international chat night
globalaction-bremen | 18.10.2001 12:57
2-3 november international chat night
20 o´clock
greets from bremen (germany)
hi peopel from indymedia i want to invite ya all for the international chat night .
im jo and i make part of an initiativ called globalaction
we made an exhibition with more than 200 fotos from the G8 days at genoa.we show alotof infos much from indymedia and a-infos.
we invite you and groups that want to present your/their work.or peopel that
are interest to speak with peopel about their work or.. or... or..... !
if ya are intrest write back .
if ya make part of an group send us infos about it . we try to make a webpage with links to all groups that make part of the chat.
ok cu , cu all
2.-3. november 2001 at 20 o`clock ----- here is the chat room --------- soon are here pages from " globalaction"
20 o´clock
greets from bremen (germany)
hi peopel from indymedia i want to invite ya all for the international chat night .
im jo and i make part of an initiativ called globalaction
we made an exhibition with more than 200 fotos from the G8 days at genoa.we show alotof infos much from indymedia and a-infos.
we invite you and groups that want to present your/their work.or peopel that
are interest to speak with peopel about their work or.. or... or..... !
if ya are intrest write back .
if ya make part of an group send us infos about it . we try to make a webpage with links to all groups that make part of the chat.
ok cu , cu all
2.-3. november 2001 at 20 o`clock --------- soon are here pages from " globalaction"