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Bombs hit Afghanistan - picture

Dana G. | 07.10.2001 20:39

Picture from Gulf TV satellite station of bombs hitting Afghanistan

Bombs hit Afghanistan - picture
Bombs hit Afghanistan - picture

Dana G.


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07.10.2001 22:31

Like many, I oppose what has occurred this evening but I would call upon people logging on to the internet site to form coalitions with local groups in support of the people of Afghanistan and this meangingless act that is being justified by Prime minister Blair who is increasingly sounding like a dictator.

I want peace not war.

Stop the bombing and support something which sustains life and improves human beings even those iredeemable figures like Blair and Bush.

Millennium Leia


07.10.2001 23:25

The visions of anarchy , love , co-operation and pacifism look even more appealing ...


Why should they do this?

24.08.2006 21:04

What is Jorge bushes problem
