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Pro-global justice badges

mango | 09.10.2001 10:49

Go to the site to get hi-res images of the stuff below, if you want to use them to make badges, stickers and the like.

Pro-global justice badges
Pro-global justice badges

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Hide the following 2 comments

the other 2 images

09.10.2001 10:59

the other 2 images
the other 2 images

No further comment as I am puking up gobbets of arch hypocrisy and disgust at our truly murderous so-called 'leaders'.

What has happened to the Global Justice Movement all of a sudden - blinded by Blare? Boggled by Busch? Buggered by Bombs?

If you want to get a real handle on whats happening, check out the Pearl Harbour passage in Gore Vidal's book 'The Golden Years'...


the other 2 images

09.10.2001 10:59

the other 2 images
the other 2 images

No further comment as I am puking up gobbets of arch hypocrisy and disgust at our truly murderous so-called 'leaders'.

What has happened to the Global Justice Movement all of a sudden - blinded by Blare? Boggled by Busch? Buggered by Bombs?

If you want to get a real handle on whats happening, check out the Pearl Harbour passage in Gore Vidal's book 'The Golden Years'...
