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Wombles beware! SWP / GR are coming in on you.

Uncle Ted | 03.10.2001 12:03

Just a couple of things you might want to know.

As well as the now open knowledge of information given to the police by G.R. regarding the WOMBLES at Brighton, i.e., that the W's were not part of the demonstration (and therefore the police were free to remove them, assisted with the happy complacency of G.R.'s stewards), it has now become quite clear that there is something afoot on the part of G.R. as regards their attitude to this particular group.
One prominent member of the SWP (and therefore, of course, G.R.) was overheard at Brighton asking if a certain person who is currently doing time for protesting, and who is being given support by G.R. (purely on the basis of the fact he is a union member, no doubt), is a Womble. You know who this would-be interrogator is - he represented A.T.A.C.
on the day the Wombles did their workshop at the A.C.I.. Are G.R. considering removing support for Wombles?
It has also become clear that a G.R. & SWP member has been enquiring of other G.R. members whether one of their friends who is involved in anti-capitalism but who has refused to join G.R. is in fact a Womble.
It may be the case that these admittedly small incidents are meaningless - my guess is that they are not - so this is just a message to all the wombles, and all anarchists - keep your eye on this lot. Perhaps they're a little afraid that you might steal their fire, or rather replace their illusion of fire with a real one.

Uncle Ted


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oh well that proves it!

03.10.2001 13:21

So let me see if I've got this; someone from GR allegedly asked whether someone else on the demo was a WOMBLE member, and that proves that GR are conspiring with the cops?


ANTI problem

03.10.2001 15:50

it is crucial to see what these clashing streams are for?
we all know what you are against ... that's fine ...



03.10.2001 21:42

Maybe GR are trying to gain some sort of general appeal and reduce the potential amount of pointless violence. Not that I'm accusing the wombles of anything like that, hehe


Nik take your head out of your arse !!

04.10.2001 11:22

We must make a stand together against those parasitic scumbags known as SWP & GR ....

Enough is Enough !


did the gate get crashed?

04.10.2001 13:21

so how many hundreds of thousands gatecrash the Labour Party on Sunday then?


W.H.A.T.T.H.E. F.U.C.K

04.10.2001 20:33

G.R., S.W.P., W.O.M.B.L.E.S., A.T.A.C, A.C.I.

Just a thought...

Disillusioned kid