Newspaper articles on Middle East
Daniel Brett | 26.10.2001 09:19
Daily Telegraph
1) Why the new terrorism threatens all of humanity By John Keegan Panic inducing article "[Al-Qaeda] will have no hesitation in causing nuclear explosions for terrorist purposes when it learns how" then turns Israel into a victim again - "In so far as al-Qa'eda has an identifiable
aim, it is the elimination of Israel, to put it no worse, and the return of its territory to Palestinian Arabs, however defined"
Amazing that Keegan can get it all so wrong - Bin Laden's prime aim was never Israel/Palestine but Saudi Arabia. He certainly ahs an identifiable aim there in terms of getting the US forces out.
2) Bin Laden and Adams share more than a beard By Boris Johnson Gerry may disagree, Boris
Somehow Boris's imagination sees Osama going off to Downing Street and the Whitehouse. And.....!!
"We couldn't sell out Israel, even if we wanted to. She is not ours to sell. Is she?" No Britain does not sell Boris - it gives away entire countries.
The Times
1) Leading article - A man alone: Blair needs to think beyond the Taleban to Baghdad "To look further into the future, the logic of this conflict still puts Iraq
and the West on collision course.",,56-2001371246,00.html
Hopefully Mr Blair may think more constructively.
The Guardian
1) Editorial: A tale of two cities,3604,580191,00.html
Extract: "In Israel it is the momentum of violence which feels as though it has hurtled beyond control. Since the assassination of Israel's tourism minister, Rahavem Zeevi, last week Israel has defied an international chorus of disapproval by reoccupying parts of six towns and shooting dead dozens of Palestinians. The West Bank villages of Beit Rima and Deir Ghassana were sealed off from the ministrations of ambulances and the scrutiny of journalists yesterday, while as many as 13 Palestinians were killed, 10 of them in one village. Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, gives all the signs of believing, firstly, that there is a security solution to the problem of Israel and Palestine and, secondly, that Israel can, if necessary, ignore all international entreaties and pressure and go it alone.
If he genuinely believes either of these things he is dangerously wrong. There is a solution to the murderous turmoil - and it will not, in the end, be dissimilar from the deal that was painfully hammered out last year at Camp David and Taba. The deal was imperfect and incomplete, but one day - whether it is months, years or decades away - Palestinians and Israelis will have to sit down and talk, with something resembling Taba as the starting point. As with Northern Ireland, the destination is reasonably clear if, in Israel's case, the route is currently impassable. "
2) Sharon's fatal trap, By Aluf Benn,3604,580359,00.html
from the Ha'aretz diplomatic editor
3) Terror and Tyranny by Seaumus Milne,3604,580360,00.html
Extract: "The right to resist occupation is in any case recognised under international law and the Geneva convention, which is one reason why routine western denunciations of Palestinian violence ring utterly hollow. Having failed to dislodge the Israeli occupation after 34 years or implement the UN decision to create a Palestinian state after 54 years, there are few reasonable grounds to complain if those living under the occupation fight back. But the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian, which last week assassinated Israel's racist tourism minister in response to the Israeli assassination of its leader in August, is officially regarded as a terrorist organisation by the US government, which has now successfully pressured the Palestinian leadership to ban its military wing."
4) Blair's role on the world stage will win no applause, by Hugo Young,3604,580266,00.html
nothing relevant in the Financial Times
the Independent
1) America must understand why the Third World still distrusts its power by Kaizer Nyatsumba
extract A good starting point might be a strong denunciation of all acts of terrorism in the Middle East but especially those committed by the government of Israel, which has killed up to six Palestinians for every one
of its citizens killed, and show an even-handedness in that conflict instead of blind support. For as long as there is no Palestinian state and the US continues to be partisan in the conflict, so long will the US continue to be hated in the developing world.
International Herald Tribune
1) New York Times Editorial: Talking about the war
2) The US alliance with Pakistan may have to go, By Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
3) America wants to help Afghanistan recover, not take it over, by Michael Kelly
4) The big threat is to Islamic sociey, not the West, by William Pfaff
1) Why the new terrorism threatens all of humanity By John Keegan Panic inducing article "[Al-Qaeda] will have no hesitation in causing nuclear explosions for terrorist purposes when it learns how" then turns Israel into a victim again - "In so far as al-Qa'eda has an identifiable
aim, it is the elimination of Israel, to put it no worse, and the return of its territory to Palestinian Arabs, however defined"

Amazing that Keegan can get it all so wrong - Bin Laden's prime aim was never Israel/Palestine but Saudi Arabia. He certainly ahs an identifiable aim there in terms of getting the US forces out.
2) Bin Laden and Adams share more than a beard By Boris Johnson Gerry may disagree, Boris

Somehow Boris's imagination sees Osama going off to Downing Street and the Whitehouse. And.....!!
"We couldn't sell out Israel, even if we wanted to. She is not ours to sell. Is she?" No Britain does not sell Boris - it gives away entire countries.
The Times
1) Leading article - A man alone: Blair needs to think beyond the Taleban to Baghdad "To look further into the future, the logic of this conflict still puts Iraq
and the West on collision course."

Hopefully Mr Blair may think more constructively.
The Guardian
1) Editorial: A tale of two cities

Extract: "In Israel it is the momentum of violence which feels as though it has hurtled beyond control. Since the assassination of Israel's tourism minister, Rahavem Zeevi, last week Israel has defied an international chorus of disapproval by reoccupying parts of six towns and shooting dead dozens of Palestinians. The West Bank villages of Beit Rima and Deir Ghassana were sealed off from the ministrations of ambulances and the scrutiny of journalists yesterday, while as many as 13 Palestinians were killed, 10 of them in one village. Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, gives all the signs of believing, firstly, that there is a security solution to the problem of Israel and Palestine and, secondly, that Israel can, if necessary, ignore all international entreaties and pressure and go it alone.
If he genuinely believes either of these things he is dangerously wrong. There is a solution to the murderous turmoil - and it will not, in the end, be dissimilar from the deal that was painfully hammered out last year at Camp David and Taba. The deal was imperfect and incomplete, but one day - whether it is months, years or decades away - Palestinians and Israelis will have to sit down and talk, with something resembling Taba as the starting point. As with Northern Ireland, the destination is reasonably clear if, in Israel's case, the route is currently impassable. "
2) Sharon's fatal trap, By Aluf Benn

from the Ha'aretz diplomatic editor
3) Terror and Tyranny by Seaumus Milne

Extract: "The right to resist occupation is in any case recognised under international law and the Geneva convention, which is one reason why routine western denunciations of Palestinian violence ring utterly hollow. Having failed to dislodge the Israeli occupation after 34 years or implement the UN decision to create a Palestinian state after 54 years, there are few reasonable grounds to complain if those living under the occupation fight back. But the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian, which last week assassinated Israel's racist tourism minister in response to the Israeli assassination of its leader in August, is officially regarded as a terrorist organisation by the US government, which has now successfully pressured the Palestinian leadership to ban its military wing."
4) Blair's role on the world stage will win no applause, by Hugo Young

nothing relevant in the Financial Times
the Independent
1) America must understand why the Third World still distrusts its power by Kaizer Nyatsumba

extract A good starting point might be a strong denunciation of all acts of terrorism in the Middle East but especially those committed by the government of Israel, which has killed up to six Palestinians for every one
of its citizens killed, and show an even-handedness in that conflict instead of blind support. For as long as there is no Palestinian state and the US continues to be partisan in the conflict, so long will the US continue to be hated in the developing world.
International Herald Tribune
1) New York Times Editorial: Talking about the war

2) The US alliance with Pakistan may have to go, By Jim Hoagland, Washington Post

3) America wants to help Afghanistan recover, not take it over, by Michael Kelly

4) The big threat is to Islamic sociey, not the West, by William Pfaff

Daniel Brett
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