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withdrawl of consent

john siddique | 15.10.2001 19:33

letter to tony blair, withdrawing on withdrawing personal consent to his 'war' and his government

Monday, 15 October 2001

Dear Mr Blair
I would like to say that as a ‘citizen’ of Britain, I no longer give you or your government the consent to represent my person politically or personally in any of your dealings, particularly in respect of the situation of your so called ‘war’ following the events of September 11th 2001 in New York. While this may mean nothing to you, as we are a country without a real constitution, subject to your rule. It is important to let you know that I stand apart from you and encourage others to do the same. I still choose to act within the laws of this country. As an individual I have the right to challenge the perceptions you attempt to assert. Loss of life is never a good thing, nor is the promotion of terror, which you and your cohorts lay down at people’s doors. Your own violence is perpetuating violence.

The way you have conducted yourself in the last month as a man and as prime-minister has lacked dignity, respect and most importantly honour, you seem to have no gasp of these things as you act like a little boy pulling on his father’s coat trying to be noticed.

The political system in the UK has created a safe zone for itself by constant redefinition of boundaries, even within the democratic act of voting. As a person you deny me the right to register my voice when voting as there is no opportunity to even tick a box which says ‘I have no confidence in those nominated, please re-open nominations.’ You trap me into your archaic method of work and tell me there are only the choices you offer me. I know this is not true. There are other choices.

I know lobbying you will have no effect; you may see my surname and think I have written to you as some kind of fanatic, but this is not true. I merely wish you to know that one man has no confidence in you and your government, and deny you my voice when you represent my country to itself and the world.

Yours sincerely,

John Siddique

john siddique
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Obedience IS the Law

15.10.2001 23:02

The Law is an Ass, and as you sheepishly obey and act within the laws of this country, remember there are about 500,000 of them with new ones being implemented, without our consent, every hour. There are laws dating back to the 13th Century, that forbid you from beating a carpet after 7 am. or you'll get flogged. You could be transported to Australia (hey!!!) for poaching a rabbit. These laws are still extant.

Judge Dread