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Keele 4 Peace

stinkbomb | 13.10.2001 18:25

Keele University Peace Vigil turns into spontaneous campus chalking by militant peaceloving children

Here at Keele University,we today held our first antiwar/pro peace demo.
It was fantastic. It grew organically; the politics department held an open forum on the consequences of S11 this week, and we publicised today's demo there. I was the first to turn up,then my comrades, then others and soon we had around 40 adults and 20 children in attendance.

Someone brought along some chalk, and soon the children were chalking and chanting slogans all over the place. Wonderful, creative slogans: "Think before you bomb!" "Fish not Fascism" and "Peace".

What was amzing was the way the children took the small vigil and spread it out; it was life, anti-war slogans spreading accross the ground like a virus.


Then of course one of the University security guards came over and hassled us. "Who authorized all this" he asked, indicating the colourful writing as if it was some kind of stain, claiming it showed lack of respect for the place, despite agreeing that the war is without respect for Afghan children, and claiming we would be held to account.

As if we could have legislated for this!

Photos to follow.
Keep watching the skies.
