A letter to change the world
Ruth Ann | 28.10.2001 21:28
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Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 22:51:02 -0700
From: "Ruth Taves"
Subject: Letter to the Editor
Here is a copy of a letter that a friend of mine in Canada
sent to his local newspapers. The editor of one of the papers was so impressed that he posted the letter on his website and plans to set up a page with links to the scientific research [discussed in the enclosed letter].
Ruth Ann
The Editor
"In which camp would you have found yourself if you had lived in the time of Galileo when he proposed support for the radical notion that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around? Think about it. Would you have rationally examined the evidence presented, or would you have just rejected the radical new paradigm?"
The world changed for all of us on September 11th. To effectively deal with the underlying cause of these catastrophic events, it's time for the leaders
of the world to acknowledge that there now exists a scientifically proven means to eliminate terrorism.
This means is unconventional. No guns will be fired. No bombs will be dropped. There will be no further casualties. It will get impressive, quantifiable and sustainable results quickly.
This alternate means of eliminating such negative currents as terrorism has been conclusively PROVEN to work. Forty-three scientific studies have now documented the link between this unconventional technology and significant
reductions in conflict, including a now famous study of warfare in Lebanon published by Yale University's Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Mr. Stan Darling, former MP for Muskoka-Perry Sound and member of the Commons Defense Committee and Carmen Kilburn, former Police Commissioner of New Brunswick, recipient of the Solicitor General and Governor General of
Canada Awards and the founder of Crime Prevention Week in Canada have both deeply researched this new alternate means of eliminating negativity and have been speaking publicly that we must act immediately to utilize this new
What do scholars think?
"My first reaction to work in this tradition was one of total disbelief. However, its proponents have shown themselves prepared to subject programs
to empirical test, and the technique already has a sounder basis than many less exotic approaches. At the minimum, courtesy and humility demand interest and attention to its progress and testing. If favourable tests keep
coming, we should not shrink from using them, or from seeking to understand them." Ken Pease, Ph.D., Professor of Criminology, University of Huddersfield, England; Board Member Home Office National Crime Prevention
"This is promising research. It is a non-traditional approach, but the methodology of these studies is sound and the statistical significance high.
In a world as unstable and dangerous as ours, I believe that any approach with such consistent objective support deserves careful attention." Dr. Ved
Nanda, Director of the Legal Studies Program, University of Denver; formerly President of the International Association of Law Professors.
"The hypothesis definitely raised some eyebrows among our reviewers. But the statistical work was sound. The numbers were there. When you can statistically control for as many variables as these studies do, it makes the results much more convincing." Raymond Russ, Ph.D., Professor of
Psychology, University of Maine; Editor of the Journal of Mind and Behaviour.
"I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of ANY OTHER SOCIAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM.
It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution. This work and the theory that informs it
deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike." David Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas
at Austin.
What could it be that these reasoned individuals have concluded has such potential? As even these researchers have alluded, to wrap your mind around
such a novel approach requires a willingness to explore a totally new paradigm and be prepared to jettison the prejudice that comes from a lifetime of seeing the world the old way.
This new "weapon" that will eliminate terrorism is yogic flying. Almost everybody has seen a clip of yogic flying on TV or photos in the press showing people with legs crossed hopping on foam mats. The practice of yogic
flying creates what is now known to science as the Maharishi Effect. I have personally been practicing this technique twice a day, without fail, for 23
While this all sinks in, let's explore how yogic flying generates this important and needed influence.
War (and terrorism) is made in the minds of men. Terrorism is only possible when individuals in society at large are stressed beyond a certain threshold. The practice of yogic flying creates an extremely powerful influence of coherence that positively affects ALL individuals in such a way
that the tensions held by those individuals who would undertake acts of terrorism are simply dissolved. It IS that simple.
This can be explored further. There are questions that beg answers such as how one person doing something in one place can positively influence the
actions of a person or persons somewhere else. Brain wave research has documented that when a person thinks a thought, their brain generates
approximately 8% coherence (hence the adage that the typical person uses less than 10% of their mental potential). By contrast, when the body lifts
up during yogic flying, researchers see nearly 100% brain wave coherence. Just as a powerful magnet can influence other magnets nearby, a fully coherent brain positively affects everyone. We are only scratching the
surface here. I strongly recommend your readers explore the following websites to gain further insight into the significance and substance of this
powerful technology.

How are you doing? Has this got you thinking or have you retreated and rejected a valuable new concept? In which camp would you have found yourself
if you had lived in the time of Galileo when he proposed support for the radical notion that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around? Think about it. Would you have rationally examined the evidence presented or would you have just rejected the radical new paradigm?
It's no different for each of you now. You will either explore the substantial scientific research that documents, with an extremely high level of probability, that yogic flying works or you will reject it. Even those
whose minds are fresh and flexible may find this proposal a shock at first but they will allow themselves to consider what at the onset may appear revolutionary. And when they do, the world will never be the same again.
As a final note, Prime Minister Chretien is proposing to spend the majority of this year's projected $7 billion federal surplus on combating terrorism.
This would be a huge waste. Terrorism can be eliminated WORLDWIDE for a fraction of this amount. Our politicians have been briefed repeatedly on the
technology of yogic flying. It's time for them to put it to work. Write your MP and the Prime Minister. They know the old ways are not working. It's now
time for this new technology to bring sustainable peace to the entire world.
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Ruth Ann
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