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Deatained in Parliament

Pennie | 04.10.2001 22:38

Dragged out of the Stranger's gallery in the Houses of Parliment and subjected to Draconian laws and suspension of human rights act as the HP is not answerable to ordinary law.

On the morning of the 4/10/01 three of us went along to the recall of Parliament with the aim of making our displeasure felt at the Western declaration of war upon the civilains of Afganistan.

We had dicussed various strategies for our protestation during the recall and decided to play the actual nature of our action by ear, pending the situation at the HP.

I had some leaflets in my pockets not hidden and showed them to the WPC's searching me when entering both the HP and the Strangers gallery, they said that it was Ok to have the leaflets.

Once inside we viewed the debate with interest unsure of how to implement our protest.

We whispered to each other and were then asked to leave by the HP Ninjas, large guys in black wearing some sort of golden sporan on their groins.

The Ninjas then dragged my two companions out of the gallery in headlocks despite them not having done any thing untoward other than to whisper to each other.

As they were dragged away they threw their leaflets up in the air in anger at their treatment, the leaflets rained down over parliament.

I was also removed for being part of the group.
We were then detained in the HP police room for the next five hours.

Although not placed under arrest or charged we were held under rules specific to the House of Commons and to which the human rights act is inapplicable.

The officers told us that they did not have to observe PACE and that we could be kept until the end of the sitting without food or water and that the sitting could carry on until the small hours.

We were also threatened with full body searches despite not having been charged with any crime other then a breach of the rules of the House of Commons.

I was released in the afternoon after sressing that I had to go to work. An application was made to the Sergeant of Arms and he agreed to my early release.

However I was photographed and have been given a life ban which forbids my from ever entering the House of Commons again as long as I live.

As far as I know I cannot appeal this decision.

This ban was been issued to somebody who had breached none of the House rules.

And this is what democracy looks like, a masque ball for the machinations of Warmongers, ordinary voices are prohibited.

Those in the stranger's gallery are in the words of the law invisible.

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  1. my god this is disgusting! — uk citizen