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John Quinn | 04.10.2001 00:06


Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem: "We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers.On the last trip up a BOMB went off. WE THINK THERE WERE BOMBS SET IN THE BUILDING."

NY Fireman: There were 'BOMBS IN THE BUILDING!'

John Quinn

A growing mountain of evidence and testimony shows that it WAS explosives which brought the World Trade Center towers to the ground, as well as several other structures in the WTC complex.

Keep in mind the NYFD's chief arson investigator said on on TV on 9.12 that internal explosives WERE USED to bring down the WTC towers!

- - - - - - - -,11859,174592-3,00.html

Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem.

September 12, 2001

We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers.

On the last trip up a BOMB went off. WE THINK THERE WAS BOMBS SET IN THE BUILDING. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out.

There were probably 500 people trapped in the stairwell. It was mass chaos. The power went out. It was dark. Everybody was screaming. We had oxygen masks and we were giving people oxygen. Some of us made it out and some of us didn't. I know of at least 30 firefighters who are still missing. This is my 20th year. I am seriously considering retiring. This might have done it.


When the first broadcast were being made of interviews with people who were standing watching the buildings burn, one commentator said while watching the building: "What's that you heard? 'Pop, pop, pop,' and you saw glass being blown AWAY from the building and THEN the building begin to crash?"

The glass being blown outward was shown going from the bottom UP, NOT from the top DOWN.

I saw it, I heard it, and I said to myself those were detonations. Later I saw the same clip shown, but with no sound.

John Quinn


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Video Or Printed Word

04.10.2001 19:38

For decades the communist left argued incessantly that the printed
word used by the state published and printed downright lies.
Fabricated stories, fake interviews, made up public opinion polls.
The same analaogy doesn't apply for the tv film.

Since the Gulf War and the rise of CNN this all changed.
Who ever forgot the images of a bird in oil purported to be in Kuwait
when it was Alaska?
Whoever remembers the camera angles of bombs dropping on targets in
Yugoslavia where 100% success rate was ascertained?
The refugee columns of Kosovo apparently attacked by Serbs on the
basis of paid interviews?

The left having become pro-state believes fully the video feeds and
interviews seen round the world as a result of the WTC explosion? Why?
To question it would make one a conspiracist, but to believe it makes
one coherent.

A few questions for the undoubting Thomases:
4 planes are reported to have crashed yet only two are seen on a video
The plane that crashed dissapears into the WTC, no fragments are
recovered, no black box.

The media of mass disinformation have achieved the ultimate coup.
Virtual reality is seeking to replace virutal politics. Manufactured
lies to justify manufactured wars, a massive corporate re-branding
exercise to paint good over evil. For fifty years it occurred outside
the borders of the USA, now it occurs inside.


perfect demolition

04.10.2001 22:34

personally i prefer the tesla pulse theory for the demolition of these buildings - it would explain why so few intact bodies are being recovered - disintegrative stuff for concrete and steel and flesh and bone.certainly the official theory of burning jet fuel melting steel girders doesnt hold out too well when the first building to collapse (the south tower) was the one that had been hit askew, exploding its payload visibly over the manhatten streets in a gigantic fireball

dwight heet


05.10.2001 10:13

what is telsa pulse, dwight?



05.10.2001 21:45

nikola tesla 1856 - 1943 - serbian-american electronics genius - inventor of polyphase altrenating current system, wireless communication, fluorescent lighting,- 700 odd other patents - said to be involved in the philadelphia experiment but pulled out because of the risk to humans - claimed to have invented an electromagnetic weapon that built up a huge pulse of electromagnetic energy that could then be released and targeted at ships buildings whatever up to a distance of 8 miles and would cause thorough disintegration of target. such experiments presumably suppressed by the us military for future use. search nikola tesla on the web - there's tons of stuff.

dwight heet