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Daily Mirror...My Arse!

Rascalling Pixie | 30.10.2001 14:42

Fuck the Daily Mirror

Now now children, lets not get carried away.
The Daily Mirror is, like all coporate media, a puppet of the rich, ie those who manufactured this so-called war, as they did in the Gulf and Kosovo.
The Mirror is not by any stretch of the imagination opposed to this 'war'. A quick flick through it's disgusting pages will show any right thinking person that it is as blood-thirsty as ever. It does everything it can to oppress the working class.
I agree that the Pilger essay was a nice surprise, appearing on the front page of a filthy newspaper, tho suspect it is more about the fact that two days before publication it was revealed that Downing street prefers the Sun to its 'rival' the Mirror. This is as shallow as it gets, people.
Also remember that Pilger writes weekly in the Statesman and this artlicle appears there.
So, in reality, the Mirror doesn't give a fuck about the people of Afghanistan and is using Pilger to have a dig at the Blair circus.
And don't go and buy the fuckin mirror, today or any other day. If you must read it for research purposes, go to the library. Don't fund the enemy, fight it!
Keep sight.

Rascalling Pixie
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Sadly true

30.10.2001 15:21

Mr Pixie (!) Sadly - I agree with you. It is good that mainstream comic newspapers are providing this kind of info as a compliment to the drivel they normally produce - it can only be good for the entrenched Mirror reader.

But, put into perspective of the current climate - they are definately using this as a pop at Phoney McBlair rather than a definite measurable change in editorial policy




An encouraging development nonetheless...

30.10.2001 23:39

Although obviously I'm not encouraging everyone to suddenly become Mirror readers and I absolutely agree that the paper's developing feud with the government is playing a major part in all this, we should still recognise that one of the country's biggest-selling tabloids putting Pilger on the front page is something of a momentous event. Not only are we living in an era when neoliberalism has 'won' and leftwing journalists are no longer 'relevant', we are living in WARTIME, and all of us, not to mention the mainstream media are supposed to be toeing the line and putting petty feuds behind us.

Let's not forget that the media is not a simple instrument of ruling class indoctrination but is actually a profit-making exercise and therefore in a constant push and pull relationship with the people who consume its products. It seems that the Mirror's front page yesterday reflects more than just its falling out with the government - it shows that there are an increasing number of people in Britain who don't agree with this war, even if it's only in a passive way. This, of course, should make everyone who reads Indymedia happy.

Anything that will help to get more people on the streets for next month's demo must be good. Perhaps the Mirror will even give it a good write up this time round.


Babylon BURN!

31.10.2001 10:25

For the first time in the one hundred years since Illuminati Baron Von Reuters took over control of the press, Tabloid readers were exposed to the truth, but what will you do with these facts, shrug 'em off? Or use it as ammunition to fight the NWO? Ignite your bonfires on Nov 5th with the gutter newspapers and put an effigy of the 'Straw Man' on top.

Guy Fox