SWP sectarianism split the Socialist Alliance
Uno | 05.10.2001 12:31
The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) castigates the SWP for going it alone and abandoning the principle of 'left unity'.
In its October 'Notes for Action', the CPGB criticises the SWP for sectarianism and not pulling its weight in the Socialist Alliance, a body set up by several Marxist groups to campaign on a common platform. The SWP is 'hijacking' the Stop the War campaign and failing to engage in joint actions with other SA members. It accuses the SWP of not taking the SA seriously outside election time and failing to build up SA membership and political infrastructure. SWP bull-headedness, sectarianism and use of infiltrating other organisations to 'recuit and sell' appears to be confirmed by the CPGB, its erstwhile ally.
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so why were they admitted at all ?
05.10.2001 13:36
The result of the SWPs influence has been NOT to create a clear demarcation between socialism and labourism but to exacerbate the confusion; as it stands, there is a kind of grey blur stetching all the way from Blair, through Hattersley, Cook, M. Foot, Skinner, Benn, Livingstone, P. Foot, into the distant twilight of the workers movement., without never knowing who is quite who. Well done, closet-imperialists of the SWP ! Ever since you and your forebears (the IMG) appeared, you have been trying to destroy every independent working class initiative by invoking the Labour party; you are certainly "Entryists", but Trotsky intended that tactic to be used BY socialists AGAINST labor- imperialists, NOT for them !
silly billy
erm okay but
05.10.2001 13:43
05.10.2001 14:22
Not boring, but funny
05.10.2001 15:17
Are you a member of the CPGB too?
05.10.2001 15:34
Martin E
Freedom of information
05.10.2001 15:54
All I'm doing is giving news on developments within these parties, their plans for the future and the nature of their organisations. I think we all deserve to know the truth of what's going on, particularly when these groups are using broad fronts and infiltrating other groups. By opening up these organisations to scrutiny, I would imagine it's a service to the entire anti-capitalist movement. Why should there be secrets?
People have asked me to publish more memos from these groups and that's what I intend to do. If you find it boring or uninteresting, then you don't have to read or respond to my messages.
student wankers
05.10.2001 22:06
sista clodagh
plea for security
06.10.2001 18:20
Not that I am particularly paranoid about the state - as others have pointed out, the state does monitor emails and faxes and other stuff. I'm also sure they watch IMC sites, and discussion lists of the left, and the a/cap movement generally.
What I'm really worried about if the BNP or other fascists getting names and or phone numbers of activists. They are making a concerted effort to publish, pictures together with names and other details of activists from lots of different groups. (There is some sort of RedWatch website up and running again atm).
While I would request that you don't publish internal documents publically, you have continued to do so, but do bear the security thing in mind please.
Martin E
Point taken
06.10.2001 21:39
No, you're just a coward
07.10.2001 14:16
Stan Rivington
I'm no coward
08.10.2001 21:30
I don't know if Stan Rivington is an SWP member or not. But I know I've stirred up the SWP - at my local branch meeting the issue was raised. The fact is that the SWP needs to be opened up if it is to be truly democratic and accountable. Obviously, this pisses off the unelected SWP leadership and they are desperately trying to weed out any moles. If they find me out, they will set up a kangaroo court - a rigged disciplinary procedure used against anyone who threatens the authority of the leadership. So, I am anonymous. It's in the best interest of the SWP and the anti-capitalist movement.
Certainly, at a time when the SWP are trying to hijack the Stop the War campaign as part of an opportunist recruitment strategy, everyone should know the motives of the unaccountable leadership. What a fucking sick leadership to use war and the peace movement as part of the single-minded 'Recruit! Sell!' strategy, when we should put the oppressed Afghanis first. It's true - the only obsession of the SWP leadership is making money, not standing up for the victims of the Taliban/Capitalist war.
Give us a break
02.05.2004 14:32