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Show me the war - it looks like martial law in the US

Dorothy Anne Seese | 03.10.2001 01:33

Return to a free America.

Dorothy Anne Seese


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Martial Law

03.10.2001 10:45

This war is on the the G8 (NWO.) We in the UK were not and have never been the victims of Islamic Terrorists, in fact we've been randomly bombing innocent Iraqi's for over 10 years now. We have armed every government in the Third World AND the rebel factions, to terrorise each other. We dish out land-mines to maim and kill. We give weapons for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestine, but this is now just a legitimate part of ongoing the "War on Terrorism." We are entering a police State where ALL basic, fundemental civil rights will be suspended, for "our protection and security" from an imaginary enemy. OUR government is the enemy, they ARE the terrorists. Deny them their victory over us....


Remember the Reichstag!

03.10.2001 18:37

Hitler bombed his Reichstag then he started a war on communism.
He introduced the Enabling Laws and banned all Opposition.
History is repeating itself once more.



03.10.2001 20:27

Hey , it was the Russian army that took out the heart of berlin and the Russian army that discovered hitlers body , they were there first , not the Americans , or was it `let the Russians to the dirty bloody work and ''Sam takes the credit'?

Why is it the Americans always try and take the pats on the back from the real 'victors'?
I suppose when they don't deserve the credit they drop things like atomic bombs on countries like Nagasaki/Hiroshima to make some sort of point that they're big and powerful and above all...'cool'.


i agree with no-war

03.10.2001 23:00

I agree with no-war, the Russians pushed first into Berlin, took the heaviest losses and fought the hardest battles against Hitlers armies. What do they teach you in the USA ????


Please comment more on U.S. indymedia too.

03.10.2001 23:59

We need more enlightend people like yourselves commenting on the American indymedia sites. Desperately!



04.10.2001 00:14

Thank you for your heart rending account on the curbing of certain liberties in the U.S fo A. Yes America, the model of the "free", a free country who you may have forgotten was built by immigrants, who you like to refer to as aliens. only in the land of the free do they refer to people from other countries as "aliens", immigrants who should have left any personal beliefs or ideology on the boat before they stepped off... because in the land of the free we watch 52 channels of American Gladiators and have no time for things like social justice. No, that's an imported "alien" idea, given to us by Stalin. Yes in the land of the free we had to kill those (Sacco and Venzetti, Joe Hill) "aliens" who thought that by being in the land of the free that they were actually free.
Yes, you're against making immigrants legal (especially mexicans) but you have no qualms about nicking half mexican territory through war, and American multinationals sucking the life out of the rest of it through American adjustment plans.
Your lovely President is a Freemason, and men like him dominate the top echelons of American society. And you are surprised by his performance since the 11th. What did you expect from the village idiot. You are one of the few that expected anything from him, as most of Americans elegible to vote didn't even vote in the election that he didn't win.
Let you and the jingoists in power see your war and keep your eyes peeled becasuse then you might see a curbing of liberties, maybe even some collatoral damage, but in case they don't show the pictures and the free and open and uncensored news on CNN or NBC, well maybe have a look at the curbing of liberties in Chile under Pinochet, in Argentina, in Salvador, in Palestine (all supported by the big men in the land of the Free.
Hey watch out the U.N troops (russians) are outside pointing a gun at you. Shit you can't trust a commie.....


full of shit

29.07.2003 23:46

first off... the u.s. army didn't want to take berlin becouse it was already divided and givin to the russians....why waste amrican lives for land that was already givin to the russians? the u.s took over most of germany. the southern part of germnay was up for grabs...the us took the south part to spair it from the communists. if not for the u.s hitler could have worn down the u.k. to nothin. france would be german...and the german army would have been 2 times stronger then it was in the east. the german army had to send units from the east front to the west front because we were taking them out faster then the russians. let us not for get....we all were allies....yet the u.s. built and paided for the russian army, british, and china's armys. no country would have had the power to take on germany if not for the u.s. home front spittin out 200 tanks a day sent to every allie. who did germnay use their last big attack on? the u.s.. they used all they had and was thier last hope. took us a year to get to germany...took russia 3 years. russia was nothing but numbers, not power. we used our power to beat them everywhere...even in the russian army when they used our guns, plans and money. without us rassia would have lost. besides look what russia did to the countries it controled after ww2. they all went to hell and the living there was that the u.s. is helping...things are gettin better....thereal hero's of the war was the u.s. for our power and our help.

suck my dick
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29.07.2003 23:51

first off... the u.s. army didn't want to take berlin becouse it was already divided and givin to the russians....why waste amrican lives for land that was already givin to the russians? the u.s took over most of germany. the southern part of germnay was up for grabs...the us took the south part to spair it from the communists. if not for the u.s hitler could have worn down the u.k. to nothin. france would be german...and the german army would have been 2 times stronger then it was in the east. the german army had to send units from the east front to the west front because we were taking them out faster then the russians. let us not for get....we all were allies....yet the u.s. built and paided for the russian army, british, and china's armys. no country would have had the power to take on germany if not for the u.s. home front spittin out 200 tanks a day sent to every allie. who did germnay use their last big attack on? the u.s.. they used all they had and was thier last hope. took us a year to get to germany...took russia 3 years. russia was nothing but numbers, not power. we used our power to beat them everywhere...even in the russian army when they used our guns, plans and money. without us rassia would have lost. besides look what russia did to the countries it controled after ww2. they all went to hell and the living there was that the u.s. is helping...things are gettin better....thereal hero's of the war was the u.s. for our power and our help. and with out the u.s. bombing the german army would have beat the russians ass. thats why we went after the hartland the the capital.

suck it
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