acquiescence of the domestic population ...

Daniel Brett
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It's attitude, not politics

03.11.2001 21:47

Bangor Daily News, Nov. 3, 2001:

This article in the Bangor Daily News in Bangor Maine reports that Nancy Oden was given a security check, she made a big fuss about it and she got kicked out of the airport.

The Greens/Green Party USA isn't a representative organization for the Greens in the United States. i should know, i used to work for them.

The Green Party of the United States (not the organization called G/GPUSA that put out the press release about Nancy Oden) is the only Green political organization organized nationally as a party, in which at least 31 states are represented (and other states' memberships pending). It organized the Green National Convention in Denver in June, 2000, at which Ralph Nader was nominated to run for President, and is recognized among Green Parties around the world. The Green Party of the United States is now in the process of filing papers with the FEC for recognition as a national party.

Starlene Rankin
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suppression of indymedia and the internet

03.11.2001 22:41

The internet and im will only start to be suppressed when views opposing the official line on events start finally to leak in to the establishment media - ie that the truth about 911, anthrax and everything that will follow, start to find a voice beyond us sadsters tapping away on the wire. Apart from Pilger's Mirror piece - a sop I think to keep the radicals happy for a time, I can only thing of one article which has seriously questioned the official line, and that appeared in The Independent on Sunday a few Sundays ago, and was a condensed version of Michael Ruppert's piece on on insider trading in put options prior to Sept 11th, involving a firm connected with CIA executive director Krongard. Anyone know of anything else?
In the meantime, this channel serves a useful purpose to the intelligence agencies in exposing to the interceptors,the views of individuals and organisations for future reference.
Hi spooks!
Anyway, I think the UK is well-overdue for targetting. Maybe 11/11 is a good guess.Numerologically sound and on a Sunday. Shades of Omagh. Anybody taking bets?

dwight heet