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WTC 2829 Dead according to Associated Press

AP | 24.10.2001 00:57
See "The list Victims and Missing"
Click on Current totals/classification criteria.

As of most recent database update, 10/23/2001 8:49:33 PM EDT:




* TOTAL: 2830

AP classification criteria (updated 9/24/01)

The victims are divided into these groups:

1. CONFIRMED DEAD. Includes those who have been confirmed dead by a coroner's office or the Defense Department. It also includes those for whom death certificates have been issued, even if no body has been recovered.

2. REPORTED DEAD. Includes those whose deaths have been reported by family, employers, mortuaries, places of worship or by the airlines that listed them as aboard one of the four flights. Includes people for whom memorial services have been held, even if their bodies have not been recovered or positively identified. (Those identified by federal authorities as the hijackers are not included in the database.)

3. REPORTED MISSING. People identified by family, official agencies or employers as missing.


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24.10.2001 05:22

These totals are confusing as hell, since they represent the total number lives lost in the WTC and Pentagon attacks, as well as in the crashed jetliners - yet are less than half the publicized number of lives lost in the WTC collapse alone. Nowhere has this downward recalculation been announced or explained.

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24.10.2001 10:34

Shows what a bunch of lying bastards the people we hear on the news regurgitating the 6000 figure are.


yes but

24.10.2001 12:01

If these figures are more accurate then of course it's outrageous that false figures are being used to keep up the hype for war. But let's not forget the number of illegal workers in the US whose families may be out of touch in central America etc, (incidentally subject to its own catastrophe, starvation and land loss due to drought and low coffee prices - buy fair trade!) also the number of people in an atomised US culture who had nobody caring or waiting for them .. probably they don't make up the missing thousands, but not to forget those poor souls...


yeah, i'm sure...

24.10.2001 14:49

...plenty of the dispossessed were working in the world's financial center.


well, yes they were

24.10.2001 15:32

It may have been the workplace of brokers and bankers, but also of cleaners, caretakers, catering workers and many others; quite apart from the emergency service workers who died. Check link to SEIU (public service union).

Ben Drake
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25.10.2001 13:04

....if you read the note at the bottom of this table (not included in the original post) it says they are updating the figures to include missing from both the Pentagon and WTC.
