Oregon, USA: Activists attacked by state's department of forestry
IMC Portland | 05.10.2001 20:18
Today, Friday, CFA reports that the ODF directed a logger from Christian Futures to cut down the tree currently occupied by the activist, who has had no food or water this entire time, but that the logger refused. However, the ODF is now threatening to cut down the trees in which CFA has built tree-sits.
CFA is calling for a mass crossing of the closure line at noon on Saturday to protest the attacks. [ Call to action ]
Intimidation tactics against forest activists are common, a source at CFA said on Thursday. Apparently, the ODF has been shining lights up at the tree-sits and playing loud music during the night in an attempt to drive them out. Additionally, the ODF has declared a closure on the area, meaning that no one is allowed in or out, although it is public land. This is done to starve out activists by cutting them off from supply lines, but CFA is confident that the treesits are well enough provisioned to wait out the closure. Historically, violence against forest activists has occured before; in 1998, David "Gypsy" Chain was killed in the Redwoods during direct actions there.
On Wednesday, October 3, Christian Futures began logging in God's Valley, specifically in Area II of the Tillamook State Forest. Area II is home to a tree-sit set up by CFA after surprise logging of dubious legality began in Area III in August. [ Read more ]
IMC Portland