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Vote NO on Nukes in Afghanistan

DLJ | 22.10.2001 19:31

They still won't learn

Log onto and participate in the online vote Micheal Reagan is asking about whether or not to use nukes on Afghanistan if bin Laden is found to be responsible for the Anthrax scare. Gee, I was under the impression that it was not the country that we were at war with. The right-wing yahoos, always willing to come up with the most draconian solutions when it is applied to people other than them, are voting in support of the notion. Right now, the vote is at 69% for 30% against. Yesterday when indymedia visitors was made aware of this poll, that shifted drastically in the other direction, so let it not be said that we cannot have an impact on things! Go ovet to the site and vote, and while you are at it, tell the Right that if they have so much of a problem with real freedom, they not us, should go to Afghanistan and fight alongside bin Laden. They are no better than him.

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