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bush goes monkeys

from imc germany | 09.10.2001 10:21

how can one react to the mad actions of a US president?
Here's one suggestion...

bush goes monkeys
bush goes monkeys

from imc germany


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Please remove this insulting post

09.10.2001 10:55

This is insulting to non-human primates. I mean really insulting!

OK it's quite funny and the poses are very similar but it's not news and it just calls monkeys mad.

Plus it has been uploaded before to this site, and I doubt if imc germany posted it.


Don't be so cruel to the poor monkeys

09.10.2001 10:57

I think we would be safer with a monkey as US President. Solidarity with the Afgani people!

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does not come from imc-germany

09.10.2001 13:55

this isn´t rhe style of reporting in days like these on the imc-germany. there´s also no specified group or person , that's chosen to write in the name of "imc-germany". it´s, like many things these days, a fake.
we've got many protests in germany. look at photos on!

greetz outta germany,

doesn´t matter
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