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religious right launches 'white ribbon' campaign against porn

bh | 28.10.2001 20:32

white, the color of a pure, pure virgin

Religious right white ribbon campaign

This week the religious right has launched the White Ribbon Campaign against Pornography, showing that at least they can do something for society, even if it is that same old same old warmed over dish which seems to be the only thing those churches can ever ever serve up. In a severe warning against the extreme hazards to the nation of being exposed to prostitutes, tax collectors and sinners sans fig leaf they report that they are interested, "in defending the dignity of each person. Guard your families against pornography, which nowadays under various forms affects people's minds, especially those of children and young people. Defend the purity of morals in your homes and in society. ... The purer families are, the healthier the nation will be..."

Now you know that white is the color of virgin bride, hence the 'white ribbon' these paragons of virtue and morality can now be seen sporting with pride on their lapels. Now in the past, I have tried, without luck, for years and years to launch a campaign in those churches for 'defending the dignity of each person, myself.'

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Over 13,000,000 babies have died of starvation and malnutrition since this website was founded...

Information sources - Unicef, Care, World Health Organization

Amount of food produced in the world which is consumed by livestock - 80 per cent...
Amount of food produced which is consumed by human beings - 10 per cent...
Amount used in industrial processes - 10 per cent...
Cattle return 1 gram of protein for every 100 grams of protein they consume...

Information sources - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, United States Department of Agriculture

Now we often hear about the so-called 'global world wide food shortage' a terrible terrible tragedy which unfortunately afflicts the entire globe with the unimaginable torments of suffering and hunger and starvation. Well, take right now, for example, after the droughts this year, which have ended as I reported previously, but nevertheless, after the drought this year there are 33 countries with famine victims in them. You know, right, I mean, well you KNOW RIGHT? Well now you do. Now I monitor Christian television and can report that if you didn't know you sure as hell wouldn't find out there, but, hey they got their fig leaf peddling hands full now dealing with a full scale crisis in our society, and they also got this other problem to deal with, namely yours truly. You know, as I reported on the prophecy section of my website, I was so extremely damaged by that horrible so called religion known as Christianity that I literally never had sexual intercourse in my life, that's right no sex life, being a queer as well after all, which is even worse. But look, I sure didn't want to go down to burn in hell with Sodom and Gommorrah. Well who would, right, so it was worth it just to save my soul. But as I also said on my site, just because I have not had a sexual life, that does not mean that I didn't see anyone else having sex, you know, being the impure type that I am, as compared to those virginally pure Christians wearing those white ribbons this week and next week.

Yes with Eden soon to appear on earth and that stupid fig leaf of theirs soon to be assigned to crapper of history forever well I guess what else is a church to do but to attempt to 'claim the moral high ground' by first defining what is moral and then claiming that morality for themselves. Because if there is one thing you can straight to hell for in Christianity it is getting caught without your fig leaf on or having criminally illegal orgasms, a crime by the way not punishable by something as simple and straight forward as the death penalty but rather punishably by the penalty of eternal torture, conduct I am sure that Amnesty International might want to look into.

But to return to my point, everyone's brains are clogged with that filthy propaganda about the 'global world wide food shortage' the reason being that lots of people have simply been consigned to starve to death in this place and its just a lot easier to murder them this painful and torturous way if people can grieve over the world wide food shortage, while mourning how there isn't anything they can do about it. Well, except of course to support bio-genetic engineering of the food supply. You know, so that more food can be produced and end the global world wide food shortage, another piece of odiously disgusting propaganda that is being spewed out like filth from a sewer pipe lately. Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right. Keep that murderous propaganda going and then at the same time gain much needed support for screwing around with the genetics of the planet for profit. Now speaking of getting drunk on some whore's wine, on the one hand we are told of the terrible terrible food shortage so that we will let famine victims starve but when it comes time to pay farmers for their production we are told about the 'food glut' which has created such a massive surplus that prices of commodities have been driven below the price of production. A few years ago I used to prophecy to those churches that it was 'the return of feudalism', what with farmers being driven to bankruptcy and the land being swallowed up by mega giant coroporate farms. Since then mega-farms now constitute 70 per cent of the farms, and with the glut and low prices continuing I imagine that those last 30 per cent of hold outs won't be holding out to much longer and then we can finally 'rationalize the production' of agriculture by 'moderninizing agricultural techniques' by creating these feudal estates and destroying the archaic and unproductive family farm, which was so unmodern in its techniques that it only managed to produce the very massive food surpluses which are now being used to destroy them. So why not kill three birds with that one stone instead of two, right. Starve humanity and do it without public outcry or guilt, gain support for screwing with genetics, and return the farms to feudalism, now that's what I call a successful propaganda assault.

Now having said this what more can I say. Well let me put it this way. I believe in 'in defending the dignity of each person. Guard your families against propaganda, which nowadays under various forms affects people's minds, especially those of children and young people. Defend the purity of morals in your homes and in society. ... The purer families are, the healthier the nation will be." Really I just couldn't think of a better way to say it than that, and that really does just about sum up the problem nicely.

Now your typical 'Christian' pure white fig leaf wearing virgin know about all this, and have for years, there being a prophet bothering them about it for years and years as I said, but the truth be told they are so ruthless, being stake light human burning Christians after all, a philosophy which has totally destroyed their sense of morals and decency and left them devoid of even the most ordinary of natural affections for other people, without mercy, without pity, well shocking as it sound they never have cared, they don't care now, and they won't care tommorrow because they can't. Christianity has destroyed them as something so viciuosly cruel and sadistic would, as common sense should tell you. So, while 33 nations starve, in addition to regular starving of millions of babies, not to mention the regular malnourishment and starvation of millions of adults, the resulting blindness, the lack of ability to think properly and every type of disease and plague, eating sometimes only a few times a week while being forced to work for that food while starving, yes while all this goes on regularly and now on an unprecendented scale in 33 countries not to mention Afghanistan, those virgin white Christians are to busy to say a thing about it, and could, if they wanted to, having seized control of every single Christian broadcasting network after all (letting no other voice in the church be heard). They could do something, because its just worthless propaganda after all, and truth telling is the cure. But they said 'we refuse' years ago, a policy they maintain to this very day. And now they are wearing their virgin white ribbons and carrying on about the only 'morals' they ever carry on about, wearing fig leaves and avoiding all illegal orgasms, this being what passes for morals in Christianity after all.

And also, by the way, proving how virgin white and morally pure they are by first, defining morals by their own standards, and then proclaiming themselves virginally pure, unlike a certain filthy handed morally filthy and tainted prophet who is at war with them right this very minute for the sake of the Garden of Eden, another big propaganda problem they have to figure out how to deal with, and so I think that in their 'white ribbon campaign' pretty well sums up how they plan to attack Eden and attack me in the future, being so steeped in criminal sin and offense as they really are. They will first attempt to define 'morality' and then hurl charges of 'immorality' while wearing white ribbons themselves. In otherwords they will first find a manure pile and then start hurling filthy manure in the hopes that some of it will stick, a classic technique as all those lurid stories about congressman chasing skirts show so well. That's how its done, and that is how it will be done.

But hey, I am a warrior for Eden, and really i think given the heaping stinking pile of sin that church has piled up over these years I have been struggling with them, they might find themselves getting a run for their money. As for them trying to compete while peddling that fig leaf and trying to lure people away from the coming Garden of Eden, well all I can say is good luck, and really, anyone so propagandized by that Church or anyone else in this place that they decide that they should be 'moral' instead of going to Eden, well anyone that idiotically stupid probably deserves to spend some time getting 'saved' by that church and learning what it is like to be completely destroyed by their utterly ruthless theology and their consequent injustice. Being dead while you are yet alive is no fun. Its not much a life, and being 'dead again' is about all that can result from such 'salvation'.

So what I have decided today is that since I have some time to kill while I wait for Eden I am going to launch a prophecy war. Every single time that church challenges me or defies simple common sense and ordinary decency (which is every single day) I am going to respond with a prophetic war against them and yes, I am going to conquer them and soundly defeat them, because they are so immoral and so corrupt in their deeds that they make such an easy and inviting target.

For example this morning I was once again monitoring that 'Christian television' where I was once again provoked right to my face by a teaching entitled 'seven reasons for lack.' Yes, seven reasons for being poor. Now in religious right thinking the reasons for poverty can be summed up in the following saying - 'if you are poor, its always your own fault' - and then a bunch of so called reasons can be given to 'prove' that poverty is the result of such things as lack of faith, lack of character development, and so on. Who really cares what the actual 'reasons' might be, it is always your own fault and when we see Christians 'prospering' we should be happy because maybe someday we can accumulate wealth ourselves, provided of course that we do the task at hand of improving ourselves, something that could take considerable time, which explains why so many Christians are poor, and given their lack of this that or the other, they might even stay poor, but while poor they shouldn't question the morals or rightness of others being rich, which is wrong, and one way to be sure they will stay poor, being punished by God for their envy after all.

Now I can list many reasons for poverty myself.

Peasant gets kicked off land. Super rich oligarchs of El Salvador or some other place like that take land and 'rationalize' the production of agriculture by modernizing it and so on. Peasant either goes up an unfertile mountainside and tries to farm that worthless land or

Peasant has to move into slum, slums not just happening after all, but being created when landless peasants find out their isn't any more room up the mountainside, and thus have to move to the slums.

World Bank and IMF decide that hospitals can cut back on bandaids and stuff like that, you know just to ring the last nickel out of a country so they can send their endless and perpetual interest payments to increase the wealth of the already rich nations. Which brings us to the next point which is that

Another sure way to get poor would be to accept those loans from generous rich nations. None of the money has been or ever will be ever seen by the poor. Rather it will pocketed by dictators and corrupt cronies all down the line, it will be used to finance mega-projects so that multinationals can have infrastructure to benefit from, or it will simple move in a circle and be spent on multinationals so that the second the loan is made it winds up right back in the rich nation, having been spent on that multinational right on the spot anyways. Later on when water is being privatized to squeeze the last nickel out of the poor, and education is slashed, health is slashed, social services and relief of all kinds is slashed, you know to make all those endless and eternal interest payments, well the poor, who were already poor, will become even poorer, never having seen a dime of that money they now have to bled white to pay.

Another way to create poverty is to meddle in foreign countries and put dictators into power who will then prove to be almost impossible to dislodge. If someone does try to dislodge them, then they are terrorists and become fair targets on the principle that only governments get to do violence and use arms against humanity and any other army is naughty. Those dictators will be like some of the ones in Africa right now, who are sucking up to the World Bank and IMF as news reports are constantly reporting, you know, so they can skim off of some more of those loans and just wind up getting the interest rates jacked up even higher.

Another way to create property is through concentration of ownership of every damn thing on the face of the earth in the hands of oligarchs and mega-corps who will, naturally pay slave wages (while I listen to that church bleating about how 'low wages are better than no wages', something they said several weeks ago in justification of paying low wages in poor countries, rather than decent wages, which would be wrong, because it wouldn't be anywhere near as profitable. That creates poverty too, and while 'low wages are certainly better than no wages', this kind of bullying deal offered to the poorest and most desperate countries on earth creates poverty, which apparently doesn't matter and doesn't require a 'white ribbon campaign' to protest it, low wages being better than none after all, right, so take it or leave it I guess.

And concentration of ownership and more bullying of poor countries can also force them accept low commodity prices, something that has devestated the countries of Africa in recent years, and remember, they still have to make their interest payments even so, which means hospitals must accept the fact, if they aren't closed in some of that 'restructuring of the economy' (you know to save money by not having so many hospitals) well if they remain open they will have to get used to the idea that bandaids are luxuries because those loan payments have to be made, low commodities be damned. Meanwhile you might say that low commodity prices are better than no commodity prices, and being poor, and not being able to fly over here and bomb Wall Street or the Pentagon, those poor countries will just have to take it or leave right, unless they want to deal with the Contras or find themselves ruled over by General Hack-Whack, which normally they are anyway, but it could be worse, right...

Look to summarize, richness causes poverty, and never the fault of the poor that they are poor, but rather it is the fault of the oligarchs who own almost every square inch of the poorest countries on earth, and intend to keep it, even if they have to use death squads, torturers and you know, help out in the general all round 'war on terrorism' to be able to keep it. Richness causes poverty. Think of a pie. Let's say someone eats 80 per cent of the pie, a good average by the way, and everyone else in a place like El Salvador is left with the remaining 20 per cent to share, that twenty per cent likely being the crust like some unfertile mountain land. Well it goes without saying that there isn't going to much of a pie to divide, right, and so as I said, richness, hogging the pie, causes poverty as anyone with even the most rudimentary math ability can figure out for themselves, there being no big mystery there.

But as I said, I have a hard time launching a white ribbon campaign in that church for morals, those people being corrupt and immoral all the time, day in and day out, year after godless year at the end of it all, and the type of people who say 'low wages are better than none' which pretty well sums up how they just don't give a damn, because if they did they would do something, but they say, 'we refuse'.

So then to summarize, I am not in the least impressed with that 'white ribbon campaign for morals' in that church and will, from this day forward be launching one prophetic warfare against that church and anything and everything they even think of doing or teaching and saying, until they are brought down in catastrophic defeat. Their own sinfulness testifies against them, and its their own sinfulness that I will use to bring about their downfall.

To borrow the words of that white ribbon web site, I call for Morality in the Media about the things described above, especially that enabling starvation propaganda that is also returning feudalsim to the planet. I call for action against this obscenity and moral pornography masquerading as truth. As the white ribbon campaing put it:

"Make obscenity complaints to Federal and State prosecutors -- again and again and again and again! Morality in Media's annual White Ribbon Against Pornography Campaign this year takes place from Sunday 28 October through Sunday 4 November 2001. This year, in addition to the other events that WRAP Campaigners do each year, we're putting at the head of the list the need for concerned citizens to make obscenity complaints to your local Federal and State prosecutors. Also, the White Ribbon Against Pornography Campaign is now an official event for USA WEEKEND's "Make A Difference Day."

Now why is it such an offense that Christian television enables this hurtful and murderous propaganda. Well to borrow the words of that white ribbon campaign..."Why is the obscenity law necessary? Because there are some people who will refrain from evil only when faced with a threat of law enforcement or actual enforcement ... Pornography Awareness Week and the WRAP Campaign highlight awareness about the porn problem and what can be done about it. But fighting porn is a year-long challenge. Here are some things you or your group can do to fight porn all year long ... "How to Win the War In Your Community," here are practical ideas for getting hardcore pornography out of neighborhood video stores ... "

Exactly my feelings. And as the grand summary of the white ribbon web site states...

"And why should falsehood and error, debasement and pornography have the right to be put before people and often unfortunately imposed upon them by the destructive propaganda of the mass media, by the tolerance of legislation, the timidity of the good and the impudence of the wicked?"

I couldn't have said it better myself.

To borrow a saying from those early Zionists, "TOMMORROW IN EDEN!"

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  1. prophetic warfare — bh
  2. lest I forget — bh