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Bio-War in US, coming to Britain???

ABC Warrior | 11.10.2001 13:46

3rd Anthrax case in Florida, supposed to be 1950's test: CDC
UK bio-war contingency plan 'in excessive secrecy': BMA.
Book Reviews: the Hot Zone (fact, Ebola), the Cobra Event (fiction?), by Paul Preston.
DIY biological warfare (farm animals, foot and mouth?) links

First two articles both taken from the BBC main website;
Doctors' representatives have asked the government to avoid excessive secrecy in preparing British plans to combat any bio-terrorism menace.
As fears of anthrax attacks grow, the government has refused to discuss details of extra protections for water supplies and other key installations.

The level and details of planning for a direct chemical or biological on an urban area are also largely unknown.

We have too much secrecy and too few people knowing our contingency plans

Professor Vivienne Nathanson
American police are investigating an outbreak of anthrax in Florida in which one person has died and two more are ill in hospital.

But Scotland Yard and British politicians have stressed there is no specific credible threat of a bio-terror attack on the UK.

Professor Vivienne Nathanson, head of science and ethics at the British Medical Association, said: "We are concerned secrecy can inhibit proper discussion.

"People need to be reassured.

"Planning in the UK is relatively secretive. It is a question that needs to be addressed.

"We have too much secrecy and too few people knowing our contingency plans, which is a problem."

Public health

Prof Nathanson cited the example of the senior New York fire officers whom she said were among the first killed in the September 11 terror attack and were among few who knew about the city's contingency plans.

This eventuality, she warned, should not happen in the UK.

She acknowledged: "It is difficult to say any public health system in the world is capable but we need to reassure the public we can spot the nature of an attack and deal with it.

"We must ensure our disease surveillance system is as well-established as possible and that information is shared. It is our best hope."

Incubation periods
Prof Nathanson said the BMA would be taking up the matter with government ministers and making representations to ensure the secrecy is "not overdone".

She went on: "People are still travelling all over the world and with the long incubation periods of some biological agents disease could be spread."

Her comments came soon after the World Medical Association urged doctors worldwide to be on the alert for unexplained clusters of illnesses amid escalating fears of bio-terrorism.
Prof Nathanson said the BMA supported that view.


From the Paul Preston, author of 'The Hot Zone', which detailed what really happened when Ebola occured at a monkey quarantine facility in Reston, VA, 30 minutes drive from the White House. The Cobra Event is part fiction, and possibly part fact, detailing Iraqi Anthrax attempts in the gulf war, built into a plot of a mad-dog poisoner in New York. Read the first chapter then dare to claim a refund


============================================================ some guy's diy biowar Non-profit org selling mainly agricultural viruses and bacteria, allege to have sold Anthrax to the Iraqis, at some stage. Dooooh!

ABC Warrior
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Buying Anthrax Antibiotics-see below

11.10.2001 15:58

Hmmm, rather than wasting money into the hands of pharmaceutical giants, why not just find out which chemists stock them, and if the worst happens we can just seize all availible stocks, rather than waiting weeks for the state to organize delivery and administration.

Mad Rush on Web for Anthrax Drug
By Julia Scheeres

Anthrax is a disease caused by spore-forming bacteria.

2:00 a.m. Oct. 10, 2001 PDT
Amid growing fears of a biological attack, Americans are rushing online to snap up supplies of the only antibiotic recommended by the FDA for treatment of exposure to anthrax bacteria.

Orders for ciprofloxacin, or Cipro, skyrocketed in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center and reports that several people were exposed to anthrax in Florida, Internet drugstores said., an online firm that provides both prescription and pharmaceutical services, started offering Cipro to customers at the end of September, and the site has been processing about 100 orders a day ever since, said CEO Tania Malik.

ABC warrior

alternative prophylactic

11.10.2001 17:45

better still, avoid the poisons produced by the drug cartels which inevitably damage your health and put you in a state of continuing need for more of their drugs.
homeopathic remedy, anthracinum, the anthrax nosode, should provide effective protection against anthrax. one 30C dose twice a day for a few days if you believe you have had possible contact. can also be used to treat symptoms, maybe at a 200C potency or higher. other lead remedies for treatment of anthrax are arsenicum and secale.
available from Helios pharmacy -, or ainsworths at

dwight heet