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Green MEPs | 25.10.2001 22:17

At a debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg today (Weds) Green
MEP Caroline Lucas will insist that fundamental reform of the World
Trade Organisation's processes and rules must be a precondition for any
new round of trade negotiations that will be demanded by the EU and US
in November at Doha, Qatar.

Dr Lucas, who will be a member of the EU's official delegation to the
WTO Ministerial Meeting, said: "The lessons of the failed Seattle
Ministerial were that the WTO must become a fully democratic and
transparent organization which genuinely supports sustainable
development and which effectively responds to the needs of developing
countries. The insistence of the Commission on launching a new Trade
Round without having addressed these issues shows that those lessons
have not been learned. Doha therefore risks being a Seattle Mark II."

She will make the case that developing countries should have more power
in the WTO, their technical capacity needs to be funded and supported,
that their marginalisation needs to end, and that they need to be
listened to. Many have made it clear that addressing concerns about the
implementation of the previous Uruguay Round commitments should be a
precondition for a new Round. The African Group of countries have
indicated their reluctance to entertain new issues at Doha, as well as
the 'Least Developed Countries' Group, represented by Tanzania.
Jamaica's Ambassador Ransford Smith spoke for many others when he said:
"For us the resolution of implementation issues is a necessary
pre-condition and unfortunately there is very little progress there. We
do not believe that beyond the built-in agenda many issues fall into the
realm of what is possible."

Dr Lucas will go on to say "Pressing ahead with a new Round in the face
of major opposition from the majority of developing countries is
therefore not helpful. Calling it a "Development Round" is a
rhetorical sleight of hand that fails to address developing countries'
genuine concerns. Hugo Paemen, the EU's key negotiator in the Uruguay
Round put it better than I could when, with perhaps surprising candour,
he admitted that: 'The difficulty is that everybody says this has to be
the development round, but major representatives of the developing world
don't agree with starting a round'. "

Dr Lucas has signed a EU Parliamentary resolution, which:
a.. States that the current WTO objectives have to be changed so that
the over-riding principles address the issues of poverty, sustainable
development and environmental protection;
b.. Is highly critical of the dominance exerted by large commercial
organisations and their powerful lobby groups in seeking greater trade
c.. Calls for an effective international treaty on corporate


For more information, please contact Steve Rackett on 020 7407 6280 or
0776 997 0691

Green MEPs


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and where are the greens in power?

25.10.2001 22:51

And giving their grudging consent to participation in war in Germany. I voted Green in the last election - just to oppose the three mains - not no more if the Green Party in power will side with the war mongerer and the war criminals

dwight heet

We don't agree with the German Greens

26.10.2001 00:04

The Green Party of England & Wales in no way supports the German line on the War. This is official. Whether elected to the European Parliament or any other parliament - our stance does not and would NOT change.

Green Goddess

We ARE in power

26.10.2001 00:14

Dwight, you seem very confused. Dr Caroline Lucas is a BRITISH MEP for the South East and she, like the rest of the Green Party of England & Wales does not support the German stance on the war. So we don't change our tack once elected you'll be reassured to hear - carry on voting Green.

Green Goddess