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Fizzy tea - a carbonated cuppa

dwight heet | 23.10.2001 22:22

This may be of local concern, I live in West Yorkshire, but I cant find anyone who can confirm the phenomenon even locally. Any ideas?

This is particularly a tea issue. And has only been occurring for the past few weeks. But I've noticed that certain cups of tea fizz. You can hear them fizzing and they develop a coffee-like froth around the rim of the tea surface. We've tried various brands of tea, from Tetleys to Clipper organic, plain tap water, filtered, spring water. Washing up liquids from Fairy to Ecover. The phenomenon appears to occur more in 'straight up' mugs rather than inverted bell shaped vessels. I haven't been able to pin this one down, but suspect excessive amounts of aluminium sulphate applied to the water. Any other suggestions?

dwight heet


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important stuff Dwight, very important stuff

25.10.2001 01:50

Fizzing tea, could there be a more irrevelant topic of discussion? Or maybe Dwight's on to something, could there be a major international food consparcy. Has anyone noticed: puddings that stick to your teeth? Steak that you just can't cut through? Drinks that make you even more thiristy?

There may be something disturbing going on here, someone notify the local authorities, hell lets take this one to the Prime Minister.
