UK IMC Criminals Galore!
Bob Meade | 18.10.2001 15:27
This artilcle was removed by the Zionist pro-gay coprophagic interlopers that control UK IMC. That they would change the title, which was "How Freedom of Speech Dies on IMC"; is clear proof that they think that they are invulnerable criminals. Chances are good that these interlopers do not even live in UK, and it would be best for UK IMC to be dropped and replaced by a London IMC or something like that. This way there are criminal censors who answer to no one.
another rant that isnt news
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 9:59pm Wed Oct 17 '01 (Modified on 10:30pm
Wed Oct 17 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
This article describes how interlopers and anonymous
collectives actualize their perverted desire to control free
speech. (UK IMC is the worst on earth. Collectives
members are probably not even from UK, and England is
probably better off having their own IMC site, as is Ireland.)
My Daddy said that even with the infiltration of campus by Storm Troopers reaching
such a level that it feels like a house full of psychopaths walking around carrying
concealed weapons and muttering veiled threats to each other; I must address this
assault on free speech that is evident on many IMC sites. Although this assault in
my case appeared to originate with "ML" of the Urbana-Champaign IMC Collective;
the reader must understand that "ML" and his supporters are working on
discreditting numerous IMC sites, sabotaging them, or rendering them worthless
with mainstream drivel or worse. If you access the second article in which I
addressed this assault by "ML" and his compatriots, "The Destiny of IMC's
Closeted Collectives" Id=71046, you will see that it took literally 20 attempts or
more to get that article posted; and the interlopers try to make it look like I have a
problem by posting links to all of the attempts in the comment section. What they
failed to do was eliminate the posts that were stolen; thus some of the linked
versions of this article are actually missing, proving what I was up against.
Many times I have encountered interlopers using the Postmaster's computer to
block attempts to post articles, and when this happened on Utah IMC and St. Louis
IMC, I succeeded in copying numerous code notices to the interlopers that
appeared on my screen instead of post submission notices. I posted these notices
at Id=287 when they interfered with the posting of "Chemical Modus II" on St. Louis
IMC, and the site was shut down for weeks after that. I also posted them at Id=881
on Utah IMC when they interfered with the posting of "Moronic Asbestoes Modus"
on that site. As I made clear in "Is the Postmaster into Censorsip?" Id=30294, this
is a supercomputer, which has at times boasted the speed of my computer so that
on one occasion I was able access a Global IMC newswire page around page 75
in 20 seconds. I have found that if a post is blocked from the front page, it is likely
that it will be removed from the listings and/or stolen. Recently I have found that
interlopers can actually remove them from the front page; but it seems like they
have to have a code, other than the restricted access code that they seem to use, in
order to remove front page listings. This just scrapes the surface of what they do to
interfere though.
When they block a post, whether they are using a supercomputer or not, they will not
let any of them through until one of them gets through. It is apparently a
time-consuming process to remove the post totally; thus I have been able to reload
one of the posts that they were attempting to steal by estimating what the Id# would
be on those posts and acccessing it by Id# and reloading it before they could
remove it. It should be impossible to post more than two copies, for the screen will
go blank before you can hit the "Publish" button three times; but with interference
the screen freezes and you can hit it numerous times. If a supercomputer is being
used, they are usually ready to intercept up to thirty copies or more; but once one of
them gets through; they will let all of them through and contend that the multiple
poster is "spamming" the site. Most of them don't know what "spam" means either!
Usually it will only take four or five copies to get through if the interlopers are not
using a supercomputer. Keep in mind that they are probably using the restricted
access code of the Storm Troopers; i.e. Secret Service and that they are also
monitoring, blocking, and intercepting a lot more than newswire posts. As I made
clear in "Sound the Horn! Stop the Key Block" Id=36182, "Public Key Block:
Instrument of Death" RM IMC Id=858, and "Hunting the Hunters" RM IMC Id=894; I
suspected that the Public Key Block contained this restricted access code; but now
the code has been changed and isn't the same. There are still over 800,000 entries
for Public Key Block on Google; and they appeared in a matter of weeks. Since a
lot of the interlopers apparently use these codes on public computers; don't they
think that someone can use their same procedure to obtain records of every person
who has used such codes since they have been in use?
Interlopers have used many additional tactics to discredit my writings. They lock the
size of the article forms so that the text of my aritcles appears staggered. They
delete and/or insert words, especially when they are delaying the posts. Yesterday
this happened when I attempted to post a comment after "America Plays War!"
Seattle IMC Id=7886. Access to numerous controversial articles such as he
"Messiah.."; "Modus Operandi.."; "Asbestoes.."; & "Coal-Gassification.." articles
seems to have been blocked totally on both the global site and some local sites. I
have not been able to access one of my articles in the pages of newswire on Global
IMC for months now. Some of my more controversial articles have been flooded off
the front page by trivia and nonsense within minutes. I typed a letter to the Inspector
General of Social Security five times in February; and I more or less posted it as
"Social Security: In League with Lawlessness?" Id=28830, yet the only thing that got
through to the IG was a mangled form of that letter that was shortened by half.
There are many sites that have had interference problems and corrected them; but
there are others where it continues or is getting worse. Among them are Chicago,
Cleveland, Minnesota, Madison, Seattle, Switzerland, Columbia, Brazil, Argentina,
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, UK, Vancouver, Atlanta, & Hamilton. On
Urbana-Champaign they are contending that it is legal to "hide", block, or steal the
posts outright; and they seem ready to defend their Zionist pro-gay coprophagic
agenda to the death. On Danbury, Ct's new site I have found confusion far worse
than that of Philadelphia, for this "Madhatter" of Danbury IMC seems to be trying to
create an illusion of one sort or another. If these questionable sites insist on
continuing practices that inhibit free speech and/or the transmission of it, it is
probably time to get rid of them. Let the Zionist pro-gay coprophagic sites go form
their own branch of IMC, for they are practically identical to the Zionist pro-gay
coprophagic mainstream media, particulary Atlanta, U-C, UK, and Vancouver. Most
of the members of these Collectives are probably not even living in the areas of the
sites where they are serving. Many of them seem to actually be from Ithaca; for they
admit knowing the place or having lived here. They all will assume the role of
"knights in shining armor"; i.e. devils assuming the role of "angels of light", as they
profess sweet caring concern for others while they are helping to promote an
environment that enables lawlessness to thrive.
This interference does not have to happen; but these interlopers are apparently
convincing the sites not to install security measures that enable foolproof posting.
IMC is practically a totally automatic system. It needs very little human assistance to
work. If these Collectives are complaining about their hard hours of labor and such,
it is pure bull. They probably encourage lax security in order to create the illusion
that the Collectives serve some purpose. They probably stock these Collectives
with those who support their perverted outlook by blocking and harassing those
who want to make it work better. The posting system of Ohio Valley is the best that
there is. Hamilton was great until my last post; and many others have had
commendable posting operations. The posting of comments seems to be another
issue though as I learned yesterday on Seattle IMC. Comments should appear
immediately, or else they are probably being trifled with. There are enough IMC
sites so that people would not miss those that appear to be working for their own
agenda. The flood of trivia on the Global site and Italy IMC does not render them
useless, but Global newswire pages being inaccessible has rendered it useless to
a lot of people. Stopping anonymous postings would probably be the best way to
stop the flood of trivia and nonsense. Make anonymous posting only available when
the need for anonymity has been clearly established by the content of the post.
Whatever happens, IMC has a lot of good first rate working sites. It will probably
survive till the newswires are no more.
To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and
press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby"' "Israel" Deaf Messenger
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 9:59pm Wed Oct 17 '01 (Modified on 10:30pm
Wed Oct 17 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
This article describes how interlopers and anonymous
collectives actualize their perverted desire to control free
speech. (UK IMC is the worst on earth. Collectives
members are probably not even from UK, and England is
probably better off having their own IMC site, as is Ireland.)
My Daddy said that even with the infiltration of campus by Storm Troopers reaching
such a level that it feels like a house full of psychopaths walking around carrying
concealed weapons and muttering veiled threats to each other; I must address this
assault on free speech that is evident on many IMC sites. Although this assault in
my case appeared to originate with "ML" of the Urbana-Champaign IMC Collective;
the reader must understand that "ML" and his supporters are working on
discreditting numerous IMC sites, sabotaging them, or rendering them worthless
with mainstream drivel or worse. If you access the second article in which I
addressed this assault by "ML" and his compatriots, "The Destiny of IMC's
Closeted Collectives" Id=71046, you will see that it took literally 20 attempts or
more to get that article posted; and the interlopers try to make it look like I have a
problem by posting links to all of the attempts in the comment section. What they
failed to do was eliminate the posts that were stolen; thus some of the linked
versions of this article are actually missing, proving what I was up against.
Many times I have encountered interlopers using the Postmaster's computer to
block attempts to post articles, and when this happened on Utah IMC and St. Louis
IMC, I succeeded in copying numerous code notices to the interlopers that
appeared on my screen instead of post submission notices. I posted these notices
at Id=287 when they interfered with the posting of "Chemical Modus II" on St. Louis
IMC, and the site was shut down for weeks after that. I also posted them at Id=881
on Utah IMC when they interfered with the posting of "Moronic Asbestoes Modus"
on that site. As I made clear in "Is the Postmaster into Censorsip?" Id=30294, this
is a supercomputer, which has at times boasted the speed of my computer so that
on one occasion I was able access a Global IMC newswire page around page 75
in 20 seconds. I have found that if a post is blocked from the front page, it is likely
that it will be removed from the listings and/or stolen. Recently I have found that
interlopers can actually remove them from the front page; but it seems like they
have to have a code, other than the restricted access code that they seem to use, in
order to remove front page listings. This just scrapes the surface of what they do to
interfere though.
When they block a post, whether they are using a supercomputer or not, they will not
let any of them through until one of them gets through. It is apparently a
time-consuming process to remove the post totally; thus I have been able to reload
one of the posts that they were attempting to steal by estimating what the Id# would
be on those posts and acccessing it by Id# and reloading it before they could
remove it. It should be impossible to post more than two copies, for the screen will
go blank before you can hit the "Publish" button three times; but with interference
the screen freezes and you can hit it numerous times. If a supercomputer is being
used, they are usually ready to intercept up to thirty copies or more; but once one of
them gets through; they will let all of them through and contend that the multiple
poster is "spamming" the site. Most of them don't know what "spam" means either!
Usually it will only take four or five copies to get through if the interlopers are not
using a supercomputer. Keep in mind that they are probably using the restricted
access code of the Storm Troopers; i.e. Secret Service and that they are also
monitoring, blocking, and intercepting a lot more than newswire posts. As I made
clear in "Sound the Horn! Stop the Key Block" Id=36182, "Public Key Block:
Instrument of Death" RM IMC Id=858, and "Hunting the Hunters" RM IMC Id=894; I
suspected that the Public Key Block contained this restricted access code; but now
the code has been changed and isn't the same. There are still over 800,000 entries
for Public Key Block on Google; and they appeared in a matter of weeks. Since a
lot of the interlopers apparently use these codes on public computers; don't they
think that someone can use their same procedure to obtain records of every person
who has used such codes since they have been in use?
Interlopers have used many additional tactics to discredit my writings. They lock the
size of the article forms so that the text of my aritcles appears staggered. They
delete and/or insert words, especially when they are delaying the posts. Yesterday
this happened when I attempted to post a comment after "America Plays War!"
Seattle IMC Id=7886. Access to numerous controversial articles such as he
"Messiah.."; "Modus Operandi.."; "Asbestoes.."; & "Coal-Gassification.." articles
seems to have been blocked totally on both the global site and some local sites. I
have not been able to access one of my articles in the pages of newswire on Global
IMC for months now. Some of my more controversial articles have been flooded off
the front page by trivia and nonsense within minutes. I typed a letter to the Inspector
General of Social Security five times in February; and I more or less posted it as
"Social Security: In League with Lawlessness?" Id=28830, yet the only thing that got
through to the IG was a mangled form of that letter that was shortened by half.
There are many sites that have had interference problems and corrected them; but
there are others where it continues or is getting worse. Among them are Chicago,
Cleveland, Minnesota, Madison, Seattle, Switzerland, Columbia, Brazil, Argentina,
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, UK, Vancouver, Atlanta, & Hamilton. On
Urbana-Champaign they are contending that it is legal to "hide", block, or steal the
posts outright; and they seem ready to defend their Zionist pro-gay coprophagic
agenda to the death. On Danbury, Ct's new site I have found confusion far worse
than that of Philadelphia, for this "Madhatter" of Danbury IMC seems to be trying to
create an illusion of one sort or another. If these questionable sites insist on
continuing practices that inhibit free speech and/or the transmission of it, it is
probably time to get rid of them. Let the Zionist pro-gay coprophagic sites go form
their own branch of IMC, for they are practically identical to the Zionist pro-gay
coprophagic mainstream media, particulary Atlanta, U-C, UK, and Vancouver. Most
of the members of these Collectives are probably not even living in the areas of the
sites where they are serving. Many of them seem to actually be from Ithaca; for they
admit knowing the place or having lived here. They all will assume the role of
"knights in shining armor"; i.e. devils assuming the role of "angels of light", as they
profess sweet caring concern for others while they are helping to promote an
environment that enables lawlessness to thrive.
This interference does not have to happen; but these interlopers are apparently
convincing the sites not to install security measures that enable foolproof posting.
IMC is practically a totally automatic system. It needs very little human assistance to
work. If these Collectives are complaining about their hard hours of labor and such,
it is pure bull. They probably encourage lax security in order to create the illusion
that the Collectives serve some purpose. They probably stock these Collectives
with those who support their perverted outlook by blocking and harassing those
who want to make it work better. The posting system of Ohio Valley is the best that
there is. Hamilton was great until my last post; and many others have had
commendable posting operations. The posting of comments seems to be another
issue though as I learned yesterday on Seattle IMC. Comments should appear
immediately, or else they are probably being trifled with. There are enough IMC
sites so that people would not miss those that appear to be working for their own
agenda. The flood of trivia on the Global site and Italy IMC does not render them
useless, but Global newswire pages being inaccessible has rendered it useless to
a lot of people. Stopping anonymous postings would probably be the best way to
stop the flood of trivia and nonsense. Make anonymous posting only available when
the need for anonymity has been clearly established by the content of the post.
Whatever happens, IMC has a lot of good first rate working sites. It will probably
survive till the newswires are no more.
To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and
press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby"' "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Bob Meade