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Anti-Facist | 03.10.2001 22:18

When the 'Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement' (Taliban) emerged at the beginning of 1995 and swept over most of the southern and eastern states of Afghanistan in the course of one year, many questions arose about the identity of the Movement, its obje ctives, the sides that support it and the reasons for its swift victories.

With the development of events along with the fall of most of the Afghani states to the will of the Mujahideen and the domination of 80% of the Muslim Afghani land, the profile of the evolving Movement began to appear, especially after it took over the capital city, Kabul, and expelled from it the Shiite-Communist confederation.
So, what are the facts behind this Movement and its objectives? How did it deal with Arab Mujahideen there? What are the dangers of the conspiracies that plans to domesticate it and attempts to change its path to conform with the interests of the regional and international powers, especially that of the United States and it's allies?

The Development of the Movement

Before examining the details of this, it is necessary to briefly highlight the state of affairs that existed in Afghanistan before the development of this Jihadi Movement.

The end of the war against the Russian enemies resulted in a new array of conspiracies of the international powers over the Jihadi parties by means of relinquis hing Kabul to the hands of Masoud and the Communist militias, and the exclusion of the Hizbi Islami (Islamic Party) from rule. This led to the bitter conflict which the Muslim people paid for dearly whereby more than forty thousand civilians were killed, cities and towns were destroyed and gangs and highwaymen became widespread in the midst of a dangerous increase in drug dealings. This tragic state was not only caused by the adversity, depravation and poverty of the citizens, but also by the misunderstan di ng of some leaders to the planned conspiracy while insisting to remain in command, and then joining in some interlocked alliance with Communists, Shiites, etc. This led the people to lose confidence with the leaders who engaged in a struggle over power, e specially when those alliances between the Jihadi parties and Dostoum's party and other criminals was changing monthly and even hourly.

When the Taliban Movement emerged, led by Mula Muhammad Umar and 11 students of knowledge in Qandahar, they got rid of so me thieves in the town of Sing Hissar. Some highwaymen then assembled to take revenge, and so, the Taliban made an incursion against them and captured a large quantity of weapons. Thereafter, Mula Muhammad Umar returned to Qandahar and requested from its governor the authority over the city, since he was not fulfilling his duties. He refused, and so they dethroned him and took possession of the governorship. A conflict then erupted between Taliban and Rabbani's government after the refusal of the later to t he demands of the Taliban Movement which included Islamisation of rule, expulsion of Communists and eradication of manifested corruption and bribery. This incessantly persuaded leaders of various Jihadi parties to join Taliban and strengthen its power. Pakistan then facilitated for thousands of students to join Taliban who assigned them positions in the head office and judicial ministries after they took control over six states. The Pakistani government took those steps to preserve its interests, especially after witnessing the close collaboration between Rabbani and India, Russia and Iran, compromising the Pakistani influence.

One of the most prominent objectives of the Movement, as its leaders state and as the perceived reality proves, is it' s application of the Islamic Law. This is what the Muslims in that land notice after the dissemination of security and stability, eradication of gangs, highwaymen and drug dealers, burning of hashish and opium fields, and other works.

That is why everyone sensed the jeopardy of that Movement, and as such the regional powers tried to encircle it. Pakistan found in the Movement the object of pursuit in that it preserves it 's interests represented by the route of trade with the nearby Islamic Republics. Accordingly, the Pakistani army supported the Movement by providing fuel and food, and by facilitating the movement of students from Pakistan

The honesty of Taliban in application of Islamic Law without equivocation or defect was apparent. This confirms the sincerity of the Movement' s objectives in spite of the intimidations of the United Nations to cease it's food relief programmes in Afghanistan. The Movement dealt with intimidations strictly and suspended education till it reconstruct the educational system upon pure Islam ic principles, free from Western Kufur effects. This is in addition to the establishment of the punishment laws (Al- Hodood) and enforcing Islamic law upon the people in all their transactions.

The Taliban - Arab Mujahideen Relations

With the movement of Sheikh Usama bin Ladin to Afghanistan upon the compliance of the Sudanese government with the American-Saudi pressure to expel him, Sheikh Ibn Ladin resided in the company of one of the leaders of Hizbi Islami, Sheikh Younis Khalis in the Nankahaar region.

He was then surrounded by the Arab Mujahideen who dispersed, after the end of the Jihad against the Communist invaders, in Pakistan and areas of Afghanistan because they were pursued by Arab intelligence officials, even though many of them were occupied with seeking knowledge, business or securing sustenance for themselves and their families.

The Arab pressure, especially that of the Saudi, for handing over Ibn Ladin (Abu Abdullah) increased. Sheikh Younis Khalis refused this instruction and said to Sulaiman Al- Ali, the Saudi family ambassador to Afghanistan: "O Sulaiman! We are the Afghans. If the livestock in the lands of the two Holy Mosques; the cattle, sheep and camels; sought our protection, we will surely protect it in the best manner and we would not hand it over to no one. So, in what way do we deal with a man who we saw from him nothing but support, Jihad and bestowment? And these are the graves of his brethren and their martyrs are in every region of Afghanistan?? This will not be!".

When Taliban entered Jalal Abad and its rule became stabilised, the Movement' s deputations passed by the Sheikh saluting him in honour and dignity. One of the commanders said to Sheikh Usama - this account is from an eyewitness: "O Sheikh! Our lands are not the lands o f the Afghans, but it is the lands of Allah; and our Jihad was not the Jihad of the Afghan, but it is the Jihad of the Muslims. Your martyrs that are in every region of Afghanistan, their graves testify to that. You are between your families and kinsmen, and we bless the soil that you walk upon".

This was translated to practice when the leaders of Taliban refused to even discuss the matter of handing him over with the Saudis when they visited their country to obtain recognition of their government.

The Planned Conspiracies

The emergence of the Taliban Movement and its control over more than 80% of the Afghani lands has undoubtedly upset the equilibrium, on the regional and international level. Thus, conspiracies were installed to influence it, in order to preserve the interests of various sides. These dangers that face the Movement materialise as follows:

Firstly: The trials of assimilation.

Secondly: The Shiite-Communist confederation

The first factor is regarded as the more serious danger on the Movement due to the following reasons:

The integration of many leaders from different parties to the Movement. The concern being the lack of solid organisational correlation with the chief leaders, which may be utilised by the enemies of Allah like the United States and it's puppets.

The Saudi attempts to attract some of the leaders by way of exploiting the glistening lands of the two Holy Mosques in accepting them as visitors for Umrah and Hajj and by showering them with money and gifts.

The United Nation's activities in using its programmes to control or influence some of the regions, especially its food and health programmes.

The activities of the American-Arab intelligence who spread their officials in different Afghani cities, especially the capitals. It is no surprise if they were involved in the bombing of the police headquarters in Jalal Abad.

The activities of the Pakistani government in order to control them, noting that Afghanistan represents an important ground for the general politics of Pakistan, even with the different successor government, its enmity with India, Iran and others remain the same.

The Military Threat

This danger is represented by the Shiite-Communist confederation that is backed up by Iran, Russia, India, Turkey and others. Though, they remain a secondary threat because of their weakening ranks and the increasing fear from the Taliban Movement which established its might, military wisdom and the support of Allah. And so, the struggle has now become almost confined between Taliban and Dostoum's Communist militias. The scholars of Afghanistan, particularly Sheikh Hakkani and Sheikh Younis Khalis, have given fatwas stating that fighting Dostoum is a Jihad between Muslims and atheist disbelievers, and that assisting Taliban by soul and money is an obligation. This was also supported by Sheikh Usama bin Ladin, the commander of the Arab Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

The latest battles have proved the genuineness of this view, especially the current accords held in the Northern fronts of Kabul, next to Dostoum's Communist colony.

In conclusion, it is evident from the reliable Mujahideen's reports in Afghanistan, that the Taliban Movement is an independent Islamic movement that strives for the application of Allah's Law and is not connected to any international regime or its agents in the region. Potentially, the Movement may represent a strong force that will restore the dignity of Afghanistan's Jihadi movement so that it will resume the role of liberating the Islamic lands from the atheistic, faithless American tyranny. Particularly, after the Mujahid Sheikh Usama bin Ladin declared war on the Crusade existence in the Arab region. However, this move is still weak from numerous aspects, especially noting that some of the Movement's leaders may be potentially hired to serve the politics of the White House in this strategic part of the world.

Hence, the assistance, support and admonition for the Movement is an Islamic obligation in order for them to surpass the conspiracies and afflictions, and for the Afghani ship to transit to the safety shore by Allah's Will.

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