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Blair summons media (extract)

Jo Bore | 15.10.2001 22:20

Extract from earlier posting says it all !!!!

Blair summons media

Government to raise security issue with broadcasters

Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent
Monday October 15, 2001 The Guardian

Government sources said the meetings were designed as a discussion, rather than a confrontation.

A spokeswoman said: "Issues arise when you have a conflict where the media access is controlled by an organisation that is harbouring terrorists, and which has been pumping out lies and propaganda".

So they know then !!!!!!!!!

Jo Bore


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What Kadie Did

15.10.2001 22:50

"media access is controlled by an organisation that is pumping out lies and propaganda".

Tony, I know you are, but what am I??? And why are you scapegoating Kate Aidie (as if I care) for "compromising your security" (I care even less) in a "time of war," amidst "heightened tensions" (orchestrated) as an excuse to censor the BBC??? As if I watch it!!!



16.10.2001 08:45

For some time after the Sept 11 th suicide bombing the left wing media seeemed to slow down, while the capitalistic media went into overdrive.
To counter this we have to try harder to post interetsing things on the indymedia sites & to sell workers papers such as Socialist Worker.
I know that a lot of people who go on the IMC sites do not like the SOCIalist paper but I think that is more to do with there personal politics surely they can not be so sectarian as they can't see that the SW is so mcuh closer to there point of view than the Sun or DAILY MIRROR>
Surely The enemy is capitalism not each other.


Stuart is right to an extent

16.10.2001 11:20

Independent media needs to get it's teeth into the establishment, I don't know wether the majority of us can stomach the Socialist worker. But I think the case of Jo Moore is a good example. She was suggesting that as the world was busy watching the Bushy horror show it would be a good time to release all the bad news, stuff that the government wanted to go un noticed. Some people don't find this such a serious offence. But what kind of stuff would this have been.
Perhaps an increase in deaths through industrial accidents
deaths caused by errors in hospitals, chemical pollution, whatever, a whole load of circumstances that down grade the quality of our lives and increase profits for the corporate masters. This woman should be hounded out of office and if possible out of the country. She is one of them, an integral
part of the bullshit machine which is anti people and pro money. lets get into 'em...

Jo Bore

war criminals

16.10.2001 22:40

don't get at that duped woman.She only has the best interests of her employers at heart after all. And her ultimate boss is a war criminal.She was only trying to make the best out of a very bad job. After all it's what our government is about. Just a jobsworth - no different from millions of us.

dwight heet