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Protest at Menwith Hill 13th October

No Star Wars | 02.10.2001 14:31

Come and say NO to George W. Bush's STAR WARS
Saturday 13 October 2001 10am-4pm at the American base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate, North Yorkshire (a base crucial to the American Defence System)

No Star Wars
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October 13th Warning

02.10.2001 16:16

On September 11, 1990, "the new world [was] struggling to be born"; but, on September 11, 2001, exactly 11 years to the day later, a mighty blow was struck for the New World Order. This exact timing of 11 years later to the day after Bush [Senior] gave his historic New World Order speech, to the day the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, should tell you that this attack was a blow struck for the Kingdom of Antichrist [New World Order].

One interesting point of interest revolving around the Pentagon bombing of September 11, 2001, is that the cornerstone of the Pentagon was laid on September 11, 1941, thus making the attack exactly 60 years to the day after the cornerstone was laid! The number '6' to the occultist is a very important number, as it is the number of man, enlightened and perfected man.

This attack on 9/11/01 was clearly a blow struck at two of the most important symbols of America:

1). World Trade Center was the symbol of American Capitalism. Illuminists hate Capitalism, viewing it as extremely wasteful and not "sustainable" over the long term. They truly believe that, if Capitalism is not destroyed, Mother Gaia [Mother Earth] will begin a "cleansing action" that will wipe out all mankind. Thus, they believe that, when they take actions to eliminate Capitalism, and reduce the earth's population by two-thirds, (4 billion) they are acting "benevolently" and "compassionately".

2) The Pentagon was the symbol of American military might and her national sovereignty. By striking a blow against the Pentagon, the Illuminati was signaling that the time had come for that military might to be broken. We shall see this occur in stages very soon, in your Daily News.

The third symbol that was reported to be the target of the United Airlines' Flight #93 that crashed in Pennsylvania, was the White House. That plane highjacking was thwarted by the individual effort of brave men who were true patriots to the core. Todd Beamer discovered through a cell phone call that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had already been attacked, so they took matters into their own hands, to prevent the plane on which they were travelling from being used to attack another important target.

If the White House was supposed to be the third target, we can expect it to be hit again, for it is the symbol of American political authority and sovereignty. In this regard, we look with interest at October 13, 1792, because that was the historic date on which the White House cornerstone was laid.


does 209 years have an occult significance?

02.10.2001 22:10

well, i'll admit that im one for putting up a non-sequitor -making a point that may be worth considering in the 'wrong' place - which has the magical result of stopping the conversation.
is watcher saying that at the same time people will be gathering at menwith, the white house will suffer an attack - i can see that chaos theory may explain such a result. my own favourite theory about the downing of the 4th plane was that 'patriots' (one of those doubt-causing terms to us armchair anarcho - theorists) may not have been responsible - but rather that the 'success' of the other missions having been accomplished, it was ok for number 4 to be shot out of the sky by a fighter plane and thus avoid further destruction at this stage.
anyway all hail to the menwith hill protestors - the place plays a key role in the oncoming suppression and wargames - certainly a place to make the presence felt - and a symbol of the very dark centre of an america willing to self-immolate to achieve the endgame

dwight heet

Or if u can't go to menwith go to london

03.10.2001 09:16

Number madness aside there's also a london event:

March and rally peace & justice for all 13 October 2001

Assemble 12 noon in Hyde Park (Marble Arch end). March 1pm to Trafalgar Square for rally. Chaired by Carol Naughton, CND; speakers to include a representative from Al-Awda/PSC; Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Group on the GLA; Mark Seddon, Editor, Tribune; Alan Simpson MP. Other speakers to confirm.

The march takes place on the International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarisation of Space. Organised by CND with the co-operation of Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC). CND calls for support from all those opposed to further violence and military retaliation.

Further details from Press Officer Nigel Chamberlain on 020 7700 2350 or or Campaigns Officer Patrick van den Bulck on 020 7700 2393 or

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White Overalls Bloc - Saturday 13th October

08.10.2001 10:50

12 noon - Marble Arch end of Hyde Park

WOMBLES solidarity action against police repression and against the war


Join the White Overalls Block on the CND demonstration for PEACE AND JUSTICE FOR ALL:

Saturday October 13th,

12 noon - Marble Arch end of Hyde Park

We shall be wearing white overalls (no padding) and marching with the demonstration to its endpoint in Trafalgar Square.

We wear white overalls to represent the unknown “ghosts” of the world – the millions who have suffered in the fight for freedom and justice from tyranny: the dead and the living. We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers throughout the world on this INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST to stop the militarisation of space. We stand united in opposition to further violence and military retaliation.

tel: 07960 973 847

tel: (020) 7700 2393

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