Iran clerics blame CIA for protests-also drought breaks
bh | 27.10.2001 16:29
Attempting link to the current unrest in Iran to the CIA cooked up demos in the fifties, Iranian religious leaders continue to defy the demand for democracy in Iran
iranian religious leaders try to blame democracy protests on CIA
Attempting link to the current unrest in Iran to the CIA cooked up demos in the fifties, Iranian religious leaders continue to defy the demand for democracy in Iran, and attempt to blame student protest on the CIA. As long as the Iranian religious leadership continues to report the protests as 'enraged football fans' instead of telling the truth about the anti-clerical democracy protests and their own defiance of election results they have very little credibility, and given the dangerous situation and the possible American interference they also leave the door wide open for such interference because they have no credibility, refusing after all to tell the truth themselves. It only muddies the water and makes an already dangerous situation even more confusing and threatening...
Previously I posted a story about disinformation and misreporting of the studen t democracy protests in Iran. Because I knew people would remember the CIA inspired protests of the fifties that served as a pretext for the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected socialist government and the installation of the Shak and the Savak I emphasized that Iranians have been protesting the rule of the conservative mullahs by voting by a landslide for reform candiddates (even if they have to make vote comprimises to make sure the vote doesn't get split - nevertheless the conservative clerics remain the power in Iran because they have firm control of the police). The link to the story on my site is below and there is also further comment on the story found near the top of this page on my site...
Well as can be expected, the mullahs are now trying to bash the students by insisting they are working for the CIA and attempting to stir up memories of the fifties. This is once again disinformation, as the Iranians elected that socialist government in the fifties and they sent those mullahs clear signals in elections that they want reform and want them to relenquish power in the most recent elections, so the comparison is invalid. In any case, IRNA the official state newswire printed an article which more or less summarizes the tactics the mullahs will be using against the students in the days ahead (trying to obfusticate the issue by equating them with CIA goon squads)...Remember the 'Battle in Seattle' and how that was reported (whuich gave rise to the whole IndyMedia phenom? Well call this one the 'Battle in Tehran' because it is the same thing and the disinformation and misreporting of this one is equally bad!
Football vandalism provoked by foreign elements: Resalat editor
Tehran, Oct 27, IRNA -- Chief Editor of the Persian daily 'Resalat'
Morteza Nabavi here Saturday said a domestic group affiliated to
certain outside powers are involved in creating social disorder
following Iran's World Cup qualifying matches.
Speaking at a meeting of the central council of the Islamic
Association of Engineers, Nabavi said a group is trying to foment
disorder throughout the country on the pretext of celebrating Iran's
He said vandalism is not subject to match results, and added that
it is not important for the vandals whether Iran wins or loses.
Nabavi reiterated that there is a clear distinction between
celebrating a victory and vandalism, a social offense that serves to
endanger the life of citizens.
He underscored the need to confront vandalism and pinpoint its
instigators, and said a failure to adopt serious measures to deter
vandalism will mean neglecting citizens' rights, and will undoubtedly
encourage violence and insecurity.
After monitoring the situation for several weeks I can report that the drought in Iran seems to have finally broken. Consult the various news pages on my site for intermittent reports on the breaking of drought in many nations as predicted several weeks ago.
The first drought page was posted here ->
and some preliminary reports on progress were posted about half way down the page here ->
A photo and some commentary on the situation in Algier was posted on this page ->
A photo of the drought break in Somalia and a summary report of the situation can be found here ->
As the videos indicate water vapor has been pouring from the African rain forest into Iran for weeks and the photos below show first, the build up of water vapor, and in the second the corresponding build up of cloud cover over Iran. Iran has been suffering the worst drought this century, with even the wet lands ruined and destroyed, and the country forced to ship water by truck around the country. According to IRNA 'Iran fears the worst for more drought' several weeks ago, but things are looking good, as you would expect them too after weeks of having water vapor pour into Iran from the rain forest. All this is more than just another 'coincidence' and the probability that anyone human being could pull off all the 'stunts' I do by himself is just ridiculous to assert (visit the Site Summary section of my site and start following the info from there and come to your own conclusions, and don't forget to visit my Eden Wing page, an event that should have told Iran and IRNA that no, it wasn't going to be 'the fear of more drought' but rather it was going to rain sooner or later...And the next place still on the schedule, pouring rain on Eden in the Sahara...
By the way, the media is in a lot of trouble for hiding off that Eden Wing at the summit of the Americas, and now what in the world are they going to do about Eden itself? NEVER EVER practice oppression or you will find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into trouble. If they want to be COMPLETELY RUINED then let them do something stupid like try to hide EDEN. (After witnessing those falsified satellite photos of late, I wouldn't doubt it, and believe me, that can't be done forever, and those who do it will be RUINED...Christian television (completely controlled by the religious right) completely RUINED! I will leave you to think about what that means...Don't be like them if you have any common sense...
The photo can also be found on this page on my site if it does not upload to your indy site
Attempting link to the current unrest in Iran to the CIA cooked up demos in the fifties, Iranian religious leaders continue to defy the demand for democracy in Iran, and attempt to blame student protest on the CIA. As long as the Iranian religious leadership continues to report the protests as 'enraged football fans' instead of telling the truth about the anti-clerical democracy protests and their own defiance of election results they have very little credibility, and given the dangerous situation and the possible American interference they also leave the door wide open for such interference because they have no credibility, refusing after all to tell the truth themselves. It only muddies the water and makes an already dangerous situation even more confusing and threatening...

Previously I posted a story about disinformation and misreporting of the studen t democracy protests in Iran. Because I knew people would remember the CIA inspired protests of the fifties that served as a pretext for the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected socialist government and the installation of the Shak and the Savak I emphasized that Iranians have been protesting the rule of the conservative mullahs by voting by a landslide for reform candiddates (even if they have to make vote comprimises to make sure the vote doesn't get split - nevertheless the conservative clerics remain the power in Iran because they have firm control of the police). The link to the story on my site is below and there is also further comment on the story found near the top of this page on my site...

Well as can be expected, the mullahs are now trying to bash the students by insisting they are working for the CIA and attempting to stir up memories of the fifties. This is once again disinformation, as the Iranians elected that socialist government in the fifties and they sent those mullahs clear signals in elections that they want reform and want them to relenquish power in the most recent elections, so the comparison is invalid. In any case, IRNA the official state newswire printed an article which more or less summarizes the tactics the mullahs will be using against the students in the days ahead (trying to obfusticate the issue by equating them with CIA goon squads)...Remember the 'Battle in Seattle' and how that was reported (whuich gave rise to the whole IndyMedia phenom? Well call this one the 'Battle in Tehran' because it is the same thing and the disinformation and misreporting of this one is equally bad!
Football vandalism provoked by foreign elements: Resalat editor
Tehran, Oct 27, IRNA -- Chief Editor of the Persian daily 'Resalat'
Morteza Nabavi here Saturday said a domestic group affiliated to
certain outside powers are involved in creating social disorder
following Iran's World Cup qualifying matches.
Speaking at a meeting of the central council of the Islamic
Association of Engineers, Nabavi said a group is trying to foment
disorder throughout the country on the pretext of celebrating Iran's
He said vandalism is not subject to match results, and added that
it is not important for the vandals whether Iran wins or loses.
Nabavi reiterated that there is a clear distinction between
celebrating a victory and vandalism, a social offense that serves to
endanger the life of citizens.
He underscored the need to confront vandalism and pinpoint its
instigators, and said a failure to adopt serious measures to deter
vandalism will mean neglecting citizens' rights, and will undoubtedly
encourage violence and insecurity.
After monitoring the situation for several weeks I can report that the drought in Iran seems to have finally broken. Consult the various news pages on my site for intermittent reports on the breaking of drought in many nations as predicted several weeks ago.
The first drought page was posted here ->

and some preliminary reports on progress were posted about half way down the page here ->

A photo and some commentary on the situation in Algier was posted on this page ->

A photo of the drought break in Somalia and a summary report of the situation can be found here ->

As the videos indicate water vapor has been pouring from the African rain forest into Iran for weeks and the photos below show first, the build up of water vapor, and in the second the corresponding build up of cloud cover over Iran. Iran has been suffering the worst drought this century, with even the wet lands ruined and destroyed, and the country forced to ship water by truck around the country. According to IRNA 'Iran fears the worst for more drought' several weeks ago, but things are looking good, as you would expect them too after weeks of having water vapor pour into Iran from the rain forest. All this is more than just another 'coincidence' and the probability that anyone human being could pull off all the 'stunts' I do by himself is just ridiculous to assert (visit the Site Summary section of my site and start following the info from there and come to your own conclusions, and don't forget to visit my Eden Wing page, an event that should have told Iran and IRNA that no, it wasn't going to be 'the fear of more drought' but rather it was going to rain sooner or later...And the next place still on the schedule, pouring rain on Eden in the Sahara...
By the way, the media is in a lot of trouble for hiding off that Eden Wing at the summit of the Americas, and now what in the world are they going to do about Eden itself? NEVER EVER practice oppression or you will find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into trouble. If they want to be COMPLETELY RUINED then let them do something stupid like try to hide EDEN. (After witnessing those falsified satellite photos of late, I wouldn't doubt it, and believe me, that can't be done forever, and those who do it will be RUINED...Christian television (completely controlled by the religious right) completely RUINED! I will leave you to think about what that means...Don't be like them if you have any common sense...
The photo can also be found on this page on my site if it does not upload to your indy site

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