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kissinger in town

someone linked to mwaw | 30.10.2001 11:54

Just in time for Halloween, Henry Kissinger is giving the Winter Address for the Centre for Policy Studies at the Institue of Directors building at 116 Pall Mall.

Anyone who fancies showing him just how popular he and his genocidal policies are, please turn up at 6.45 so that by 7pm when he starts speaking, we'll be making enough noise to drown him out! The video group will be there to film the event, so turn up, bring your friends and make some noise!

someone linked to mwaw


Hide the following 6 comments


30.10.2001 13:34

when is this? 31st? or tonight!


Ask Henry's how his court case is going

30.10.2001 15:12

PLease see if you can find out how his indictment for war crimes is going

has the details

It really is plumbing uncharted depths of hypocrisy for the US 'alliance' (of one) to be blowing up innocent Afghans while this war criminal is allowed to speak to the UK's main public policy development group. It might be acceptable once he's aquitted but really, these elitists do take the piss.

Centre for Policy Studies
Institute of Directors

Tony Gosling
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30.10.2001 22:09

sorry - it's wednesday (hallowe'en) so you've not missed it yet!

mwaw bod

War is profitable

31.10.2001 10:33

What we are seeing in Afghanistan is Kissinger's foreign policy in action. These have been his tactics since vietnam to consolidate the New World Order corporate control of the World's wealth from oil, arms and drugs. Which is why he is addressing UK policy makers who obey the USA.

Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death

31.10.2001 18:54

The last fifty years of World History has seen Kissinger and his comrade, Brezinski's foreign policy in action, which is why he is addressing UK policy makers, who tow the US line. Afghanistan is just a continuation of business as usual, genocide for oil, arms and drug deals and consolidation of corporate New World Order control.


cheap holidays in the sun

01.11.2001 03:02

are you the wto,the real ira,or another load of fascist shite dressing up, lots of love and revolution, for the beautiful idea.....

fuck nazi scum