Arthur Walmsley (AKA. TCM) | 02.10.2001 17:49
Is there any specific group set up to promote parecon as a viable alternative to a capitalist world of "free" markets. If not why not? There are enough (but can there ever be enough?) socialist/communist and anarchist groups but none offer a viable solution, other than violent revolution, to the present situation perhaps parecon might present this. We need a solution im personally a bit fed up of people like Naom Chomsky whinging on but not generatin a solution we need action!
Arthur Walmsley (AKA. TCM)
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Defending Chomsky
03.10.2001 00:09
You may not agree with everything he says, but give him his due - he has been one the world's most influential dissidents of the last 40 plus years. He has contributed massively to exposing the evils of capitalist tyranny and informing the anti-capitalist movement.
You can't come up with solutions until you fully understand the problems, right?
What parecon actually is
03.10.2001 00:38
The underlying values that parecon seeks to implement are equity, solidarity, diversity, and participatory self management.
The main institutional vehicles to attain these ends are council democracy, balanced job complexes, remuneration according to effort and sacrifice, and participatory planning.
It's a bit complicated to explain briefly, so check the website (a subsite of the excellent Z Net), there are several introductory articels, such as 'Socialism aas it was always meant to be'. For those of you with degrees in economics there are some very complicated books on it too (as well as easy ones for people like me).