Witnesses needed for arrest on anti-war demo in London
jon | 23.10.2001 18:07
Appeal for winesses to wrongful arrest in Petty France at the anti war demo on the 7th of October 2001
Appeal for witnesses - I was arrested for alledgedly assualting a police officer on Sunday 7th October on the anti-war demo, in Petty France. I was in fact running between two coppers when they jumped me, pulled me to the ground and twisted my hand, which had a broken finger, behind my back. They then kicked me while I was on the ground, despite my friend telling the police that I had a broken hand and that I was not resisting. To this one officer replied, "I know that he is not bloody resisting!" to which my friend said, "well stop kicking him then." If any one saw this incident and is prepared to act as a witness, please contact me via my e mail asap. Thank you jon