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Stop Fascist Filth desecrating the Cenotaph, AGAIN!

Nazi hater | 02.11.2001 03:37

This year’s wreath laying ceremony will be held at the Cenotaph in central London. We will be forming up at 2.00pm at Bressenden Place, Victoria, we will then move off at 2.30pm. We would ask anyone wishing to attend this very important event to contact there local branch for travel arrangements, if not please go straight to the form up point. Dress code: Sunday best please.

Anyone else notice that Terry Blackham is illiterate?
Sure the NF bods would like a call at 141 020-8289-1122.

Nazi hater
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November 11th

02.11.2001 10:01

When you say "Nazi Filth" I take it you mean the Queen? But let's remember this, 'lest we forget' (no, no.. not Sept 11th) that at least 100,000,000 people (conservative estimate) died in wars, orchestrated and financed by World Bankers and oil barons in the 20th Century and whole countries were laid waste, in the pursuit of gold and diamonds. This trend is not profitable to the human race or our planet. Are we going to permit this assault on our bodies, minds and resources to persist into the new millenium, or are we going to take back what is righfully ours? The right to govern ourselves, in peace and prosperity, for all mankind? We have come to a fork in the road....which path will you chose? Either you are for peace or you are against humanity.


Directions for building a cenotaph

02.11.2001 21:46

First: choose a million victims.

Mulberry Sellers

stop the scum

03.11.2001 11:19

the sight of nazi smpathisers descending on whitehall each year to lay wreaths in rememberance of men who fought fascism says it all really.stop these scumbags,make their activities harder for's about time this farce was bought to an end.
contact for direct action again'st the scum

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