Paul D. Boin | 14.10.2001 14:10
Are you tired of simply complaining about our media system, or the fact that our "information age" is producing the most censored war in history? Here's your chance to do something!
Hi Media Democratizers,
Here's an update on this coming Friday's (October 19th) 1st Annual MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAY - An International Day of Media Protest, Education, and Change (see attached MD Day-Gen flyer). Activities are being planned in Toronto (see attached MD Day-TO), Vancouver, Calgary, San Francisco and many other cities throughout the world. In Ontario, there are also activities planned at Laurier University, Waterloo University, and McMaster University. How about your university, college, or high school?
How are things shaping up in your region (country/city/town)? If nothing is planned to mark the day in your area yet, DO SOMETHING! (e.g., have a lunch hour/evening speaker, show/screen a media relevant video, have an open discussion/forum). Also be sure to send a quick e-mail update as to your region's activities to , and visit .
Join in marking the 1st Annual Media Democracy Day, and help put media reform and communication issues on the local, national, and international political agenda. All the best, and forward this e-mail onto others.
Yours truly,
Paul Boin
Here's an update on this coming Friday's (October 19th) 1st Annual MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAY - An International Day of Media Protest, Education, and Change (see attached MD Day-Gen flyer). Activities are being planned in Toronto (see attached MD Day-TO), Vancouver, Calgary, San Francisco and many other cities throughout the world. In Ontario, there are also activities planned at Laurier University, Waterloo University, and McMaster University. How about your university, college, or high school?
How are things shaping up in your region (country/city/town)? If nothing is planned to mark the day in your area yet, DO SOMETHING! (e.g., have a lunch hour/evening speaker, show/screen a media relevant video, have an open discussion/forum). Also be sure to send a quick e-mail update as to your region's activities to

Join in marking the 1st Annual Media Democracy Day, and help put media reform and communication issues on the local, national, and international political agenda. All the best, and forward this e-mail onto others.
Yours truly,
Paul Boin
Paul D. Boin