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Walk FOR Capitalism

camden autonomists | 20.10.2001 00:27

New group being set up by right wing think tank Prodos.
3 seperate web-pages, threats of global demos in December

camden autonomists


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WalkForCapitalism - London co-ordinator - Jon

20.10.2001 13:55

From: PRODOS, Melbourne, Australia

I've just been on the phone to Jonathan Dickson in London
and he's volunteered to be our London co-ordinator. He told
me that he's a very stong defender of laissez-faire capitalism
and thinks that it's just what Great Britain and Europe
need more of right now.

Welcome Jonathan!
He's agreed to not go on a rampage of burning cars
and smashing windows :-)

London is our 8th city.

The London page is set up @

 http://www.WalkForCapitalism.ORG/london and

Jonathan's son, Joshua, is also a PLANET member
as well as Joshua's friend Rupert Ireland. Gentleman,
we're very pleased to have you with us.

Best Wishes.



20.10.2001 14:16

Fuck off ... .. .


Capitalists must pay

20.10.2001 14:28

Why do you post your capitalist news here?. You should pay with money all the destruccion you create to people and the enviroment, instead of advertising for free in this pages.


that's fine

20.10.2001 17:43

well that's sorted then jonathan and the old boys net are
going for a walk. I doubt wether old bill and the intelligence possee will be so busy with their handycams,
hope to see wall to wall indymedia camera's lining the route.
As at least thirty % of the capitalist economy is in the hands of international crime syndicates, the 'walk' will in effect be a parade of the uncaring faces of those involved in starving half the planet so they can have a drive full of BMW's and all the rest of the materialist trimmings that they strive for. It will be very interesting to see who turns up
I reckon it could be quite entertaining. Hope there is no violence especially from 'our' side. be very interested to know more about Jon, and his chums, the old public school networks are the breeding grounds for many a conspiricy theorist's theories...


P.S please post any other mails from this crowd ..

Luther Blissett

well well

20.10.2001 18:04

a few points...

1. Surely its a "drive in my mercedes through Hyde Park" and not a walk?
2. If i were them i would be scared shitless of getting the crap kicked outta me during this "walk".. oh i suppose they have the police on their side.

3. Should'nt there be some sort of counter protest? NON VIOLENT!!!

wonko the sane

can't stop laughing!

20.10.2001 19:05

hah! if us left wing sypthasiers get into power, will have to watch these capitalsts. they are extremely violent and we will use the powers of the police and intelligence against these capitalists! hehehehe. also, the only friends they have are fascists which do make them seriously dangerous.

on the point of posting on indymedia, alias we cannot remove their posting. we do offer freedom of speech even if capitalists don't.

another thing. remember guys when everybody thought this movement would never happen? we shouldn't trap ourselves in to thinking that they will not go anywhere with this in 15 to 20 years. is is why we must educate ourselves, our kids and defend democracy.

Marcus Sky
mail e-mail:


20.10.2001 22:30

Someone should infiltrate this march and form a black bloc.

mail e-mail:

Have fun, all 15 of you.

20.10.2001 23:58

Who's going to be there? A bunch of politicians,bankers, and drug lords? Sure would be ironic if you all end up fearing for your safety.



21.10.2001 01:27

Already been infiltrated, by urs truly.
"From the head down"


look and learn

23.10.2001 22:41

now is the time for us capitalists to march, to show the world our new frocks and exquisite taste in designer jewellwery and fashions, only those impeccably dressed will be allowed to march. we must show the world our dignified and refined response to the great injustice which has been perpetrated against us by unruly revoltin peasants all over the world. who we allow to work in our global factories, you wud think that the peasants wud be grateful. yes we must hold our heads and noses high, as we protest against the threat to our monetary empires from smelly peasants and workin class lowlife, unrefined impure underlines who wud seek to challenge the reign of our refined and civilised peoples of pure blue blood, we must enlist the sympathy of ordinary though thick commoners who will understand that we hav their interests and more importantly our own interests at heart here. yes common underlings will never ever experience the privileges or quality or perks of life that we experience but at least they can watch and learn from the spectacle of wealth and status that we will display, never since dallas or dynasty hav these drab underlings witnessed such impeccable taste and expense on display, and hopefully our heartfelt protest and show of wealth will brighten up their drab and boring lives . the whole protest will be like whos who of the rich list and hangers on. look and learn peasants.

camy parker bowels