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plot to vaccinate us populace

dwight heet | 01.11.2001 00:35

Why on earth would you order 300 million doses of the stuff, 17% of the stuff improperly tested, if you didnt intend to use it?

dwight heet


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Watch out!!

01.11.2001 10:10

I think we have to be careful with vaccines nowadays, as most are produced using genetic engineering techniques and are therefore a potential health risk. For example, Professor Joe Cummins, the Candadian-based geneticist, recently e-mailed me to say that it is very likely that the anthrax DNA vaccine (currently being trialled in the USA) is a potential threat as great or greater than the threat of anthrax itself! In particular, he says, the fetus can be sensitized so that vaccines provide no protection.



Lets test them on americans

01.11.2001 12:58

I can quite believe that vaccines are dodgy. They should be properly tested. As Thalidomide proved, testing on animals counts for nothing, so lets test them on americans. That just leaves the question of whether or not we need to keep the test subjects isolated. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.....



01.11.2001 23:47

This article beggars belief. To ascribe malaria, among other diseases, to smallpox vaccination, shows a ignorance of medicine that is astounding. And the initial vaccinations were not of smallpox but of cowpox.

Smallpox has now been eradicated in the world thanks to vaccination. You are free, of course, to reject vaccination for yourself and live with the the consequences, but to urge others so to do verges on the criminal.
