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Pro-global justice badge designs

mango | 10.10.2001 12:12

I am sick to death of hearing otherwise intelligent people accepting the ludicrous oxymoron 'War on Terrorism' that has been foisted on us by govt propagandists (article 1)

Pro-global justice badge designs
Pro-global justice badge designs

War IS Terrorism - writ large.

No good can come of it - EVER.

For 300dpi printable versions of the above for use on 2 inch badges please go to:-

- Homepage:


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11.10.2001 17:24

Well, I did upload three images - only the one above made it. The 'War IS Terrorism' badge can be found at the website listed above.

I love Indymedia but there's definitely still some bugs to iron out in the upload routines!

Keep sane and hold a clear understanding,

