Bristol Stop the War Coaloition
Will Brown | 30.10.2001 18:19
The Bristol anti war vigils have continued Monday to Saturday 5.30 to 6.30 outside the Hippodrome. Attendance has held steady at 50-100. Last night a march of 280 led by a samba band and including 3 nuns and darth vader headed up Park Street. The mood was energetic and confident. Support from the public was high. The next event is a big public meeting at The Council House this Friday (2nd) with Paul Marsden MP, Farooq Siddiqui and others. A big attendance is expected. There are lots of other events going on as well.
Bristol Stop the War Coaloition 07881 450 569
Bristol Stop the War Coaloition 07881 450 569
Will Brown
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