Terror of Bechtel&Enron
osijekgreens-free movement | 29.10.2001 20:05
Since Croatia ended its war with Yugoslavia in 1995, the U.S. has established strong commercial ties, and Croatia now cites America as its biggest foreign investor. Enron Corp. is negotiating to build a power plant here. Bechtel Corp. won a $600 million road-building job, for which the U.S. Export-Import Bank last month granted a $228 million low-interest loan, the first of its kind in the region.
The Board of Directors of the Export Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) approved a long-term guarantee enabling Bechtel International, Inc., San Francisco, CA, to provide $250 million of procurement, construction and project management services to build a 120-kilometer four-lane highway in Croatia. The road will extend from Bregana at Croatia's northern border with Slovenia through Zagreb and Sisak to the Bosnia-Herzegovina border.
"This project will help rebuild Croatia's infrastructure, and is an important first step toward providing a vital artery between Bosnia-Herzegovina and its neighbors and a link between Central and Western Europe and South-Eastern Europe," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman James A. Harmon. Sy Taubenblatt, Bechtel Enterprises' senior executive representative, said the Ex-Im Bank loan guarantee "was critical to Bechtel winning this important motorway project which will contribute significantly to Croatia's growth and economic development."
The highway project follows the 1996 signing of a trilateral <<Memorandum of Understanding<< among the United States.
Contract between Bechtel, Corp. with croatian government was signed at April 3 1998., in Dubrovnik. The same day was tribute to Ronald Brown, U.S. minister of trade, who died when his airplane crushed over the Dubrovnik. Constructing the highway is part of route: Zagreb-Bihac-Dubrovnik, and also one of ultimatums of Dayton's Peace Agreement. Part of Croatia (Gacka valuey) where road will be constructed, is law-protected area as <<high standard of protection of eco-system<<. The most important value of Gacka valuey is biggest reserve of pure natural water in Croatia, also full of rare flora and fauna, where live autohtonic inhabbitans.
As it's well known: Bechtel is partner with Enron. In whole world these 2 corporations never admit state law. With devastiting our nature reservat corporations starts with project <<BBW<<: exploatation of pure natural water to make a huge bussines simmilar to exploating and tradin with oil.
It is sad that this projects are supported by croatian government, so local inhabitans is helpless.
Attitude of Ministry of environment is more than ignorance. Although Croatia is signer of international convections, declarations and protocols for protecting nature (Stocholm, Aarhuss, Wien, Bern, Ramsar). Our Constitution is very specific about protecting national wealth, nature, ecosystems, but this project is obviously among the Constitution, international law and saving last untouched areas of the Earth.
Local inhabitans with local medias fight unfair fight to save their Home
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osijekgreens-free movement
The Board of Directors of the Export Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) approved a long-term guarantee enabling Bechtel International, Inc., San Francisco, CA, to provide $250 million of procurement, construction and project management services to build a 120-kilometer four-lane highway in Croatia. The road will extend from Bregana at Croatia's northern border with Slovenia through Zagreb and Sisak to the Bosnia-Herzegovina border.
"This project will help rebuild Croatia's infrastructure, and is an important first step toward providing a vital artery between Bosnia-Herzegovina and its neighbors and a link between Central and Western Europe and South-Eastern Europe," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman James A. Harmon. Sy Taubenblatt, Bechtel Enterprises' senior executive representative, said the Ex-Im Bank loan guarantee "was critical to Bechtel winning this important motorway project which will contribute significantly to Croatia's growth and economic development."
The highway project follows the 1996 signing of a trilateral <<Memorandum of Understanding<< among the United States.
Contract between Bechtel, Corp. with croatian government was signed at April 3 1998., in Dubrovnik. The same day was tribute to Ronald Brown, U.S. minister of trade, who died when his airplane crushed over the Dubrovnik. Constructing the highway is part of route: Zagreb-Bihac-Dubrovnik, and also one of ultimatums of Dayton's Peace Agreement. Part of Croatia (Gacka valuey) where road will be constructed, is law-protected area as <<high standard of protection of eco-system<<. The most important value of Gacka valuey is biggest reserve of pure natural water in Croatia, also full of rare flora and fauna, where live autohtonic inhabbitans.
As it's well known: Bechtel is partner with Enron. In whole world these 2 corporations never admit state law. With devastiting our nature reservat corporations starts with project <<BBW<<: exploatation of pure natural water to make a huge bussines simmilar to exploating and tradin with oil.
It is sad that this projects are supported by croatian government, so local inhabitans is helpless.
Attitude of Ministry of environment is more than ignorance. Although Croatia is signer of international convections, declarations and protocols for protecting nature (Stocholm, Aarhuss, Wien, Bern, Ramsar). Our Constitution is very specific about protecting national wealth, nature, ecosystems, but this project is obviously among the Constitution, international law and saving last untouched areas of the Earth.
Local inhabitans with local medias fight unfair fight to save their Home
We call all of You to support and help them
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osijekgreens-free movement
osijekgreens-free movement