handy hints for baiting marxist/leninist/trot sects #1
Lump them all together, sit back with a smiley face, and watch the in-fighting about who's got the correct ideological position/ recruitment strategy/ paper selling technique.
I find it amazing that in the middle of a vicious imperialist drive, people starving in Afghanistan etc., some peoplee apparently have time for this kind time wasting, self-indulgent crap. The very fact that this anarchite (abbreviation: narch) is doing so proves that he is guilty of the very thing he is complaining about: infighting within the left. The wamongers must be having a good a laugh at the sight of all this. Isn't it about time the narchs joined the "Trots" in building the anti-war movement? Or is narrow minded, ideological axe-grinding more important?
Come on "Fred" you humourless hack. Its a joke. Its a shame that some Trots do seem intent on fulfilling the stereotype of miserable self-obsessed political trainspotters. Get a life.
no, is not a joke, and if so, is the kind of silly humour and destructive, easy and silly that characterises all british humour. my grandad spent years in jail in spain for being a communist. i differ of him, i would not certainly sit beside that anarchist to see how my grandad struggles in vain, let alone struggle with him. i am not a communist in the traditional sense anymore than, as an anarchist i may still find closer in ideas to my grandad than to these guys always despising ppl who, doubtless, have done more for a change than them. is just irrespectful.
They kicked the sorry centralist commies out of the sawmills, backwoods and shipyards of the northwest before the 30's and it was the strength of the indigenous movement that frightened the bosses, made them move to the fascist union coalition against workers.
My fellow anarch ist is right. The navel gazers are only good for trying to insinuate themselves into the movement- to-rid-the-world-of-bosses. Elite theoreticians of the left included, you can damn well get it right! I figure the fellow that works and calls himself a commie is just illiterate in a way. Fell under a cult influence.
Seems to me commies are oportunists about this green thing, about this antiwar thing. (what is the current party line about armed resistance to the governments of U.K., Can., USA etcetcetc? Is war against capitalist society still justifyed by the ends? Are we still in the 19th century?
String up the boss, and the bosses family, they deserve it. Or is talk more desirable than action, especially effective action? I have yet to hear a commie say to "be the change you wnat to see" and I'm not holding my breath.
I'm against brutality, against coersion, against interest-any is usury-, against bosses. I cringe at "progressive" because of what I see as its evil fruits. I believe in a free market, don't think were near one yet, believe in capitalism, hate predatory amoral capitalism. I call myself an anarchist. As do many of my fellow associates in the (American) Libertarian party. Hell I even hate AnnRaynd's excuses that pretend to be a philosophy. What can I be but an anarchist. And a friend of Tom Paine and Tom Jefferson. Leave me my liberties, do the same for my brothers, and you can administer my government for the duration.
Hell, I hear more understanding from white privleged university women who choose to open there eyes by experiencing the world than from these pompous theoreticians. Women tend to be more pragmatically rational untill later, much later in age, when the male comes to full posession of his senses. (I write from the male perspective, I am 1) It truly is a competition between his two brains. one on each end
Hey, you guys wanna be useful and help rid the world of bosses and the idea that some should lead and others just shut up and follow? Wanna help rid the world of this rape industrialism you were so eager to be in charge of so recently? Wanna learn an enduring principaled set of ideas that fall can find a place within? Convert to anarchy.
At last a practical alternative to the fake unity of the left! Anti-authoritarians can now form a united front with the American Libertarian Party! Okay, we might have to drop the anti-capitalism stuff, and yeah maybe support the bombing of Afghanistan.. still, surely a small price to pay for crushing the Trots!
The thing I love about reading sectarian screeds on U.K. Indymedia is the constant reference to Trotskyists as "trots". The Aussies use the same term, BTW.
Here in the States, the "trots" refers to an attack of diarrhea.
But then, I'm told that back in the '70s, the U.S. press' constant references to the "Watergate buggers" was quite the source of mirth on your side of the pond...
I think you have cracked it, those trots must be shitting themselves .... !!!
bye mullberry great name , hope your not linked to(the) bush
here in britain we are all divided up into small political factions every faction hates every other faction , that is why we are governed by such a small faction, errrr in terms of votes that is 23%, and they probably fiddled that ..
If you want a glimpse of a future under a SWP regime, go to a SWP meeting on a Wednesday evening and listen to the cadres spew the party line. Any deviation from the party line - even drinking too much or smoking the wrong kind of weed - could land you in a kangaroo court, where you are found guilty before you're able to defend yourself. That's the future under the SWP leadership. Personally, I want a happy and free life.
Reasuringly inform them that Bakunin foresaw the inevitable consequence of following Marx's authoritanism - the substituting of one set of leaders for another, the creation of dictatorship..................
I want to take issue with 'a3m', and anyone else who calls 'believes in capitalism' but calls themselves anarchist.
To call oneself an anarchist and a capitalist is similar to calling MacDonald's food healthy.
The confusion comes when anarchism is interpreted as simply anti-State, being against government, whereupon 'free market' capitalists seize upon this idea dreaming of all the fun they could have without the rules and regulations of a state. They conveniently ignore the very obvious - that without a state, capitalism would be immediately overthrown!
In fact, anarchism is against all forms of hierarchy, 'leadership', and authority - not just the State. Concepts such as profit and employment are intrinsically exploitative and a form of authority - and so anarchists reject them.
The anarchist movement has always been anti-capitalist. This is not simply a case of one faction dictating to another they have the wrong idea - anarchism and capitalism are fundamentally inconsistent!
(Ayn Rand - geddit?) The Libertarian Party and their like are forever trying to hijack the titles 'libertarian' and 'anarchist'. They're neatly pegged by Bob Black, a real anarchist, as "Republicans who take drugs". The real giveaway is that these alleged opponents of 'state violence' are, for the most part, loyal supporters of the war!
I would suggest a parody of Stalin's reply to a French diplomat who warned that the Pope would oppose the U.S.S.R's policies. "The Pope?! How many divisions has he got?"
It could go something like this:
"The anarchists?! How many liberated zones have they got?"
"The anarchists?! How many imperialist troops have they killed?"
PS, this could equally well be used by communists against the Trots, subtituting "Trotskyites" for "anarchists"
"The Trotskyites?! How many liberated zones have they got?
Hide the following 12 comments
More time wasting crap from the narchs
02.11.2001 09:42
Get a sense of humour!
02.11.2001 09:57
on this
02.11.2001 10:57
done so much?
02.11.2001 12:02
My fellow anarch ist is right. The navel gazers are only good for trying to insinuate themselves into the movement- to-rid-the-world-of-bosses. Elite theoreticians of the left included, you can damn well get it right! I figure the fellow that works and calls himself a commie is just illiterate in a way. Fell under a cult influence.
Seems to me commies are oportunists about this green thing, about this antiwar thing. (what is the current party line about armed resistance to the governments of U.K., Can., USA etcetcetc? Is war against capitalist society still justifyed by the ends? Are we still in the 19th century?
String up the boss, and the bosses family, they deserve it. Or is talk more desirable than action, especially effective action? I have yet to hear a commie say to "be the change you wnat to see" and I'm not holding my breath.
I'm against brutality, against coersion, against interest-any is usury-, against bosses. I cringe at "progressive" because of what I see as its evil fruits. I believe in a free market, don't think were near one yet, believe in capitalism, hate predatory amoral capitalism. I call myself an anarchist. As do many of my fellow associates in the (American) Libertarian party. Hell I even hate AnnRaynd's excuses that pretend to be a philosophy. What can I be but an anarchist. And a friend of Tom Paine and Tom Jefferson. Leave me my liberties, do the same for my brothers, and you can administer my government for the duration.
Hell, I hear more understanding from white privleged university women who choose to open there eyes by experiencing the world than from these pompous theoreticians. Women tend to be more pragmatically rational untill later, much later in age, when the male comes to full posession of his senses. (I write from the male perspective, I am 1) It truly is a competition between his two brains. one on each end
Hey, you guys wanna be useful and help rid the world of bosses and the idea that some should lead and others just shut up and follow? Wanna help rid the world of this rape industrialism you were so eager to be in charge of so recently? Wanna learn an enduring principaled set of ideas that fall can find a place within? Convert to anarchy.
The future
workers and bosses unite to crush the trots!
02.11.2001 17:02
a nonny mouse
The really funny thing
02.11.2001 21:53
Here in the States, the "trots" refers to an attack of diarrhea.
But then, I'm told that back in the '70s, the U.S. press' constant references to the "Watergate buggers" was quite the source of mirth on your side of the pond...
Mulberry Sellers
mulberry's right
02.11.2001 22:19
I think you have cracked it, those trots must be shitting themselves .... !!!
bye mullberry great name , hope your not linked to(the) bush
here in britain we are all divided up into small political factions every faction hates every other faction , that is why we are governed by such a small faction, errrr in terms of votes that is 23%, and they probably fiddled that ..
Tek d'piss
A glimpse of the future?
03.11.2001 01:53
e-mail: uno@union.org.za
handy hints for anarchists-shite baiting! #2
03.11.2001 03:07
Reasuringly inform them that Bakunin foresaw the inevitable consequence of following Marx's authoritanism - the substituting of one set of leaders for another, the creation of dictatorship..................
of course they fuckin do
Anarchism and capitalism don't mix!
04.11.2001 17:47
To call oneself an anarchist and a capitalist is similar to calling MacDonald's food healthy.
The confusion comes when anarchism is interpreted as simply anti-State, being against government, whereupon 'free market' capitalists seize upon this idea dreaming of all the fun they could have without the rules and regulations of a state. They conveniently ignore the very obvious - that without a state, capitalism would be immediately overthrown!
In fact, anarchism is against all forms of hierarchy, 'leadership', and authority - not just the State. Concepts such as profit and employment are intrinsically exploitative and a form of authority - and so anarchists reject them.
The anarchist movement has always been anti-capitalist. This is not simply a case of one faction dictating to another they have the wrong idea - anarchism and capitalism are fundamentally inconsistent!
Genoseize Therat
giving the game away
05.11.2001 15:12
The Libertarian Party and their like are forever trying to hijack the titles 'libertarian' and 'anarchist'. They're neatly pegged by Bob Black, a real anarchist, as "Republicans who take drugs". The real giveaway is that these alleged opponents of 'state violence' are, for the most part, loyal supporters of the war!
Ein Rant
Ideas for anarchist-baiting
13.05.2004 01:34
It could go something like this:
"The anarchists?! How many liberated zones have they got?"
"The anarchists?! How many imperialist troops have they killed?"
PS, this could equally well be used by communists against the Trots, subtituting "Trotskyites" for "anarchists"
"The Trotskyites?! How many liberated zones have they got?