The anti-War movement is growing throughout the world.
Enric | 19.10.2001 18:48
Demonstrations against the war are growing in number and
The largest actions this weekend:
150.000 participants marched from Assisi to Peruggia (Italy)
100.000 demonstrated in Calcutta (India)
50.000 demonstrated in London (UK) and Berlin (Germany)
As we have learned with global resistance movements from
Chiapas to Genoa, we must move forward with a global perspective. While this "war" is being waged, our world continues to be privatized:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is preparing its new
round to meet in Doha (Qatar) November 9-15. This upcoming round is meant to correct the major setbacks incurred by global capitalism in Seattle in 1999. Information can be found at
An important update: the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and the World Bank (WB) will be meeting in Ottawa November 16-18. This meeting replaces the canceled summit in DC for September 29-30. Information can be found at
After September 11, global social movements converged with
and helped shape an antiwar movement. Keeping in mind the
Ottawa meeting on the 18th, what we need now is for this
antiwar movement to converge with and help bolster the
anti-corporate, anti-globalization movement.
The WTO and War are two different paths to the same end: to
turn our world's wealth into profit for the few.
Here is the updated list of anti-war mobilizations around
the world:
1 11-Sep 450 part. Toronto Canada
2 12-Sep 100 part. Philadelphia USA
3 13-Sep 200 part. Freiburg Germany
4 13-Sep 350 part. Vienna Austria
5 14-Sep 200 part. Arizona USA
6 14-Sep 300 part. Austin, Tx USA
7 14-Sep 400 part. Denver USA
8 14-Sep 2000 part. Nova York USA
9 14-Sep 11 part. Vienna Austria
10 14-Sep 300 part. Washington USA
11 15-Sep 200 part. Atlanta USA
12 15-Sep 500 part. Freiburg Germany
13 15-Sep 200 part. Gothenburg USA
14 15-Sep 120 part. Judenburg Austria
15 15-Sep 100 part. London UK
16 15-Sep 200 part. New York USA
17 15-Sep 500 part. Palo Alto, SF USA
18 15-Sep ? part. Wuppertal Germany
19 16-Sep 3000 part. Melbourne Australia
20 16-Sep 150 part. New Brunswick, New Jersey USA
21 16-Sep 2300 part. Portland USA
22 16-Sep 4000 part. San Francisco USA
23 16-Sep 150 part. Toronto Canada
24 16-Sep 150 part. Toronto Canada
25 16-Sep 500 part. Worzburg Germany
26 17-Sep 20 part. Binghamton, NY USA
27 18-Sep 300 part. Canberra Australia
28 18-Sep 200 part. Londres UK
29 18-Sep 70 part. Minneapolis USA
30 18-Sep 80 part. Montevideo Uruguay
31 18-Sep 500 part. Toronto Canada
32 18-Sep 35 part. Worcester USA
33 19-Sep 40 part. London UK
34 19-Sep 250 part. Vienna Austria
35 20-Sep 900 part. Austin, Tx USA
36 20-Sep 5000 part. Berkeley USA
37 20-Sep 1000 part. Boston USA
38 20-Sep 200 part. Denver USA
39 20-Sep 150 part. Oneonta, New York USA
40 20-Sep ? Roma Italia
41 20-Sep 900 part. Texas USA
42 20-Sep 20 part. West Plam Beach USA
43 21-Sep 1000 part. Adelaide Australia
44 21-Sep 500 part. Barcelona Spain
45 21-Sep 300 part. Barcelona Spain
46 21-Sep 600 part. Budapest Hungary
47 21-Sep 1000 part. Denver USA
48 21-Sep 1000 part. Glasgow Scotland
49 21-Sep 3000 part. Londres UK
50 21-Sep ? part. New York USA
51 21-Sep 180 part. Porthmouth
52 21-Sep 500 part. Princenton NJ. USA
53 21-Sep 75 part. Tel Aviv Israel
54 21-Sep 2500 part. Torino Italia
55 22-Sep 1000 part. Alburquerque USA
56 22-Sep ? Bergen Norway
57 22-Sep 5000 part. Berlin Germany
58 22-Sep 1000 part. Brescia Italia
59 22-Sep 60 part. Cincinatti USA
60 22-Sep 75 part. Columbia, Missouri USA
61 22-Sep 5000 part. Firenze Italia
62 22-Sep 1000 part. Freiburg Germany
63 22-Sep 400 part. Fresno, CA USA
64 22-Sep 100 part. Honolulu USA
65 22-Sep 4000 part. Londres UK
66 22-Sep 400 part. Los Angeles USA
67 22-Sep 2000 part. Munich Germany
68 22-Sep 250 part. Notingham UK
69 22-Sep 1000 part. Oxford UK
70 22-Sep 200 part. Reykjavik Iceland
71 22-Sep 100 part. Salzburg Austria
72 22-Sep 200 part. San Diego USA
73 22-Sep 1000 part. Seattle USA
74 22-Sep 300 part. St Pettersburg USA
75 22-Sep 500 part. Victoria Canada
76 22-Sep 500 part. Washington USA
77 22-Sep 200 part. Wuppertal Germany
78 23-Sep 400 part. Halifax Canada
79 23-Sep 1500 part. Haringey, North London UK
80 23-Sep 200 part. Melbourne Australia
81 23-Sep 450 part. Montreal, Quebec Canada
82 23-Sep 125 part. Oakland USA
83 23-Sep 500 part. Oberlin USA
84 23-Sep 150 part. Ottawa Canada
85 23-Sep 15 part. Tacoma USA
86 23-Sep 3000 part. Vancouver Canada
87 23-Sep 500 part. Winnipeg Canada
88 24-Sep 30 part. Binghamton, NY USA
89 24-Sep 40 part. Binghamton, NY USA
90 24-Sep 400 part. Chicago USA
91 24-Sep 600 part. Olympia USA
92 24-Sep 1800 part. Tokyo Japan
93 25-Sep ? Adelaide Australia
94 25-Sep 100 part. Aalborg Danmark
95 25-Sep 250 part. Minneapolis USA
96 25-Sep 2000 part. Oslo Norway
97 25-Sep 160 part. Stavengen Sweden
98 25-Sep 40 part. Worcester USA
99 25-Sep 1000 part. Zurich Suisse
100 26-Sep 60 part. Aalborg Danmark
101 26-Sep ? Albay Philippines
102 26-Sep 100 part. Columbia USA
103 26-Sep 600 part. Osaka Japan
104 26-Sep 200 part. Sheffield UK
105 27-Sep 300 part. Ankara Turkey
106 27-Sep 10000 part. Athens Greece
107 27-Sep 2500 part. Berkeley USA
108 27-Sep ? Bratislava Czech Republic
109 27-Sep ? Cagliari Italia
110 27-Sep 200 part. Follonica, Toscany Italia
111 27-Sep ? Huttington Board, CA USA
112 27-Sep 80 part. Lewisburg, PA USA
113 27-Sep 50 part. Mexico Mexico
114 27-Sep 30000 part. Napoli Italia
115 27-Sep ? Ossining USA
116 27-Sep ? Pasadena USA
117 27-Sep ? South Bildo
118 27-Sep 400 part. Valencia Spain
119 27-Sep 200 part. Vienna Austria
120 ? 1000 part. Wellington New Zealand
121 28-Sep ? Atlanta USA
122 28-Sep 500 part. Austin USA
123 28-Sep 300 part. Bogota Colombia
124 28-Sep ? Buenos Aires Argentina
125 28-Sep ? Cardiff Wales
126 28-Sep ? Concord USA
127 28-Sep ? Edinburg USA
128 28-Sep ? El Caire Egypt
129 28-Sep ? Essen The Netherlands
130 28-Sep ? Fresno USA
131 28-Sep ? Girona, Catalunya Spain
132 28-Sep 400 part. Gracia, Barcelona Spain
133 28-Sep 50 part. Kansas City USA
134 28-Sep 300 part. Marburg Germany
135 28-Sep 250 part. Mendoza Argentina
136 28-Sep ? Mexico Mexico
137 28-Sep 3000 part. Montevideo Uruguay
138 28-Sep 600 part. Palma de Mallorca Spain
139 28-Sep ? Pittsburg USA
140 28-Sep ? Redway USA
141 28-Sep ? Richmond USA
142 28-Sep 50 part. Rio de Janeiro Brazil
143 28-Sep 60 part. Santos Brazil
144 28-Sep 150 part. Sao Paolo Brazil
145 28-Sep 200 part. Saragosa Texas
146 28-Sep ? Seattle USA
147 28-Sep ? Somerset USA
148 28-Sep ? Sox Athmore USA
149 28-Sep 4000 part. Tokyo Japan
150 28-Sep 1000 part. Toronto Canada
151 28-Sep ? Tucsar
152 28-Sep ? Washington USA
153 28-Sep 3000 part. Zurich Suisse
154 29-Sep ? Amherst USA
155 29-Sep 80 part. Asheville "USA
" (+ nightly vigils for peace since Sept. 11th.)
156 29-Sep 3000 part. Athens Greece
157 29-Sep ? Auckland New Zealand
158 29-Sep 600 part. Austin New Zealand
159 29-Sep 50 part. Bangor India
160 29-Sep 10000 part. Barcelona Spain
161 29-Sep ? part. Basle Suisse
162 29-Sep 50 part. Belo Horizonte Brazil
163 29-Sep ? Berkeley USA
164 29-Sep 3000 part. Berlin Germany
165 29-Sep 700 part. Bern Suisse
166 29-Sep ? Bradford
167 29-Sep 200 part. Brasilia Brazil
168 29-Sep 400 part. Bristol UK
169 29-Sep 1500 part. Buenos Aires Argentina
170 29-Sep ? Burlington USA
171 29-Sep ? Calgary Canada
172 29-Sep 50 part. Cardiff Wales
173 29-Sep 1000 part. Chicago USA
174 29-Sep 75 part. Columbia, Missouri USA
175 29-Sep Columbus, Ohio USA
176 29-Sep 100 part. Curitiba Brazil
177 29-Sep ? Darwin USA
178 29-Sep ? Delhi India
179 29-Sep ? Demy
180 29-Sep 1500 part. Denver USA
181 29-Sep 500 part. Dortmund Germany
182 29-Sep ? Dublin Ireland
183 29-Sep 150 part. Fort Bragg, CA USA
184 29-Sep 5000 part. Frankfurt Germany
185 29-Sep 300 part. Glasgow Scotland
186 29-Sep ? Gothenburg USA
187 29-Sep ? Graz Australia
188 29-Sep 100 part. Guelph Canada
189 29-Sep 75 part. Houston USA
190 29-Sep ? Hudson US
191 29-Sep 100 part. Insbruck Austria
192 29-Sep ? Isle of Wight US
193 29-Sep 200 part. Karlstad Sweden
194 29-Sep ? Keene USA
195 29-Sep ? Kingston
196 29-Sep 50 part. Kuala Lumpur Malasia
197 29-Sep 400 part. Liverpool UK
198 29-Sep 3000 part. London UK
199 29-Sep 3000 part. Los Angeles USA
200 29-Sep ? Lubeck
201 29-Sep 200 part. Malmo Sweden
202 29-Sep 100 part. Mambusa Harbourg Kenya
203 29-Sep ? Montclair USA
204 29-Sep 84 part. Monterrey USA
205 29-Sep ? Montpellier France
206 29-Sep 3500 part. Montreal Canada
207 29-Sep 700 part. New York USA
208 29-Sep 300 part. New York, New York USA
209 29-Sep ? Norhampton UK
210 29-Sep 400 part. Oslo Norway
211 29-Sep 200 part. Palo Alto, SF USA
212 29-Sep 6000 part. Paris France
213 29-Sep ? Plymouth US
214 29-Sep ? Providence USA
215 29-Sep 100 part. Rio de Janeiro Brazil
216 29-Sep 50 part. Rio Grande Brazil
217 29-Sep 100000 part. Roma Italia
218 29-Sep 300 part. Rubi, Catalunia Spain
219 29-Sep ? Saint Louis USA
220 29-Sep 50 part. Salamanca Spain
221 29-Sep ? Salt Lake City USA
222 29-Sep 70 part. Salzburg Austria
223 29-Sep 10000 part. San Francisco USA
224 29-Sep 100 part. San Jose, SF USA
225 29-Sep 100 part. San Juan Puerto Rico
226 29-Sep ? Santa Monica USA
227 29-Sep 200 part. Santa Rosa, SF USA
228 29-Sep 1200 part. Sao Paolo Brazil
229 29-Sep 1000 part. Seattle USA
230 29-Sep 60 part. Sioux Falls USA
231 29-Sep ? Soanton
232 29-Sep 450 part. St Gall Suisse
233 29-Sep ? Stavengen Sweden
234 29-Sep 1000 part. Sydney Australia
235 29-Sep ? Tenerife, Canarias Spain
236 29-Sep ? Texas USA
237 29-Sep 500 part. Tokyo Japan
238 29-Sep 2000 part. Toronto Canada
239 29-Sep ? Toulouse France
240 29-Sep 1500 part. Vancouver Canada
241 29-Sep 200 part. Victoria Canada
242 29-Sep 170 part. Vienna Austria
243 29-Sep 25000 part. Washington USA (throughout the day)
244 29-Sep 2000 part. Westwood USA
245 29-Sep 75 part. Wichita USA
246 29-Sep 400 part. Wuppertal Germany
247 29-Sep 200 part. Zurich Suisse
248 30-Sep 5000 part. Amsterdam The Netherlands
249 30-Sep 4000 part. Brighton UK
250 30-Sep ? Brisbane Australia
251 30-Sep ? Caims
252 30-Sep 150 part. Canberra Australia
253 30-Sep 183 part. Columbus USA
254 30-Sep 200 part. Durham UK
255 30-Sep 5000 part. Geneva Suisse
256 400 part. Hayward, SF USA
257 30-Sep ? Hong Kong China
258 30-Sep 3000 part. Melbourne Australia
259 30-Sep ? Middletown USA
260 30-Sep 150 part. Milwaukee USA
261 30-Sep 800 part. Moron Andalucia
262 30-Sep 30 part. Oakland USA
263 30-Sep 2000 part. Portland USA
264 30-Sep ? Porto Portugal
265 30-Sep ? Quebec Canada
266 30-Sep ? Rockland USA
267 30-Sep ? Sidney Australia
268 30-Sep 6000 part. Washington USA
269 1-Oct ? Bangor India
270 1-Oct ? Caims
271 1-Oct ? Canton USA
272 1-Oct ? Leipzig Germany
273 1-Oct 2500 part. Melbourne Australia
274 1-Oct ? Nova Delhi India
275 1-Oct ? Wollongong Australia
276 1-Oct 200 part. York University, Toronto Canada
277 2-Oct 5000 part. Bangalore India
278 2-Oct 100 part. Karachi Pakistan
279 2-Oct 1000 part. Las palmas, Canarias Spain
280 2-Oct ? Osuckbruck
281 2-Oct ? Ragghat India
282 2-Oct ? Tromso Norway
283 2-Oct 40 part. Worcester USA
284 3-Oct 50 part. Aalborg Danmark
285 3-Oct ? Albay Philippines
286 3-Oct ? Concord USA
287 3-Oct ? Damasc Siria
288 3-Oct ? Melbourne Australia
289 3-Oct ? Nova York USA
290 3-Oct ? Numberg Germany
291 4-Oct 300 part. Copenhagen Danmark
292 4-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
293 4-Oct 200 part. Utrecht The Netherlands
294 5-Oct ? Madrid Spain
295 5-Oct ? Montreal, Quebec Canada
296 5-Oct 200 part. Sofia Bulgaria
297 6-Oct 100 part. Lucerna Suisse
298 6-Oct 60 part. Motril, Granada Spain
299 6-Oct 3000 part. New York, New York USA
300 6-Oct ? Paris France
301 7-Oct 70 part. Aarhus Danmark
302 7-Oct 80 part. Atlanta USA
303 7-Oct 50 part. Binghamton, NY USA
304 7-Oct 50 part. Boston USA
305 7-Oct 4000 part. Brussels Belgium
306 7-Oct ? Columbus USA
307 7-Oct 300 part. Copenhagen Danmark
308 7-Oct 300 Denver, Colorado USA
309 7-Oct 70 part. Fresno, CA USA
310 7-Oct ? Lake Merritt, Oakland USA
311 7-Oct 45 part. Lewisburg, PA USA
312 7-Oct 150 part. London UK
313 7-Oct 150 part. Los Angeles USA
314 7-Oct 500 part. Madrid Spain
315 7-Oct 1000 part. Madrid Spain
316 7-Oct 8000 part. New York USA
317 7-Oct 100 part. Odense Danmark
318 7-Oct 600 part. Olympia, Washington USA
319 7-Oct ? Portland USA
320 7-Oct 1000 part. San Francisco USA
321 7-Oct 20 part. The Hague The Netherlands
322 7-Oct 1500 part. Tokyo Japan
323 7-Oct ? Toronto Canada
324 7-Oct 95 part. Wien Austria
325 7-Oct ? Wuppertal Germany
326 8-Oct ? Aachen Germany (student's strike)
327 8-Oct 40 part. Aalborg Danmark
328 8-Oct 300 Aarhus Danmark
329 8-Oct ? Aberdeen Scotland
330 8-Oct ? Adelaide Australia
331 8-Oct ? Alicante, Pais Valencia Spain
332 8-Oct ? Amersfoort The Netherlands
333 8-Oct 200 part. Amsterdam The Netherlands
334 8-Oct ? Ann Arbour, MI USA
335 8-Oct 150 Antwerpen Belgium
336 8-Oct ? Arta Greece
337 8-Oct 5000 part. Athens Greece
338 8-Oct ? Augsburg Germany
339 8-Oct ? Bad Tölz Germany
340 8-Oct 2000 part. Barcelona Spain
341 8-Oct ? Belfast Ireland
342 8-Oct 5,000 part. Berlin Germany
343 8-Oct ? Bern Suisse
344 8-Oct ? Bielefeld Germany
345 8-Oct ? Bilbao, Euskadi Spain
346 8-Oct 35 part. Binghamton, NY USA
347 8-Oct ? Birmingham UK
348 8-Oct ? Bochum Germany
349 8-Oct 100 part. Bonn Germany
350 8-Oct 300 part. Boston USA
351 8-Oct ? Bradford UK
352 8-Oct ? Braunschweig Germany
353 8-Oct ? Brescia Italia
354 8-Oct ? Brighton UK
355 8-Oct 2000 part. Brisbane Australia
356 8-Oct Bruselles Belgium
357 8-Oct 400 part. Brussels Belgium
358 8-Oct ? Canberra Australia
359 8-Oct ? Cardiff Wales
360 8-Oct ? Charlotte USA
361 8-Oct ? Chemnitz Germany
362 8-Oct ? Chicago USA
363 8-Oct ? Chicopee, MA USA
364 8-Oct 100 part. Cologne Germany
365 8-Oct 1200 part. Cophennagen Danmark
366 8-Oct ? Coventry UK
367 8-Oct ? Darwin Australia
368 8-Oct ? Demo Germany
369 8-Oct ? Denia Germany
370 8-Oct ? Dortmund Germany
371 8-Oct 50 part. Dresden Germany
372 8-Oct ? Duisburg Germany
373 8-Oct ? Dusseldolrf Germany
374 8-Oct ? Enschede The Netherlands
375 8-Oct ? Essen Germany
376 8-Oct ? Frankfurt Germany
377 8-Oct 80 part. Fredericia Danmark
378 8-Oct ? Geelong Australia
379 8-Oct ? Gijon Spain
380 8-Oct 400 part. Gothenburg USA
381 8-Oct ? Green Bay, WI USA
382 8-Oct ? Greensboro, NC USA
383 8-Oct 400 part. Groningen The Netherlands
384 8-Oct 100 part. Hamburg Germany
385 8-Oct 2000 part. Helsinki Finland
386 8-Oct ? Hobart Australia
387 8-Oct 100 part. Hong Kong China
388 8-Oct ? Honolulu, Hawaii USA
389 8-Oct 200 part. Jyvaskyla Finland
390 8-Oct ? Kalamata Greece
391 8-Oct ? Karditsa Greece
392 8-Oct ? Korfu Greece
393 8-Oct ? Larissa Greece
394 8-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
395 8-Oct ? Leeuwarden The Netherlands
396 8-Oct 80 part. Leiden The Netherlands
397 8-Oct 40 part. Linz Austria
398 8-Oct ? Lismore Australia
399 8-Oct ? Loannina Greece
400 8-Oct 3000 part. London UK
401 8-Oct ? Los Angeles USA
402 8-Oct ? Lucerne Austria
403 8-Oct ? Luton UK
404 8-Oct 2000 part. Madrid Spain
405 8-Oct 100 part. Maleny, Quecsland Australia
406 8-Oct ? Manchester UK
407 8-Oct 1500 part. Melbourne Australia
408 8-Oct 60 part. Mexico, DF Mexico
409 8-Oct ? Minneapolis, MN USA
410 8-Oct ? Montreal, Quebec Canada
411 8-Oct 50 part. Muenster Germany
412 8-Oct ? Napoli Italia
413 8-Oct 10000 part. New York USA
414 8-Oct ? Newcastle Australia
415 8-Oct ? Newcastle UK
416 8-Oct ? Northampton UK
417 8-Oct 20 part. Nr. Aaby Danmark
418 8-Oct 100 part. Odense Danmark
419 8-Oct 600 part. Olympia, Washington USA
420 8-Oct 1500 part. Oslo Norway
421 8-Oct ? Patra Greece
422 8-Oct ? Perth Australia
423 8-Oct ? Peruggia Italia
424 8-Oct ? Philadelphia, PA USA
425 8-Oct ? Portsmouth UK
426 8-Oct ? Poughkeepsie, NY USA
427 8-Oct 50 part. Prague Czech Republic
428 8-Oct ? Reading UK
429 8-Oct ? Richmond, VA USA
430 8-Oct 6000 part. Roma Italia
431 8-Oct 25 part. Rubi, Catalunia Spain
432 8-Oct 100 part. Salzburg Austria
433 8-Oct 600 part. San Francisco USA
434 8-Oct ? Sao Paulo Brazil
435 8-Oct ? Schülerstreik Germany
436 8-Oct ? Sidney Australia
437 8-Oct ? St Albans UK
438 8-Oct 1000 part. Stockholm Sweden
439 8-Oct ? Stoke/Keele UK
440 8-Oct 300 part. Stuttgart Germany
441 8-Oct 200 part. Tampere Finland
442 8-Oct 200 part. The Hague The Netherlands
443 8-Oct ? Thessaloniki Greece
444 8-Oct ? Tilburg The Netherlands
445 8-Oct ? Trikala Greece
446 8-Oct 200 part. Turku Finland
447 8-Oct ? Utrecht The Netherlands
448 8-Oct ? Valencia Spain
449 8-Oct ? Walsall USA
450 8-Oct ? Washington USA
451 8-Oct ? Watford
452 8-Oct 900 part. Wien Austria
453 8-Oct 150 part. Wollongong Australia
454 8-Oct ? Zurich Suisse
455 9-Oct ? Agrinio Greece
456 9-Oct ? Alexandropulis Greece
457 9-Oct ? Amfisa Greece
458 9-Oct ? Argolida Greece
459 9-Oct 5000 part. Athens Greece
460 9-Oct 300 part. Follonica Italia
461 9-Oct ? Haikida Greece
462 9-Oct ? Heraklion Greece
463 9-Oct ? Huesca Spain
464 9-Oct ? Kalamata Greece
465 9-Oct ? Kefalonia Greece
466 9-Oct ? Korint Greece
467 9-Oct ? Kozani Greece
468 9-Oct ? London UK
469 9-Oct ? Murcia Spain
470 9-Oct ? Ottawa Canada
471 9-Oct 300 part. Ourense, Galicia Spain
472 9-Oct 600 part. Preston UK
473 9-Oct ? Preveza Greece
474 9-Oct ? Ptolemaida Greece
475 9-Oct ? Rethymno Greece
476 9-Oct ? Toronto Canada
477 9-Oct ? Tripoli Greece
478 9-Oct ? Zakynthos Greece
479 10-Oct 40 part. Aalborg Danmark
480 10-Oct 2000 part Bandung, Java Indonesia
481 10-Oct 3000 part. Berlin Germany
482 10-Oct 20000 part. Cairo Egypt
483 10-Oct 15000 part. Madrid Spain
484 10-Oct 2000 part. Makassar, Sulawasi Island Indonesia
485 10-Oct 250 part. Newcastle on Tyne UK
486 10-Oct 70 part. Newcastle University UK
487 10-Oct ? Reus, Catalunya Spain
488 10-Oct 300 part. Salvador, Bahia Brazil
489 10-Oct ? Santander, Cantabria Spain
490 10-Oct 75 part. Tel Aviv Israel
491 11-Oct 300 part. Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
492 11-Oct 1000 part. Belo Horizonte Brazil
493 11-Oct 300 part. Besancon France
494 11-Oct 400 part. Copenhagen Danmark
495 11-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
496 11-Oct 100 part. Slagelse Danmark
497 12-Oct 200 part. Copenhagen Danmark
498 12-Oct 1000 part. Istanbul Turkey
499 12-Oct ? New Delhi India
500 12-Oct 3000 part. Quetta Pakistan
501 12-Oct ? Rota, Andalucia Spain
502 12-Oct 5000 part. Tripoli Lebanon
503 12-Oct 100 part. Wollongong Australia
504 13-Oct 120 part. Aalborg Danmark
505 13-Oct 350 part Aarhus Danmark
506 13-Oct ? Adelaide Australia
507 13-Oct ? Albi France
508 13-Oct 150000 part. Bayamo Cuba
509 13-Oct 50000 part. Berlin Germany
510 13-Oct 7000 part. Bern Suisse
511 13-Oct ? Bologna Italia
512 13-Oct ? Bonn Germany
513 13-Oct 250 part. Copenhagen Danmark
514 13-Oct 100 part. Frederikssund Danmark
515 13-Oct 1500 part Glasgow Scotland
516 13-Oct 300 part. Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
517 13-Oct 50000 part. London UK
518 13-Oct ? Melbourne Australia
519 13-Oct 2000 part. Napoli Italia
520 13-Oct 200 part. Odense Danmark
521 13-Oct ? Perth Australia
522 13-Oct 5000 San Francisco USA
523 13-Oct 20000 part. Sttutgart Germany
524 13-Oct 1000 part. Sydney Australia
525 13-Oct 400 part. Toronto Canada
526 13-Oct ? Toulouse France
527 13-Oct ? Trivandrum, Kerala India
528 14-Oct 400 part. Adana Turkey
529 14-Oct 600 part. Istanbul Turkey
530 14-Oct 2000 part. Kathmandu Nepal
531 14-Oct 100000 part. Kolkatta India
532 14-Oct 150000 part. Assisi-Perugia Italia
533 14-Oct 65 part. The Hague The Netherlands
534 14-Oct ? Wuppertal Germany
535 15-Oct ? Girona, Catalunya Spain
536 15-Oct 1000 part. Lahore Pakistan
537 16-Oct ? London UK
538 16-Oct ? Sacramento, CA USA
539 16-Oct ? Toronto Canada
540 18-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
541 18-Oct pendent Davis, California USA
542 18-Oct pendent Madrid Spain
543 20-Oct pendent Amsterdam The Netherlands
544 20-Oct pendent Torino Italia
545 21-Oct pendent Wuppertal Germany
546 22-Oct pendent Girona, Catalunya Spain
547 23-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
548 23-Oct pendent Tokyo Japan
549 24-Oct pendent Cordova Spain
550 24-Oct pendent Malaga Spain
551 24-Oct pendent Sevilla Spain
552 25-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
553 25-Oct pendent Madrid Spain
554 27-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
555 28-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
556 28-Oct pendent Girona, Catalunya Spain
557 30-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
1.036.478 - estimated participants at the above
If there is missing information in the list of
demonstrations that you can help
us with, please write and let us know. When sending
information to add to
the list of demonstrations, it is easiest for us to receive
ONLY the date,
number of participants, city, and country. Other
information of interest can be sent to the listserve for
people to read.
The homepage for the list can be found at
People may subscribe to the list by sending email to
People may unsubscribe by sending mail to
This message is reaching more than 200 distribution lists
around the world and through this we hope to reach as many social movements as possible. Please help by passing the information to others.
A new webpage: has been created to unite
all the information from as many international actions as
Whoever wants to collaborate or coordinate a local or
national website can write to:
To record results for demonstrations, send information (day,
number of participants, city, country) to:
The new webpage will coordinate with
where, as always, you can post your calls to action on the calendar.
In addition, you can send your information to, or to whichever one local indymedia suits you, because there are more than 80 around the world.
150.000 participants marched from Assisi to Peruggia (Italy)
100.000 demonstrated in Calcutta (India)
50.000 demonstrated in London (UK) and Berlin (Germany)
As we have learned with global resistance movements from
Chiapas to Genoa, we must move forward with a global perspective. While this "war" is being waged, our world continues to be privatized:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is preparing its new
round to meet in Doha (Qatar) November 9-15. This upcoming round is meant to correct the major setbacks incurred by global capitalism in Seattle in 1999. Information can be found at
An important update: the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and the World Bank (WB) will be meeting in Ottawa November 16-18. This meeting replaces the canceled summit in DC for September 29-30. Information can be found at
After September 11, global social movements converged with
and helped shape an antiwar movement. Keeping in mind the
Ottawa meeting on the 18th, what we need now is for this
antiwar movement to converge with and help bolster the
anti-corporate, anti-globalization movement.
The WTO and War are two different paths to the same end: to
turn our world's wealth into profit for the few.
Here is the updated list of anti-war mobilizations around
the world:
1 11-Sep 450 part. Toronto Canada
2 12-Sep 100 part. Philadelphia USA
3 13-Sep 200 part. Freiburg Germany
4 13-Sep 350 part. Vienna Austria
5 14-Sep 200 part. Arizona USA
6 14-Sep 300 part. Austin, Tx USA
7 14-Sep 400 part. Denver USA
8 14-Sep 2000 part. Nova York USA
9 14-Sep 11 part. Vienna Austria
10 14-Sep 300 part. Washington USA
11 15-Sep 200 part. Atlanta USA
12 15-Sep 500 part. Freiburg Germany
13 15-Sep 200 part. Gothenburg USA
14 15-Sep 120 part. Judenburg Austria
15 15-Sep 100 part. London UK
16 15-Sep 200 part. New York USA
17 15-Sep 500 part. Palo Alto, SF USA
18 15-Sep ? part. Wuppertal Germany
19 16-Sep 3000 part. Melbourne Australia
20 16-Sep 150 part. New Brunswick, New Jersey USA
21 16-Sep 2300 part. Portland USA
22 16-Sep 4000 part. San Francisco USA
23 16-Sep 150 part. Toronto Canada
24 16-Sep 150 part. Toronto Canada
25 16-Sep 500 part. Worzburg Germany
26 17-Sep 20 part. Binghamton, NY USA
27 18-Sep 300 part. Canberra Australia
28 18-Sep 200 part. Londres UK
29 18-Sep 70 part. Minneapolis USA
30 18-Sep 80 part. Montevideo Uruguay
31 18-Sep 500 part. Toronto Canada
32 18-Sep 35 part. Worcester USA
33 19-Sep 40 part. London UK
34 19-Sep 250 part. Vienna Austria
35 20-Sep 900 part. Austin, Tx USA
36 20-Sep 5000 part. Berkeley USA
37 20-Sep 1000 part. Boston USA
38 20-Sep 200 part. Denver USA
39 20-Sep 150 part. Oneonta, New York USA
40 20-Sep ? Roma Italia
41 20-Sep 900 part. Texas USA
42 20-Sep 20 part. West Plam Beach USA
43 21-Sep 1000 part. Adelaide Australia
44 21-Sep 500 part. Barcelona Spain
45 21-Sep 300 part. Barcelona Spain
46 21-Sep 600 part. Budapest Hungary
47 21-Sep 1000 part. Denver USA
48 21-Sep 1000 part. Glasgow Scotland
49 21-Sep 3000 part. Londres UK
50 21-Sep ? part. New York USA
51 21-Sep 180 part. Porthmouth
52 21-Sep 500 part. Princenton NJ. USA
53 21-Sep 75 part. Tel Aviv Israel
54 21-Sep 2500 part. Torino Italia
55 22-Sep 1000 part. Alburquerque USA
56 22-Sep ? Bergen Norway
57 22-Sep 5000 part. Berlin Germany
58 22-Sep 1000 part. Brescia Italia
59 22-Sep 60 part. Cincinatti USA
60 22-Sep 75 part. Columbia, Missouri USA
61 22-Sep 5000 part. Firenze Italia
62 22-Sep 1000 part. Freiburg Germany
63 22-Sep 400 part. Fresno, CA USA
64 22-Sep 100 part. Honolulu USA
65 22-Sep 4000 part. Londres UK
66 22-Sep 400 part. Los Angeles USA
67 22-Sep 2000 part. Munich Germany
68 22-Sep 250 part. Notingham UK
69 22-Sep 1000 part. Oxford UK
70 22-Sep 200 part. Reykjavik Iceland
71 22-Sep 100 part. Salzburg Austria
72 22-Sep 200 part. San Diego USA
73 22-Sep 1000 part. Seattle USA
74 22-Sep 300 part. St Pettersburg USA
75 22-Sep 500 part. Victoria Canada
76 22-Sep 500 part. Washington USA
77 22-Sep 200 part. Wuppertal Germany
78 23-Sep 400 part. Halifax Canada
79 23-Sep 1500 part. Haringey, North London UK
80 23-Sep 200 part. Melbourne Australia
81 23-Sep 450 part. Montreal, Quebec Canada
82 23-Sep 125 part. Oakland USA
83 23-Sep 500 part. Oberlin USA
84 23-Sep 150 part. Ottawa Canada
85 23-Sep 15 part. Tacoma USA
86 23-Sep 3000 part. Vancouver Canada
87 23-Sep 500 part. Winnipeg Canada
88 24-Sep 30 part. Binghamton, NY USA
89 24-Sep 40 part. Binghamton, NY USA
90 24-Sep 400 part. Chicago USA
91 24-Sep 600 part. Olympia USA
92 24-Sep 1800 part. Tokyo Japan
93 25-Sep ? Adelaide Australia
94 25-Sep 100 part. Aalborg Danmark
95 25-Sep 250 part. Minneapolis USA
96 25-Sep 2000 part. Oslo Norway
97 25-Sep 160 part. Stavengen Sweden
98 25-Sep 40 part. Worcester USA
99 25-Sep 1000 part. Zurich Suisse
100 26-Sep 60 part. Aalborg Danmark
101 26-Sep ? Albay Philippines
102 26-Sep 100 part. Columbia USA
103 26-Sep 600 part. Osaka Japan
104 26-Sep 200 part. Sheffield UK
105 27-Sep 300 part. Ankara Turkey
106 27-Sep 10000 part. Athens Greece
107 27-Sep 2500 part. Berkeley USA
108 27-Sep ? Bratislava Czech Republic
109 27-Sep ? Cagliari Italia
110 27-Sep 200 part. Follonica, Toscany Italia
111 27-Sep ? Huttington Board, CA USA
112 27-Sep 80 part. Lewisburg, PA USA
113 27-Sep 50 part. Mexico Mexico
114 27-Sep 30000 part. Napoli Italia
115 27-Sep ? Ossining USA
116 27-Sep ? Pasadena USA
117 27-Sep ? South Bildo
118 27-Sep 400 part. Valencia Spain
119 27-Sep 200 part. Vienna Austria
120 ? 1000 part. Wellington New Zealand
121 28-Sep ? Atlanta USA
122 28-Sep 500 part. Austin USA
123 28-Sep 300 part. Bogota Colombia
124 28-Sep ? Buenos Aires Argentina
125 28-Sep ? Cardiff Wales
126 28-Sep ? Concord USA
127 28-Sep ? Edinburg USA
128 28-Sep ? El Caire Egypt
129 28-Sep ? Essen The Netherlands
130 28-Sep ? Fresno USA
131 28-Sep ? Girona, Catalunya Spain
132 28-Sep 400 part. Gracia, Barcelona Spain
133 28-Sep 50 part. Kansas City USA
134 28-Sep 300 part. Marburg Germany
135 28-Sep 250 part. Mendoza Argentina
136 28-Sep ? Mexico Mexico
137 28-Sep 3000 part. Montevideo Uruguay
138 28-Sep 600 part. Palma de Mallorca Spain
139 28-Sep ? Pittsburg USA
140 28-Sep ? Redway USA
141 28-Sep ? Richmond USA
142 28-Sep 50 part. Rio de Janeiro Brazil
143 28-Sep 60 part. Santos Brazil
144 28-Sep 150 part. Sao Paolo Brazil
145 28-Sep 200 part. Saragosa Texas
146 28-Sep ? Seattle USA
147 28-Sep ? Somerset USA
148 28-Sep ? Sox Athmore USA
149 28-Sep 4000 part. Tokyo Japan
150 28-Sep 1000 part. Toronto Canada
151 28-Sep ? Tucsar
152 28-Sep ? Washington USA
153 28-Sep 3000 part. Zurich Suisse
154 29-Sep ? Amherst USA
155 29-Sep 80 part. Asheville "USA
" (+ nightly vigils for peace since Sept. 11th.)
156 29-Sep 3000 part. Athens Greece
157 29-Sep ? Auckland New Zealand
158 29-Sep 600 part. Austin New Zealand
159 29-Sep 50 part. Bangor India
160 29-Sep 10000 part. Barcelona Spain
161 29-Sep ? part. Basle Suisse
162 29-Sep 50 part. Belo Horizonte Brazil
163 29-Sep ? Berkeley USA
164 29-Sep 3000 part. Berlin Germany
165 29-Sep 700 part. Bern Suisse
166 29-Sep ? Bradford
167 29-Sep 200 part. Brasilia Brazil
168 29-Sep 400 part. Bristol UK
169 29-Sep 1500 part. Buenos Aires Argentina
170 29-Sep ? Burlington USA
171 29-Sep ? Calgary Canada
172 29-Sep 50 part. Cardiff Wales
173 29-Sep 1000 part. Chicago USA
174 29-Sep 75 part. Columbia, Missouri USA
175 29-Sep Columbus, Ohio USA
176 29-Sep 100 part. Curitiba Brazil
177 29-Sep ? Darwin USA
178 29-Sep ? Delhi India
179 29-Sep ? Demy
180 29-Sep 1500 part. Denver USA
181 29-Sep 500 part. Dortmund Germany
182 29-Sep ? Dublin Ireland
183 29-Sep 150 part. Fort Bragg, CA USA
184 29-Sep 5000 part. Frankfurt Germany
185 29-Sep 300 part. Glasgow Scotland
186 29-Sep ? Gothenburg USA
187 29-Sep ? Graz Australia
188 29-Sep 100 part. Guelph Canada
189 29-Sep 75 part. Houston USA
190 29-Sep ? Hudson US
191 29-Sep 100 part. Insbruck Austria
192 29-Sep ? Isle of Wight US
193 29-Sep 200 part. Karlstad Sweden
194 29-Sep ? Keene USA
195 29-Sep ? Kingston
196 29-Sep 50 part. Kuala Lumpur Malasia
197 29-Sep 400 part. Liverpool UK
198 29-Sep 3000 part. London UK
199 29-Sep 3000 part. Los Angeles USA
200 29-Sep ? Lubeck
201 29-Sep 200 part. Malmo Sweden
202 29-Sep 100 part. Mambusa Harbourg Kenya
203 29-Sep ? Montclair USA
204 29-Sep 84 part. Monterrey USA
205 29-Sep ? Montpellier France
206 29-Sep 3500 part. Montreal Canada
207 29-Sep 700 part. New York USA
208 29-Sep 300 part. New York, New York USA
209 29-Sep ? Norhampton UK
210 29-Sep 400 part. Oslo Norway
211 29-Sep 200 part. Palo Alto, SF USA
212 29-Sep 6000 part. Paris France
213 29-Sep ? Plymouth US
214 29-Sep ? Providence USA
215 29-Sep 100 part. Rio de Janeiro Brazil
216 29-Sep 50 part. Rio Grande Brazil
217 29-Sep 100000 part. Roma Italia
218 29-Sep 300 part. Rubi, Catalunia Spain
219 29-Sep ? Saint Louis USA
220 29-Sep 50 part. Salamanca Spain
221 29-Sep ? Salt Lake City USA
222 29-Sep 70 part. Salzburg Austria
223 29-Sep 10000 part. San Francisco USA
224 29-Sep 100 part. San Jose, SF USA
225 29-Sep 100 part. San Juan Puerto Rico
226 29-Sep ? Santa Monica USA
227 29-Sep 200 part. Santa Rosa, SF USA
228 29-Sep 1200 part. Sao Paolo Brazil
229 29-Sep 1000 part. Seattle USA
230 29-Sep 60 part. Sioux Falls USA
231 29-Sep ? Soanton
232 29-Sep 450 part. St Gall Suisse
233 29-Sep ? Stavengen Sweden
234 29-Sep 1000 part. Sydney Australia
235 29-Sep ? Tenerife, Canarias Spain
236 29-Sep ? Texas USA
237 29-Sep 500 part. Tokyo Japan
238 29-Sep 2000 part. Toronto Canada
239 29-Sep ? Toulouse France
240 29-Sep 1500 part. Vancouver Canada
241 29-Sep 200 part. Victoria Canada
242 29-Sep 170 part. Vienna Austria
243 29-Sep 25000 part. Washington USA (throughout the day)
244 29-Sep 2000 part. Westwood USA
245 29-Sep 75 part. Wichita USA
246 29-Sep 400 part. Wuppertal Germany
247 29-Sep 200 part. Zurich Suisse
248 30-Sep 5000 part. Amsterdam The Netherlands
249 30-Sep 4000 part. Brighton UK
250 30-Sep ? Brisbane Australia
251 30-Sep ? Caims
252 30-Sep 150 part. Canberra Australia
253 30-Sep 183 part. Columbus USA
254 30-Sep 200 part. Durham UK
255 30-Sep 5000 part. Geneva Suisse
256 400 part. Hayward, SF USA
257 30-Sep ? Hong Kong China
258 30-Sep 3000 part. Melbourne Australia
259 30-Sep ? Middletown USA
260 30-Sep 150 part. Milwaukee USA
261 30-Sep 800 part. Moron Andalucia
262 30-Sep 30 part. Oakland USA
263 30-Sep 2000 part. Portland USA
264 30-Sep ? Porto Portugal
265 30-Sep ? Quebec Canada
266 30-Sep ? Rockland USA
267 30-Sep ? Sidney Australia
268 30-Sep 6000 part. Washington USA
269 1-Oct ? Bangor India
270 1-Oct ? Caims
271 1-Oct ? Canton USA
272 1-Oct ? Leipzig Germany
273 1-Oct 2500 part. Melbourne Australia
274 1-Oct ? Nova Delhi India
275 1-Oct ? Wollongong Australia
276 1-Oct 200 part. York University, Toronto Canada
277 2-Oct 5000 part. Bangalore India
278 2-Oct 100 part. Karachi Pakistan
279 2-Oct 1000 part. Las palmas, Canarias Spain
280 2-Oct ? Osuckbruck
281 2-Oct ? Ragghat India
282 2-Oct ? Tromso Norway
283 2-Oct 40 part. Worcester USA
284 3-Oct 50 part. Aalborg Danmark
285 3-Oct ? Albay Philippines
286 3-Oct ? Concord USA
287 3-Oct ? Damasc Siria
288 3-Oct ? Melbourne Australia
289 3-Oct ? Nova York USA
290 3-Oct ? Numberg Germany
291 4-Oct 300 part. Copenhagen Danmark
292 4-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
293 4-Oct 200 part. Utrecht The Netherlands
294 5-Oct ? Madrid Spain
295 5-Oct ? Montreal, Quebec Canada
296 5-Oct 200 part. Sofia Bulgaria
297 6-Oct 100 part. Lucerna Suisse
298 6-Oct 60 part. Motril, Granada Spain
299 6-Oct 3000 part. New York, New York USA
300 6-Oct ? Paris France
301 7-Oct 70 part. Aarhus Danmark
302 7-Oct 80 part. Atlanta USA
303 7-Oct 50 part. Binghamton, NY USA
304 7-Oct 50 part. Boston USA
305 7-Oct 4000 part. Brussels Belgium
306 7-Oct ? Columbus USA
307 7-Oct 300 part. Copenhagen Danmark
308 7-Oct 300 Denver, Colorado USA
309 7-Oct 70 part. Fresno, CA USA
310 7-Oct ? Lake Merritt, Oakland USA
311 7-Oct 45 part. Lewisburg, PA USA
312 7-Oct 150 part. London UK
313 7-Oct 150 part. Los Angeles USA
314 7-Oct 500 part. Madrid Spain
315 7-Oct 1000 part. Madrid Spain
316 7-Oct 8000 part. New York USA
317 7-Oct 100 part. Odense Danmark
318 7-Oct 600 part. Olympia, Washington USA
319 7-Oct ? Portland USA
320 7-Oct 1000 part. San Francisco USA
321 7-Oct 20 part. The Hague The Netherlands
322 7-Oct 1500 part. Tokyo Japan
323 7-Oct ? Toronto Canada
324 7-Oct 95 part. Wien Austria
325 7-Oct ? Wuppertal Germany
326 8-Oct ? Aachen Germany (student's strike)
327 8-Oct 40 part. Aalborg Danmark
328 8-Oct 300 Aarhus Danmark
329 8-Oct ? Aberdeen Scotland
330 8-Oct ? Adelaide Australia
331 8-Oct ? Alicante, Pais Valencia Spain
332 8-Oct ? Amersfoort The Netherlands
333 8-Oct 200 part. Amsterdam The Netherlands
334 8-Oct ? Ann Arbour, MI USA
335 8-Oct 150 Antwerpen Belgium
336 8-Oct ? Arta Greece
337 8-Oct 5000 part. Athens Greece
338 8-Oct ? Augsburg Germany
339 8-Oct ? Bad Tölz Germany
340 8-Oct 2000 part. Barcelona Spain
341 8-Oct ? Belfast Ireland
342 8-Oct 5,000 part. Berlin Germany
343 8-Oct ? Bern Suisse
344 8-Oct ? Bielefeld Germany
345 8-Oct ? Bilbao, Euskadi Spain
346 8-Oct 35 part. Binghamton, NY USA
347 8-Oct ? Birmingham UK
348 8-Oct ? Bochum Germany
349 8-Oct 100 part. Bonn Germany
350 8-Oct 300 part. Boston USA
351 8-Oct ? Bradford UK
352 8-Oct ? Braunschweig Germany
353 8-Oct ? Brescia Italia
354 8-Oct ? Brighton UK
355 8-Oct 2000 part. Brisbane Australia
356 8-Oct Bruselles Belgium
357 8-Oct 400 part. Brussels Belgium
358 8-Oct ? Canberra Australia
359 8-Oct ? Cardiff Wales
360 8-Oct ? Charlotte USA
361 8-Oct ? Chemnitz Germany
362 8-Oct ? Chicago USA
363 8-Oct ? Chicopee, MA USA
364 8-Oct 100 part. Cologne Germany
365 8-Oct 1200 part. Cophennagen Danmark
366 8-Oct ? Coventry UK
367 8-Oct ? Darwin Australia
368 8-Oct ? Demo Germany
369 8-Oct ? Denia Germany
370 8-Oct ? Dortmund Germany
371 8-Oct 50 part. Dresden Germany
372 8-Oct ? Duisburg Germany
373 8-Oct ? Dusseldolrf Germany
374 8-Oct ? Enschede The Netherlands
375 8-Oct ? Essen Germany
376 8-Oct ? Frankfurt Germany
377 8-Oct 80 part. Fredericia Danmark
378 8-Oct ? Geelong Australia
379 8-Oct ? Gijon Spain
380 8-Oct 400 part. Gothenburg USA
381 8-Oct ? Green Bay, WI USA
382 8-Oct ? Greensboro, NC USA
383 8-Oct 400 part. Groningen The Netherlands
384 8-Oct 100 part. Hamburg Germany
385 8-Oct 2000 part. Helsinki Finland
386 8-Oct ? Hobart Australia
387 8-Oct 100 part. Hong Kong China
388 8-Oct ? Honolulu, Hawaii USA
389 8-Oct 200 part. Jyvaskyla Finland
390 8-Oct ? Kalamata Greece
391 8-Oct ? Karditsa Greece
392 8-Oct ? Korfu Greece
393 8-Oct ? Larissa Greece
394 8-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
395 8-Oct ? Leeuwarden The Netherlands
396 8-Oct 80 part. Leiden The Netherlands
397 8-Oct 40 part. Linz Austria
398 8-Oct ? Lismore Australia
399 8-Oct ? Loannina Greece
400 8-Oct 3000 part. London UK
401 8-Oct ? Los Angeles USA
402 8-Oct ? Lucerne Austria
403 8-Oct ? Luton UK
404 8-Oct 2000 part. Madrid Spain
405 8-Oct 100 part. Maleny, Quecsland Australia
406 8-Oct ? Manchester UK
407 8-Oct 1500 part. Melbourne Australia
408 8-Oct 60 part. Mexico, DF Mexico
409 8-Oct ? Minneapolis, MN USA
410 8-Oct ? Montreal, Quebec Canada
411 8-Oct 50 part. Muenster Germany
412 8-Oct ? Napoli Italia
413 8-Oct 10000 part. New York USA
414 8-Oct ? Newcastle Australia
415 8-Oct ? Newcastle UK
416 8-Oct ? Northampton UK
417 8-Oct 20 part. Nr. Aaby Danmark
418 8-Oct 100 part. Odense Danmark
419 8-Oct 600 part. Olympia, Washington USA
420 8-Oct 1500 part. Oslo Norway
421 8-Oct ? Patra Greece
422 8-Oct ? Perth Australia
423 8-Oct ? Peruggia Italia
424 8-Oct ? Philadelphia, PA USA
425 8-Oct ? Portsmouth UK
426 8-Oct ? Poughkeepsie, NY USA
427 8-Oct 50 part. Prague Czech Republic
428 8-Oct ? Reading UK
429 8-Oct ? Richmond, VA USA
430 8-Oct 6000 part. Roma Italia
431 8-Oct 25 part. Rubi, Catalunia Spain
432 8-Oct 100 part. Salzburg Austria
433 8-Oct 600 part. San Francisco USA
434 8-Oct ? Sao Paulo Brazil
435 8-Oct ? Schülerstreik Germany
436 8-Oct ? Sidney Australia
437 8-Oct ? St Albans UK
438 8-Oct 1000 part. Stockholm Sweden
439 8-Oct ? Stoke/Keele UK
440 8-Oct 300 part. Stuttgart Germany
441 8-Oct 200 part. Tampere Finland
442 8-Oct 200 part. The Hague The Netherlands
443 8-Oct ? Thessaloniki Greece
444 8-Oct ? Tilburg The Netherlands
445 8-Oct ? Trikala Greece
446 8-Oct 200 part. Turku Finland
447 8-Oct ? Utrecht The Netherlands
448 8-Oct ? Valencia Spain
449 8-Oct ? Walsall USA
450 8-Oct ? Washington USA
451 8-Oct ? Watford
452 8-Oct 900 part. Wien Austria
453 8-Oct 150 part. Wollongong Australia
454 8-Oct ? Zurich Suisse
455 9-Oct ? Agrinio Greece
456 9-Oct ? Alexandropulis Greece
457 9-Oct ? Amfisa Greece
458 9-Oct ? Argolida Greece
459 9-Oct 5000 part. Athens Greece
460 9-Oct 300 part. Follonica Italia
461 9-Oct ? Haikida Greece
462 9-Oct ? Heraklion Greece
463 9-Oct ? Huesca Spain
464 9-Oct ? Kalamata Greece
465 9-Oct ? Kefalonia Greece
466 9-Oct ? Korint Greece
467 9-Oct ? Kozani Greece
468 9-Oct ? London UK
469 9-Oct ? Murcia Spain
470 9-Oct ? Ottawa Canada
471 9-Oct 300 part. Ourense, Galicia Spain
472 9-Oct 600 part. Preston UK
473 9-Oct ? Preveza Greece
474 9-Oct ? Ptolemaida Greece
475 9-Oct ? Rethymno Greece
476 9-Oct ? Toronto Canada
477 9-Oct ? Tripoli Greece
478 9-Oct ? Zakynthos Greece
479 10-Oct 40 part. Aalborg Danmark
480 10-Oct 2000 part Bandung, Java Indonesia
481 10-Oct 3000 part. Berlin Germany
482 10-Oct 20000 part. Cairo Egypt
483 10-Oct 15000 part. Madrid Spain
484 10-Oct 2000 part. Makassar, Sulawasi Island Indonesia
485 10-Oct 250 part. Newcastle on Tyne UK
486 10-Oct 70 part. Newcastle University UK
487 10-Oct ? Reus, Catalunya Spain
488 10-Oct 300 part. Salvador, Bahia Brazil
489 10-Oct ? Santander, Cantabria Spain
490 10-Oct 75 part. Tel Aviv Israel
491 11-Oct 300 part. Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
492 11-Oct 1000 part. Belo Horizonte Brazil
493 11-Oct 300 part. Besancon France
494 11-Oct 400 part. Copenhagen Danmark
495 11-Oct ? Las palmas, Canarias Spain
496 11-Oct 100 part. Slagelse Danmark
497 12-Oct 200 part. Copenhagen Danmark
498 12-Oct 1000 part. Istanbul Turkey
499 12-Oct ? New Delhi India
500 12-Oct 3000 part. Quetta Pakistan
501 12-Oct ? Rota, Andalucia Spain
502 12-Oct 5000 part. Tripoli Lebanon
503 12-Oct 100 part. Wollongong Australia
504 13-Oct 120 part. Aalborg Danmark
505 13-Oct 350 part Aarhus Danmark
506 13-Oct ? Adelaide Australia
507 13-Oct ? Albi France
508 13-Oct 150000 part. Bayamo Cuba
509 13-Oct 50000 part. Berlin Germany
510 13-Oct 7000 part. Bern Suisse
511 13-Oct ? Bologna Italia
512 13-Oct ? Bonn Germany
513 13-Oct 250 part. Copenhagen Danmark
514 13-Oct 100 part. Frederikssund Danmark
515 13-Oct 1500 part Glasgow Scotland
516 13-Oct 300 part. Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
517 13-Oct 50000 part. London UK
518 13-Oct ? Melbourne Australia
519 13-Oct 2000 part. Napoli Italia
520 13-Oct 200 part. Odense Danmark
521 13-Oct ? Perth Australia
522 13-Oct 5000 San Francisco USA
523 13-Oct 20000 part. Sttutgart Germany
524 13-Oct 1000 part. Sydney Australia
525 13-Oct 400 part. Toronto Canada
526 13-Oct ? Toulouse France
527 13-Oct ? Trivandrum, Kerala India
528 14-Oct 400 part. Adana Turkey
529 14-Oct 600 part. Istanbul Turkey
530 14-Oct 2000 part. Kathmandu Nepal
531 14-Oct 100000 part. Kolkatta India
532 14-Oct 150000 part. Assisi-Perugia Italia
533 14-Oct 65 part. The Hague The Netherlands
534 14-Oct ? Wuppertal Germany
535 15-Oct ? Girona, Catalunya Spain
536 15-Oct 1000 part. Lahore Pakistan
537 16-Oct ? London UK
538 16-Oct ? Sacramento, CA USA
539 16-Oct ? Toronto Canada
540 18-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
541 18-Oct pendent Davis, California USA
542 18-Oct pendent Madrid Spain
543 20-Oct pendent Amsterdam The Netherlands
544 20-Oct pendent Torino Italia
545 21-Oct pendent Wuppertal Germany
546 22-Oct pendent Girona, Catalunya Spain
547 23-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
548 23-Oct pendent Tokyo Japan
549 24-Oct pendent Cordova Spain
550 24-Oct pendent Malaga Spain
551 24-Oct pendent Sevilla Spain
552 25-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
553 25-Oct pendent Madrid Spain
554 27-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
555 28-Oct pendent Barcelona, Catalunya Spain
556 28-Oct pendent Girona, Catalunya Spain
557 30-Oct pendent Sacramento, CA USA
1.036.478 - estimated participants at the above
If there is missing information in the list of
demonstrations that you can help
us with, please write and let us know. When sending
information to add to
the list of demonstrations, it is easiest for us to receive
ONLY the date,
number of participants, city, and country. Other
information of interest can be sent to the listserve for
people to read.

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