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Molly...!!! | 01.11.2001 21:47

Fuck the police

As of now, 21.30 all WOMBLES have been released. charges range from "drunk and disorderly...criminal damage...violent disorder...assault on filth".
The reason the WOMBLES were down oxford street was because they were just hanging out as friends, fuckin around and enjoying halloween. they weren't necessarily there for anything. some of them were wearing whiteoveralls, some of them weren't.
the fact of the matter is that the pigs atttacked brothers and sisters. we should all stand in solidarity with one another in the face of such violence from the oppressive state and its agents.
all pigs are scum!
show your solidarity with the comrades attacked and imprisoned by the masters of murder and attend the first court hearing of the WOMBLE SEVEN at 10am, next wednesday at horseferry magistrates, victoria.
bring what you need. if they wanna show trial....lets give em one!!
love and rage motherfuckers...

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let's make it big

02.11.2001 10:57

did someone say there's gonna be a party?
at horseferry magistrate's court?
sounds good, lets do it.
best wishes to all those arrested, sounds like a brutal and pointless act of repression and i wish i'd been there to help out. dogs? why?
see y'all wednesday.

angry angry

let's make it big

02.11.2001 10:58

did someone say there's gonna be a party?
at horseferry magistrate's court?
sounds good, lets do it.
best wishes to all those arrested, sounds like a brutal and pointless act of repression and i wish i'd been there to help out. dogs? why?
see y'all wednesday.

angry angry