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Socialist Alliance split over SWP's sectarianism?

Uno | 04.10.2001 21:08

In its latest Notes for Action, the CPGB castigates SWP for abandoning the Socialist Alliance and failing to get the SA engaged in the anti-war campaign.

October 4, 2001)
Notes for action is an information bulletin for sympathisers and supporters of the Communist Party of Great Britain.

Socialist Alliance statement

The SWP have made their plans for the Socialist Alliances quite clear: They want them to remain mere electoral alliances and sometimes not even that. But the unity of the most advanced sections of the British left is something that should not just be thrown away or downplayed. The first steps have been made to overcoming sectarianism. We have worked work together on a far more constructive and comradely level than for many years. This needs to be built upon. We need an all-Britain wide, democratic and effective party organisation that can lead working class struggles.

The Socialist Alliance is worth fighting for. Help us by signing and distributing the attached statement, which has been signed by comrades like Mike Marqusee, John Rothery, Anna Chen and many more.

Stop the War Coalitions

These are springing up all over the country. Despite our criticisms of the SWP manipulation and hijacking (see Weekly Worker 401 and 402) it is important that sympathisers and supporters of the CPGB are visibly involved in these and report meetings. This war might (re-)activate a whole layer of the working class and it is important that we make ourselves visible as the only faction that is arguing for a consistently democratic approach: Condemn US imperialism, but also condemn the reactionary anti-capitalism of the Taliban and Bin Laden.

Get involved in these Coalitions:

- If a coalition hasn't been set up in your area yet, approach your local SA to organise a meeting. We have been arguing for the SA to take a lead in this, but the SWP had different plans.

- Go to as many meetings as possible and sell the Weekly Worker

- Report on these meetings in the WW

- Try to be elected on to the executive committees

The CPGB will be on the anti-war march on Saturday, October 13 in London with papers, leaflets and stalls. Come along and help out!



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Now I'm confused

04.10.2001 23:03

I thought you were a member of the SWP, and now you are posting stuff from the Communist Party.


article being hidden

04.10.2001 23:43

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