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No Dialogue With Suspects

The History Police | 03.10.2001 12:45

J18, Seattle, Gothenburg, Genoa . . . all great occasions when the anti-capitalist movement rose up in a spirit of international solidarity to resist state oppression. But now it seems the days of direct action are numbered. All over Europe, the Trotskyist Bloc are calling the shots. Just who are the real police agents?

Since Genoa, the Trotskyist Bloc has conspired to hijack the anti-capitalist movement. Any form of direct action offends their bourgeois sensibilities that all protest should be lawful, even when the law is used to unjustly jail activists and abet police repression (as the white overalls discovered in Brighton!) The Trotskyists are frightened of spontaneous and independent protest: they want everyone travelling on pre-booked buses to pre-arranged events, carrying a party card and selling pseudo-revolutionary papers. And at the end of the day, when the police tell us to go home, everyone behaves like a good citizen and does just that.

In the past 2 months, the anti-capitalist coalition has completely fallen apart. Direct action advocates can no longer work with these people and their odious propaganda. The Trotskyists will deny this, but it is they who have organised to conspire against and drive out anyone who opposes their Soviet-style bureaucratic methods. The anarchists have been successfully stigmatised as either fascists or undercover cops. The white overalls have been either co-opted (the loathsome Casarini faction) or are routinely arrested at the behest of Trotskyist event organisers. Independent voices have been pushed to the margins, drowned out by repetitive Trotskyist chants. Now everyone marches under one flag - the red flag. Don't let this happen to the anti-capitalist movement. NO DIALOGUE WITH SUSPECTS, NO DIALOGUE WITH CUNTS - LONG LIVE THE SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL!!!

The History Police


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03.10.2001 12:56

Yes indeed . . . Lenin might be dead, but a foul odour continues to seep from his unburied corpse - the stench of repression, intolerance and thought control. I was in Liege for the big trade union demo on 21 September - it was completely dominated by the Che Guevara brigade, who prevented any activist from coming within a quarter of a mile of the police lines! Presumably, the Trots regard Che as the "acceptable face" of the Cuban revolution (you never see posters of Castro, or mentions that Cuba is a POLICE STATE). At best, this is recycling dead history, and at worst, it's an explicit endorsement of one-party dictatorship and secret police rule. Of course, the Trots will argue that "Cuba has the best hospitals in the Caribbean", and indeed it does, but then "Mussolini made the trains run on time". Isn't this the same argument? And wasn't Leon Trotsky the Soviet Commissar for War, so what the fuck is a bunch of Trots doing in a peace movement???

Anarchist Rioter

You're a bit late!

03.10.2001 13:16

You say:-

"Since Genoa, the Trotskyist Bloc has conspired to hijack the anti-capitalist movement."

Unfortunately you are well late in your realization - they hijacked the anti-capitalist movement years ago! In fact from their point of view they ARE the anti-capitalist movement.

Those of you who've just woken up to this fact should now be fully aware of your pitiful naivite. You're a bunch of sad losers! Pathetic cannon fodder for the dinosaur revolution that will never occur.


Yeah, whatever

03.10.2001 13:19

What the fuck is an "Anarchist Rioter" doing in the peace movemenr?



03.10.2001 21:49

What the hell is wrong with having a peaceful protest/direct action? What does this pointless violence acheive? It pushes people away, as your article seems to say. I just don't see what it acheives. "Yea, let's through a rock at a cop or a chair through a Mcdonalds window, that'll shake capatilism right at it's core. grrrr"


Anarchist Rioter Speaks

04.10.2001 09:10

The name "Anarchist Rioter" is a parody of "Socialist Worker". When I joined the struggle (many moons ago), I wanted a pseudonym that got people thinking - Anarchist Rioter is basically what the state wants us to be, and this is how it depicts us in the corporate media. For the record, I was at Genoa, but I have never actually participated in any violence. Perhaps this is because I believe in non-violent civil resistance as a morally superior alternative, and perhaps this is because I lack the bottle to get in with the really "hardcore". Oh and by the way, I wasn't anywhere near that McDonald's when it got trashed!

Love and Respect


Anarchist Rioter

The Enemy Within

04.10.2001 09:22

I agree with "informer" - the Trots have been around for a century and any notion of radical social change outside the capitalistic framework appears to be doomed - especially when you get a hundred "anti-capitalists" in a room and they tell you a hundred different things!

There is a very sinister side to the Trots' activities . . . they appear to legitimise the Soviet Union (without having the courage to say so), which persecuted millions of its Jewish citizens - in fact, I would say that the USSR was the second most anti-semitic state in history. The Trots also seem to hate Israel with a vengeance. Now as a Jew, I find this all rather offensive . . . don't these cretins realise that the policies of the USSR that made Israel necessary? It wasn't Hitler that European Jews were escaping from in 1948 (the German Jews were mostly dead) - it was Stalin!

Now Ariel Sharon may well be a war criminal - this is an indication perhaps of the parlous state of Israeli politics when such a man obtains power . . . but to support the current Palestinian leadership without reservation is unbelievably hypocritical. Arafat and his gang are no freedom fighters, but a loathsome crew of torturers and murderers. I suspect that many middle-class Trots (who have never set foot in the Middle East and know bugger all about its politics other than what they read in the Socialist Shirker) are probably closet Nazis.


bad poetry corner

04.10.2001 11:42

across the world the protests rise
more and more won't buy the lies
each demo's bigger than before
teamsters, Turtles, many more
diverse perspectives? yes, a range
united by the hope of change
corporate control's unmasked
rulers challenged, questions asked
so is it time the bosses ran?
not yet, for they still have a plan
their best technique, their oldest tool
it rarely fails.. divide, and rule.


public service announcement

04.10.2001 17:27

Do your mother a favour. Grow a moustache today.
